The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2270: Xu Jingzong, 1 of the 18 Bachelors of th

Hearing His Majesty's words, Li Yifu was overjoyed. It seemed that he had guessed correctly.

Nine times out of ten, His Majesty wanted to beat the old Cheng family, or beat the Cheng Saburo who was scolded by the Censor's team every day.

"Your Majesty, no matter how good the literary talent is, it is still only a small way. Since this minister is to supervise the imperial censor, he has the important responsibility of inspecting the hundreds of officials."

"Since I joined the imperial censor, I have been conscientious and conscientious, and I am afraid that I may have missed something in my actions and will be indebted to the mighty emperor..."

"And since that Xiao Cheng Taibao joined Luoyang Ling, it is quite common for him to arrive late and leave early. Even during his duty, he was idle, playing in the market, disregarding the heavy entrustment entrusted by His Majesty..."

Looking at Li Jian who turned on the troll mode with a righteous expression on his face.

Li Shimin smiled reassuringly, alright, worthy of being a loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty, although Cheng Sanlang was not as exaggerated as they described.

But Datang can have such a group of censors who are not afraid of things, and even the old Cheng family dares to provoke them.

"Well... Okay, that kid Cheng Saburo, there are indeed some mistakes, and I have already told him personally."

"Today, I called you here because I saw your bravery and courage without fear of power."

Seeing that His Majesty raised his finger and pointed at him, and praised his actions, Li Yifu was almost mad with joy in his heart.

His Majesty can appreciate himself, it seems that he has finally waited for the chance to drop the pie from the sky,

Fortunately, Li Yifu pinched his thighs several times, almost twisting the bottom of his leg, and only then did he control the corners of his mouth from rising too exaggeratedly.

With a face of justice and awe, he bowed to His Majesty. "The minister has no other thoughts, but is loyal to Your Majesty."

"Okay! This is my love." Li Shimin let out a hearty laugh.

He casually picked up a hand edict on the table, and gave Zhao Kun a wink on the side.


Zhao Kun strode forward, and after receiving the edict, he came to Li Yifu and handed it over.

Li Yifu seemed a little terrified, and he took it with both hands excitedly, and looked at the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yifu took a deep breath and controlled his emotions only when he saw the other party smiling and gesturing for him to look at the hand edict.

He slowly opened the edict, which should have been written by His Majesty.

As soon as his eyes were swept away, the expression on Li Yifu's face instantly became petrified, and his eyeballs seemed to be like the bridge piers that slowly rose in the Luoshui River in the dry season of winter.

Seeing the appearance of Li Yifu, the unpleasant emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, was very pleased with the little surprise he brought to his loyal ministers.

At this moment, Li Yifu's mind was already a mess.

What the **** is this special Luoyang county boss? Lao Tzu is a dignified censor of supervision, a censor with a low rank and a high weight.

Your Majesty, what kind of monster are you making? It's hard to believe that it's because you impeached that Cheng Saburo too ruthlessly.

His Majesty has malicious intentions towards himself, and he deliberately made such a move, just to give himself to his beloved son-in-law and let the notorious Cheng Saburo kill him?

After Li Yifu was shocked for a few breaths, he finally came back to his senses. He really wanted to lunge and lunge into the stables deep in the palace to find a slot and lie down on the bed ruthlessly.

Raising his head, seeing His Majesty's slightly narrow smile, Li Yifu's eyes immediately became wet.

"Hey, I said Li Qing, why, Qing doesn't seem very happy with my arrangement."

Homeopathy and Wu Meiniang complained about the use of the 1.4 million books, and Bai Kuai owed a cost.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's appearance, the distressed Wu Meiniang wanted to raise her hand to smooth his frown.

As an excellent and intelligent woman, Wu Meiniang began to think about how to make the bookstore that cannot print the Four Books and Five Classics run as soon as possible and earn money.

In order to ease Cheng Saburo's sorrow, Wu Meiniang's eyes suddenly lit up as her thoughts twitched.

"Actually, I think it's okay if you don't print books, third brother. In fact, you can also print some other things..."

"something else?"

"Yes, during this time, the day of the imperial examination is getting closer and closer, even in the palace, everyone is talking about the imperial examination, and the concubines are all talking about the poems or articles of the past emperors... …”

"Mei Niang thought, since third brother, your bookstore can arrange text at will, why not start with those scholars who have gathered from all over the world?"

"Specially prints some pamphlets, and collects the articles and poems of those who have been among the best in the imperial examinations. In addition, there is third brother, your "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which can actually be printed out..."

Cheng Chubi stared blankly at this charming and charming girl, watching her confidently speaking in a coherent manner.

darling, this is another woman in historical time and space

Your Majesty, this brain is really not comparable to ordinary people.

After Wu Meiniang talked about her ideas incessantly, she looked up and saw Cheng Sanlang staring straight at her.

Those eyes were as sharp as two big scorching hands, making Wu Meiniang feel ashamed, and she couldn't help but say angrily. "Third brother, what are you staring at?"

"We'll have to wait another three years..." Cheng Chubi couldn't help looking at the charming and charming girl in front of him with a bit of melancholy, and muttered.

In the next second, Cheng Chubi saw Wu Meiniang subconsciously pick up the wooden inkstone on the but she still blushed and put it back reservedly, shyly beside Cheng Cheng. Saburo, the disciple, glanced at him and walked away quickly.

Looking at Wu Meiniang's arrogant back, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but glance at the inkstone. Could it be that this girl is also looking forward to the passing of three years?


I have to say what Wu Meiniang just said was like opening a window for Cheng Sanlang.

The point of view she provided made Cheng Chubi think of the newspapers and magazines of later generations before the prosperity of online media.

Don't these things depend on timeliness and copying hot topics? Think about the master of martial arts novels, Mr. Jin, who just relied on a pen to prop up Ming Pao.

In fact, he can also run a newspaper, even if he does not have the talent of Teacher Jin, but he can use a similar method.

For example, divide the book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" into each chapter, and then add all kinds of news about the imperial examinations that are most concerned by those who are studying in Chang'an.

Of course, it is also indispensable. You can also talk about the various government affairs of the Tang Dynasty and tout it for the court...

Or, the huge sensation caused by the prince's entry into the city was written into a reportage-like thing.

The more Cheng Chubi thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, so he simply picked up a quill and began to record his thoughts and ideas one by one.

Seeing that the third son was there while hehe hehe while writing a book, I thought of the girl just now with red cheeks and flushed cheeks.

Tsk tsk... Nine times out of ten, what Third Young Master is writing won't be too serious.