The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2468: There is also the lower three unmentiona

Before this, Li Chengqian, a stripped and meaty prince, had been squatting quietly in Chang'an to raise his fat.

There are only a few auxiliary ministers around, especially after the Tang Dynasty moved its capital to Luoyang, the political and economic center of the Tang Dynasty shifted.

Even the pastoral supervisors who were originally scattered all over Guanzhong migrated in large numbers, which gradually reduced the necessity for Li Chengqian to stay in Chang'an.

And just a few days ago, His Majesty's brother-in-law, General Chai Shaochai, who suffered from long-term chronic constipation and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, was appointed by His Majesty to stay in Xijing.

Going to Chang'an to take up his post, thinking about it, Chai Shao should have arrived in Chang'an by now.

In exchange for the lonely and cold His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, return to the new political and economic center of the Tang Dynasty: Luoyang.

And the arrival of the crown prince Li Chengqian will inevitably bring back the youngest Fang Erlang Fang Yiai, who is the most simple and honest in the Yao Mozi trio.

Thinking of the reunion of the former poker trio in the imperial medical office, Li Ke couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Chu Bi, now you have become the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple again, presiding over the work of the Taichang Medical Office.

Looking back, when Fang Erlang arrived in Luoyang, our brothers had to take a stroll in the Imperial Medical Office. "

Hearing Li Ke's words, Cheng Sanlang nodded in agreement, his expression full of memories of the past.

"Don't worry, it's natural. I haven't played cards in the Imperial Medical Office for a long time. I really like the atmosphere inside where no one disturbs, and we brothers can play cards quietly..."


All the preparatory work for the "Luoyang Xunbao" of the Tang Dynasty has long been over, and all kinds of materials are ready, but now, it is necessary to wait for an opportunity.

That is, an explosive big news is needed, so that the purchase desire of the people in Luoyang can be detonated in the first place.

In this way, the name of "Luoyang Xunbao" can be launched in the first place, so that "Luoyang Xunbao" can advance side by side with that "Chang'an Xunbao" as soon as possible.

Thus continuing to maintain the absolute control of the Hantang Commercial Bank Newspaper Group over this industry.

Thanks to the strict secrecy system of the Jinyang Book Printing House, and the resistance of the printing houses of the great families of the Tang Dynasty to new technologies.

This also led to the movable type printing technique developed by Cheng Chubi, which is still a unique skill.

But there is one thing, that is, with the dumping of a large number of high-quality and cheap paper products from the Chengjia Paper Group.

Great changes have already taken place in the paper industry of the entire Tang Dynasty. Although high-end products such as Xuan paper and Shu paper are still very strong, these are originally similar to luxury goods consumed by gentlemen.

However, many poor scholars who could not afford paper finally had access to high-quality and cheap reading and writing paper after the appearance of Chengjia paper.

Especially with the influx of toilet paper from Chengjia Paper into the market, ordinary people began to have a new understanding of this paper, one of the four treasures of the study.

From the day when ordinary people in Luoyang, Chang'an and other super-large cities of the Tang Dynasty can buy a tael of toilet paper with a single Zhenguan Tongbao.

Toilet paper, at a rapid pace, has become a favorite sanitary and cleaning paper product for everyone from the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to ordinary people.

This thing is very light and easy to carry, the most important thing is that it is soft in texture, strong in water absorption, and has a certain degree of toughness.

You don’t need to wipe your mouth after a meal, or go to the latrine to wipe your buttocks, both are your best choices. Throw it away after use, without any psychological burden.

In the past, those families with mediocre conditions were not much better at best, or worse at worst, and they were better than those poor people who wiped their backs with stones and bricks.

When going out, I want to relieve myself, but I don't want my tender chrysanthemum to be tempered by rough things such as stones, bricks, leaves, or hemp ropes.

There must be a piece of cloth or silk specially used for wiping buttocks. What should I do after I use it up? Hehe, of course I took it, took it to wash it well, dried it, put it in my arms, and waited for the next time to use it.

However, in case something unexpected happens one day, and you go out and go crazy repeatedly, this is not within the scope of consideration.

In short, after wiping and putting it on the body, generally speaking, no one is very happy. What if some careless people take out the wrong cloth in the wrong pocket after eating?

However, with the toilet paper produced by Cheng's Paper Group, it is of high quality and low price, and you can throw it away after use, without feeling any heartache for wasting it.

It fundamentally eliminates the possibility of paying attention to the fault tolerance rate.

In addition, since this kind of toilet paper appeared in the world, papermaking workshops all over Datang suddenly saw business opportunities.

After all, compared with making writing paper for scholars, the cost of this kind of toilet paper is quite low, and the raw materials are not too particular.

As a result, toilet paper has emerged in various parts of Datang, but after all, the toilet paper produced by Chengjia Paper after repeated trials and tests is more popular.

Even those civil servants who were enemies with the old Cheng family were all swearing at the Cheng family while wiping their mouths with toilet paper from Cheng's Paper.


Kong Yingda finally stepped out of the hut, and stood outside the hut with a very depressed expression, looking up at the sky.

As we grow older, as the climate gets colder and drier in winter, the air becomes drier. In winter, there are not many fresh fruits and vegetables.

As a result, every time Kong Yingda came to this time, he felt that his constipation was getting worse.

But fortunately, it is still within the range that he can bear. Anyway, if he kills himself, it is absolutely impossible for Cheng Sanlang to come to cure him of this hidden disease.

Think about it, but all the important ministers who have been cured by Cheng Sanlang, a notorious demon moth, have been cured of the lower three roads.

Soon after, specious rumors appeared, and UU reading was widely spread in the streets and alleys.

Think about General Chai Shaochai, think about the Changsun officials, think about His Royal Highness King Wei...

Every dignitary and nobleman who had been ruled by Cheng Sanlang, when he mentioned that kid, he wanted to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

Although he cured your obsession, the spiritual creation left to you will be difficult to make up for in a lifetime.

What's important is that these rumors are divided into levels, and those about General Chai Shao are all vague.

As for the official department of the eldest grandson, it should be described clearly and realistically.

As for the Li Tai who offended Cheng Sanlang to death, the current king of Donglai County is in the process of curing his illness, tsk tsk...

All kinds of gossip and gossip are gathered together, enough to write a frightening horror storybook.

So, letting Cheng Sanlang to treat him, Kong Yingda felt that his reputation as a well-known and learned scholar was probably more complete than that of the king of Donglai County.