The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2367: With his hips on his hips, the phantom o

Chapter 2374 With his waist akimbo, the phantom of the emperor laughing wildly (please subscribe and ask for tickets)

If it weren't for the official status and titles that restrain them, they would really be the status of ordinary people.

This is a completely arrogant and unreasonable criminal gang that wants to **** any good baby.

It's really too late to let those old **** get away with it. As the emperor, I'm always ashamed to knock on doors from door to door to beg for a good Frankish horse, right?

Li Shimin, who originally wanted to continue walking slowly, yelled.

Let the horse under his command, who had run outside the city and was sweating and raining, raise its hooves again, and gallop towards the Duke of Wei's mansion.

Li Jing also had dark lines on his face, slapping his tail in a ponytail, while gnashing his teeth, he knew that these **** were so bold.

When I should enter the palace today, I should send all the good Frankish horses into the palace, and see if these gangsters dare to rob the palace.

When they got outside the gate of the mansion, they saw the guards from various mansions laughing and bragging outside the gate of Duke Wei's mansion.

Li Shimin's face darkened, well, all the people who shouldn't have come have come, and none of these guys can worry.


At this moment, in the open space of the Martial Arts Field of the Duke of Wei's Mansion full of Frankish horses, a group of great Tang military officials, one with two green eyes.

I can't put it down to touch this one, pat that paw, the smile on my face looks so greedy.

After all, everyone has been a warrior for many years. It is very clear how important it is for a general who will capture the flag to have a horse that is both powerful and impactful.

At this moment, the black-faced Yu Chigong was standing in front of a white horse, smiling and stroking the very tall and strong white horse.

That expression, I'm afraid his own mother-in-law is not so affectionate, and even all of you are not much better.

Even Qin Qiong, who felt ashamed and unwilling to come here at first, was looking at a yellow horse with an infatuated look at the moment, and gently stroking the yellow horse's neck with his hand.

Muttering in his mouth, he didn't know what he was talking about. It seemed that Qin Qiong was very obsessed with yellow things, and it was true. No wonder Qin Qiong's mount in Tang Romance was a yellow puma.

Cheng Chubi was squatting with a group of friends, looking at these elders, after all, everyone is a junior, since the elders have already stepped forward to be villains.

Naturally, there is no need for me and others to have fun, and I am as quiet as a chicken to be a good tiger or something, so it is not easy to be impeached by the imperial censor and hated by the military **** of the Tang Dynasty.

A group of military ministers picked up the good-looking Frankish horse, and discussed in a low voice for a while how everyone should start, oh no, it should be how to say that Li Jing should be more generous, so that the brothers can have fun .

At this moment, Zhao Kun rushed into the backyard, saw that Tang Wuxun's important ministers and Wuxun's disciples were all there, and quickly raised his voice and shouted vigorously.

"His Majesty is here!"

"What?!" Cheng Yaojin, who was circling around a maroon Frankish horse at the moment, couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

Not only him, but all the dignified military officials of the Tang Dynasty who were about to do some unscrupulous things were all dumbfounded. what? His Majesty actually came?

At the moment when these military ministers, father and son were all stunned, the panting Emperor Datang slowly entered the courtyard.

Li Shimin's eyelids couldn't help twitching wildly when he saw the group of martial arts ministers who were petting the horses or impatiently climbed onto the horses.

See who are they? All the robbery came to Li Laoaiqing's house.

Cheng Yaojin hurriedly left the bay red horse that had been ordered by default, stepped forward quickly and saluted Li Shimin with a smile.

"Oh, old Cheng sees Your Majesty, I'll wait to hear that Erlang from Li Weigong's family has returned from thousands of miles.

Today, I specially came here to see my nephew for virtue awards, and by the way, to see the good horse that my nephew brought from thousands of miles away. I didn't expect that His Majesty would also come to join in the fun. "

Cheng Yaojin had just uttered these words, when Li Jing, who was walking slowly into the courtyard with the support of his own son Li Deju, with a cane, laughed.

It's just that his smile doesn't look happy, and his eyes are cold, like two knives, he really wants to pierce the thick skin of these old soldiers.

"It's really a coincidence that you all came here. Today, when I entered the palace, I have already expressed my feelings to His Majesty with Quan Zi. Quan Zi has already decided to dedicate all these Frankish horses brought back from the Far West to His Majesty."

"That's right, I just picked two horses out of the city to test the legs of this good Frankish horse. I just came back, and I didn't expect that the gentlemen came here to see what's new, hahaha..."

Amidst Li Shimin's hearty laughter, all the important officials of Tang Wuxun who had already harbored malicious intentions were all dumbfounded.

As for the disciples of Wu Xun, they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Li Qi couldn't help but put his elbow against Li Zhen who was beside him and muttered in a low voice.

"Brother, what should we do now? Yesterday was a trick you came up with, brother, but it turned out..."

Li Zhen spread his hands helplessly, pointing to Li Kedao who was standing aside.

"I don't know whether your Majesty will come or not, brother Wei De, his own son, doesn't know, so can I still know?"


Yes, yesterday, everyone appreciated the vigor and heroism of the Frankish horse, and at that moment, the hearts of these martial arts disciples were already thrilled.

But the problem is that Li Deju said from the very beginning that for the sake of Datang's iron cavalry becoming more powerful and mighty, these good treasures are to be dedicated to the imperial court.

In addition, Li Jing, the elder, has already wobbled over.

Naturally, everyone was not too embarrassed to do it, after all, Li Jing, the elder, is the military **** of the Tang Dynasty, and he has a lot of prestige.

If my own father broke the military law, he would be punished by this man, not to mention my juniors.

After much deliberation, Li Zhen, who inherited his father Li Ji's bad stomach, came up with a plan to play hard to After returning home, he encouraged his own fathers to join the battle. The elders who are thicker than themselves and others come forward.

The success rate must be greatly increased, and the elders of each family are not kind, so naturally they are very clear about their own son's plans.

In the spirit of having such a good treasure, one is also a good one, and two is also a good one, so he rushed over along the way.

But no one expected that His Majesty would join hands with Li Jing to play together, leaving no room for everyone to interrupt.

He directly determined the whereabouts of the hundred or so Frankish horses.

The group of people seemed to see Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, behind the solemn expression, was a phantom who was triumphantly crossing his hips and laughing wildly.

"Everyone, what are you doing in a daze, come and walk with me, and I just happen to listen to your comments on these good Frankish horses."
