The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2200: After you receive the order, go home imm

On the plateau, especially the Tibetan bosses in Luoxie City, they were very angry at Qiongpo Bangse's move of leading Houzang to betray Tubo and establish himself as king.

Especially the death of Tashi's inner minister, his old partner Nankan Norbu, he still has some regrets.

But the problem is that it was precisely because of his death that Nachungpo Pangse and other post-Tibetan officials were nailed to the pillar of shame as traitors.

In this way, he became the only remaining one of the three original auxiliary ministers.

However, the betrayal of Qiongpo Bangse and a group of post-Tibetan officials really caused him, the only remaining auxiliary minister, a headache.

Whether it is to quell the rebellion in the country or to stabilize the morale of the army, all affairs are concentrated in his hands.

Let him feel the pressure that he has never had before, and also have the happiness that he has never had before.

Moreover, since the Qiongpo Bangse rebellion, Tashi has been ordered in the face of danger and has become the new Tubo Dalun who replaced Qiongpo Bangse.

And Zhaxi Dalun also persuaded the three women that Jongpo Bangse's favorite thing to do was all kinds of assassinations, using poison and other dirty tricks.

For the safety of you three women, especially Zanpu at the young age, it is better to stay in the deep palace.

Just like now, Tashi Dalun sat behind a table placed on the right side of Zanpu's throne, and his eyes swept over the Tibetan servants with majesty.

Many of the courtiers who didn't agree with him were naturally listed as companions of the chaotic party such as Jongpo Bangse, and they were dismissed from office at the least, and thrown directly into prison at worst.

There are even some people's heads that have been hung at the gates of Naluosha City.

At this moment, looking at those Tubo officials who dare not look at each other, Tashi Dalun even had an illusion that he was Zanpu.

Fortunately, he is not so flustered yet, after all, loyal courtiers such as Tunmi Aru still hold a powerful army in their hands.

"Everyone, now that Jongpo Bangse is rebellious, after fleeing Luoxi City, he is still spreading rumors in the middle of the country, disturbing the public, and even criticizing the truth, all the ministers..."

The energetic voice of Tashi's speech echoed in the hall, and Tubo's important ministers, such as Tunmi Alu, could only listen in silence.

The final order issued by Tashi Dalun is that the Hou-Tibet faction in Tubo has either been wiped out or fled to Tibet.

Now, the imperial court must take a firm attitude and mobilize a large army to crusade against the rebels.

The blood hidden behind should be used to let the people on the plateau understand. Anyone who dares to betray Tubo will have to pay the heaviest price.


Tashi Dalun's proposal was unsurprisingly supported by the ministers, after reporting to the three women and getting permission.

Luoxi City began to deploy troops and generals, preparing to build a big one, and when Tashi Dalun began to choose a suitable commander from among a group of military officials.

The envoy of the Dudu's Mansion of Yaozhou in the Tang Dynasty came to Luoxie City again.

And the letter brought by the envoy of the Tang Dynasty made the Tubo officials in the city dumbfounded.

When they wanted to send troops to crusade against Houzang. The Governor's Mansion of Yaozhou in the Tang Dynasty asked the Tubo Kingdom not to allow the Tibetans under the Tang Dynasty to fight for the sake of the peace and harmony of the plateau.

Tashi Dalun looked at the letter with a dark face, and saw that it was stamped with the seal of the Governor's Mansion of Yaozhou in the Tang Dynasty.

Raising his head abruptly, those angry and unbelievable eyeballs stared fixedly at the rich man in front of him.

Seeing Tashi Dalun's eyes full of murderous intent, Master Hu closed his eyes as if he was dying. "Ah, what? It's not like Cheng doesn't give money."

Cheng Chubi glared at the **** unwillingly, and took out a solid silver ingot from his bosom.

"This quantity is enough to buy three or four sheep. Take it, and still do nothing, quickly bring me two sheep."

"...Since it's Cheng Taichang who wants it, how dare our family take money? Just take the sheep with you."

Cheng Chubi bulged his eyeballs with displeasure and shouted.

"If you are told to hold it, you can hold it. Someone Cheng would not dare to steal His Majesty's property."

Cheng Chubi still knows this point well, these things are too eye-catching, and there must be no excuses left.

This is different from Fang Zhu, that thing is Uncle Li's own private play, and it cannot be calculated with money.

I did it quietly, anyway, it is impossible for Uncle Li to squat in the broken bamboo forest every day to catch himself.

Thinking of this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help being secretly proud, silently praising his ingenuity.

The **** in charge stared blankly at the silver ingot in his hand, and at Cheng Taichang leading a live sheep away triumphantly.

After walking not far, Cheng Taichang came back again and handed over a large ingot of silver.

"You can buy me three or five ewes later, the ones with milk, understand?"

The **** in charge was immediately stunned and muttered for a long time.

"Do you have mother's?"

What he said was too vulgar, and Cheng Chubi had no choice but to correct this **** in charge who had problems with his three views.

"I said, father-in-law, please be serious. What Cheng wants is the kind of sheep that has just given birth to a lamb and can produce milk."

"Yes, yes, our family will ask people to go down the mountain to find a place to buy..."


The sheep was brought back, treated well, the skin was burned, and cooking started, although Cheng Chubi was a little tired.

But the problem is, I have already agreed with Niu Weituo that if the other party borrows armor, I will give back with delicious food.

It can't be that they can't hunt pigs, and they don't even give them food after a good meal. In that day, there will be people who don't want to borrow armor.

I'm still waiting to go back and brush the Jiucheng Palace wild boar boss, of course it's not the epic boss that only lies in the Great Treasure Hall.

Cheng Chubi felt that if he really wanted to brush that one, he would be able to trigger this epic difficulty task unless he held high the banner that the sky is dead and Huang Tian should stand.

However, Cheng Chubi felt that in a peaceful age like the prosperous Tang Dynasty, if he did this, it would be a crime against the Chinese nation.

At most, just brush up on Fang Zhu by his side, take advantage of him and have a good and also have a sense of accomplishment.


Niu Weituo had just returned to the Zuowei camp, and a group of friends surrounded him in an instant, asking about their experiences.

Although Niu Weituo's surname is Niu, it doesn't mean that he is a braggart, he just told the truth.

But still heard that a group of Zuo Wei elites were red-eyed and green-eyed with jealousy.

"Damn, how did Cheng Taichang have such good luck, go out and get a wild boar, and he can save His Majesty."

"Yes, yes, a few days ago, I rushed out of the camp to catch the cicada monkey, and even scared away those Turkic people who wanted to attack at night."

"This is simply not giving us left guards a way to survive for our meritorious service."

Just as a group of people were waiting non-stop, someone came to report that Cheng Sanlang's relatives had rushed over with Cheng Fa.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :