The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2519: No one is 10,000,200, how dare you call

Hearing the old man muttering in a low voice, Cheng Sanlang continued to count cooperatively.

"Yes, one hundred thousand taels a year, one hundred and one million taels, ten million taels in a hundred years, ten million taels in a thousand years.

After all, it is Jinshan. No one is ten million taels. How dare you call it Jinshan? "

"Moreover, there are not only gold mountains, but also silver mountains, and the silver reserves of silver mountains are dozens of times that of gold mountains."

"...count, tens of times."

Li Shimin fell into a trance again, but this time, Li Mingda, who was wearing a small padded jacket, stepped forward in time.

He helped his father, let him sit in front of the table, picked up the tea, and fed his father slowly to prevent his father from really smoking.

After Li Shimin grinned at his own daughter, he stared blankly at the standing there. At this moment, it was no longer glittering with gold, but a good son-in-law who seemed to be inlaid with gold and silver.

One ten million taels of gold is one hundred million guan, and silver with dozens of times the reserves must have hundreds of millions of guan...

How much was Datang's tax revenue last year? It seems to be less than four million.

And the gold and silver on that Huangniao Island alone are worth hundreds of millions of guan, isn't that equivalent to the sum of the taxes of the Great Tang Dynasty for a hundred years?

"...Third brother, is it true or not?" Li Zhi on the side couldn't help but asked Li Ke beside him in a low voice.

Li Ke laughed aloud, and said to the ninth brother with an expression of holding a wisdom pearl.

"If it wasn't true, Cheng Sanlang would have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor now. Do you think he dares to joke about such a thing?"

Li Zhi looked over there, and Cheng Sanlang, who had already sat down, still seemed to be in high spirits, couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"...Well, this Han and Tang firm is really lucky, right?"

Hearing this, Li Ke smiled meaningfully. Is Hantang Commercial Bank too lucky? hehe…

That also depends on who is at the helm of the Han and Tang Commercial Bank. The so-called Yellow Bird Island was originally designated by Cheng Sanlang. Is it okay to insist on a place with treasure?

The reason why everyone is willing to believe in Cheng Sanlang is because he has a mouth like a golden crow.

But wherever he says there are good treasures, as long as you listen to him, you will be able to find them.

It's just that there is no need for Li Zhi, a little baby, to know about such things. After all, Li Ke also knows very well that this adult ninth brother is not a simple person.

Until he regained his senses, Li Shimin looked at Cheng Sanlang with burning eyes.

"Is there evidence?"

"My father-in-law, last night, the first batch of one hundred thousand taels of gold was brought back from Huangniao Island.

Having already disembarked at the wharf, he stopped in the warehouse of Hantang Commercial Bank at Luodong Wharf. "

"Since that's the case, seeing is believing. Erlang, are you interested in taking a look with me?"

Li Yuan walked up and down with a smile, and asked Li Shimin.


Empress Changsun and Li Mingda stayed behind, while Li Zhi continued to follow the team brazenly and went together.

Cheng Chubi didn't care, after all, this is the father-in-law's own son, and it's not appropriate for the father-in-law to drive him away if he doesn't speak.

Of course, there are not only mountains of gold on Huangniao Island, but also mountains of silver, which is really not bragging.

It's just that Cheng Chubi is indeed bragging about the reserves of gold and silver.

But the problem is that only he knows about bragging, and others don't.

After all, even if one hundred thousand taels of gold is mined a year, not to mention three or five hundred years, even if it is thirty or fifty years, there will definitely be no problem.

After all, the Sado Gold Mountain has been mined for hundreds of years in later generations, and it must cost a thousand catties every year.

As for the silver reserves on Sado Island, Cheng Chubi was confident that he was definitely not fooling around.

The reason why he remembers it so clearly is that it has to be mentioned that the country of Wa, who lived a good life, still wants to list the Jinshan of Sado Island as an object of application for world heritage in later generations.

Such a move naturally angered a group of passionate young people, and it was at that time that Cheng Chubi began to search for gold and silver mineral information in the Wa Kingdom.

Only then did I discover to my astonishment that the originally small Japanese island had a lot of gold and silver minerals.

What's more, the most important thing now is to use the greatest benefits to lure the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Let him recognize this incident, willingly bring the Yellow Bird Island into Datang's broad embrace, and confirm the international practice of first come, first served.

In the future, we will be able to lay a solid foundation for the Han and Tang Dynasties to acquire more good treasures and discover more territories.

Today, Luoyang City is very lively, and pedestrians outside the city naturally become relatively rare. After leaving the city, the speed of the team has become much faster.

Luodong Wharf is the largest wharf in the suburbs of Luoyang City, handling a huge amount of goods every day.

And after Cheng Luoyang's remodeling of the entire plan, it looked much more orderly than before.

Especially the rows of brand new big houses near the dock area, which are dock warehouses specially used to store goods.

The Han and Tang Commercial Bank rented nearly one-third of the warehouse, and within a short time, the team came to the most heavily guarded warehouse.

Those who are in charge of guarding here are the elite soldiers sent by each family and government. After all, it is one hundred thousand taels of gold.


In the warehouse, all the idlers had already left. At this moment, Deng Xinxin quickly opened the locks on the neatly arranged boxes one by one.

And Cheng Sanlang followed closely behind, picking up and lifting with his big hands, the box of golden bars directly dazzled everyone's eyes.

Box after box, box after box, every time Cheng Sanlang opened a box, the entire Li family would squint their eyes subconsciously.

Even the old and young Li's family are well-informed people, but they have never seen such a simple and rude way to show off gold.

One hundred boxes, all of which were opened by Cheng, revealing the golden bars inside.

Seeing the eyes of the four members of the old Li's family gleaming and dumbfounded, even at the end, they all came up to him and picked up strips of gold bars in their hands.

They pretended to look at these gold bars one by one, as if they were professional appraisal masters.

Cheng Chubi waved his hands triumphantly, with a sense of accomplishment.

"A box of one hundred catties, there are a total of one hundred boxes here, a total of one hundred thousand taels of gold..."

"This is just about a year's worth of mining. As for the reason why silver hasn't been mined, it's mainly due to lack of manpower."

"Otherwise, at least hundreds of thousands of taels of silver can be placed here."

With a grunt, Cheng Chubi heard several swallows of saliva, and then heard the old man's obviously masked cough.

From the looks of it, the old man was also among those who were so greedy to swallow their saliva just now.