The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2536: 6 younger brother is not guilty of death

Yes, historically, why did Li Shimin choose Li Zhi instead of Li Tai's succession to the throne.

Because Li Shimin chopped up his own brother and younger brother, he was very afraid in his heart that his own tragedy would be repeated in his own son.

And after Li Chengqian, the thin-dressed prince in that historical time and space, was abolished, Li Tai, His Royal Highness King Wei who was fat for all to see whether he wore clothes or not.

He spoiled his own father, claiming that if he could inherit the great lineage, he would chop off his own son after a hundred years.

Then the emperor's position was passed on to his younger brother Li Zhi. In a short time, Li Jing hurried out of the house, and the carriage was already prepared at the door.

After Li Jing boarded the carriage with the dying messenger, he was urged.

The carriage galloped quickly, heading towards the palace...

At this moment, Li Shimin is sitting in the hall of Ganlu. Fang Xuanling, Yu Shinan, Ma Zhou and others also played to Li Shimin the situation of the Tang Dynasty's spring ploughing today.

"Since this spring, Guanzhong, Jinyang, and Zhuozhou have seen significantly less rain than in previous years, which is very unfavorable for spring farming."

"It involves more than 70 counties in 15 prefectures, and 340,000 households with a population of more than two million."

"And Jiangnan..."

Listening to the report from Fang Xuanling and others, Li Shimin's face became more and more solemn. After thinking for a long time, he said solemnly.

"It is best to raise money and food for disaster relief in various places in advance to avoid causing civil unrest. If it is not enough, it can be transferred from the warehouses in Chang'an and Luoyang."

"As for the original conquest of Gaochang, we will put it on hold for the time being, and first focus on appeasing the people's livelihood."

"Your Majesty Shengming..." Several ministers fell to the ground one after another, bowing respectfully to this wise and wise man of Great Tang, who loved his people like a son.

Li Shimin couldn't help but smile bitterly and waved his hand.

"Hey... I have no choice but to let that Gaochang's Qu Wentai be arrogant for a while."

"It's a pity, although my Tang Dynasty is rich all over the world, but I have the worry of lack of food every year. Now the imperial court urges farming, but it is difficult to increase the yield per mu."

Hearing Li Shimin's complaint, Fang Xuanling and others were also a little helpless, but they were helpless.

After all, the increase in yield per mu cannot solve this problem by just turning their heads.

Nowadays, the most important thing in the counties of the Tang Dynasty is to ensure spring ploughing. However, since the beginning of the previous dynasty, the output per mu is as much as in the former dynasty and as much as in the current dynasty.

People take food as the sky and grow food. This is a major national policy, which has been in the past dynasties.

I don't know how many officials and talents who are familiar with farming are racking their brains to find ways to increase production and income, but all have little success.

What's more, when natural disasters come, there are no harvests, which have happened from time to time in the 20 years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Fortunately, the court was able to transfer money and grain in time to avoid people's revolt.

But even so, there will still be a large number of people whose families have been destroyed and displaced due to disasters.


An **** walked into the back of the Nectar Palace a little recklessly, and bowed respectfully to Li Shimin, whose brows were already wrinkled, and said with sincerity and fear.

"Your Majesty, Duke Wei has an urgent matter. I asked to see His Majesty, saying that there was great news from the Jiaozhou Governor's Office."

"The great news from the Jiaozhou Governor's Mansion?" Several important officials couldn't help but look at each other in confusion.

The first reaction was that, nine times out of ten, the governor of Jiaozhou had a fight with someone and won...

Yu Shinan stroked his long beard, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and whispered towards Ma Zhou who was beside him.

"I remember that Gu Da, the governor of Jiaozhou, seems to be Li Weigong's former family."

"It seems that I, Tang Wuben, have made a new contribution..." Ma Zhou shook his head in disbelief.

Li Shimin listened to the comments of these important officials, and it was undeniable that he also had the same idea.

"Hurry up please... I also want to know what kind of good news."

Li Jing took a deep breath and looked at the messenger standing beside him who looked nervous.

After comforting him with a few words of kindness, he saw Zhao Kun striding out of the hall and bowing to him.

"The last will see Duke Wei, Your Majesty has a request..."

Li Jing nodded slightly towards Zhao Kun and led the messenger in.

Entering the hall, after nodding to Yu, Fang, and Ma, they bowed respectfully to His Majesty.

He was held by Li Shimin, who stood up and walked around the desk. "You don't need to be too polite, I don't know what kind of good news came from Jiaozhou?"

"Your Majesty, the 400-mu three-season rice in the Jiaozhou Governor's Mansion will be harvested in mid-February.

The governor of Jiaozhou, Gu Da, sent a memorial for the Annunciation, as well as the newly harvested rice and rice ears..."

Fang Xuanji, Ma Zhou, and Yu Shinan, who were still communicating in low voices, seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

The smile on Li Shimin's face also seemed to be petrified, and the whole person looked at Li Jing in front of him without moving.

Seeing these people look like this, Li Jing turned his head and looked at the messenger.

"Don't take out the three-season rice ears and rice that Dudu Gu asked you to offer to His Majesty..."

The messenger, who had been lying on the ground and dared not move, heard this, and then quickly opened the long wooden box.

Several golden-yellow rice ears with roots were exposed, and the two kilograms of golden-yellow rice were also revealed in the eyes of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and several important ministers.

"In the middle of February..." Fang Xuanling stared straight at the golden rice.

I always feel that I have auditory hallucinations. In the middle of February, the willow tree has just sprouted, okay?

This is the spring of the recovery of all things. Your special mother actually told me that the rice harvest has been harvested?

Li Shimin took the memorial that Li Jing handed over and read it carefully from beginning to end, but still shook his head in disbelief.

"In February, you will be able to gain something..."

"Brother Yao, what do you call this rice?"

Li Jing looked at these monarchs and ministers who had not recovered from their slanted mouths and slanted eyes, and couldn't help adding a little surprise to them.

"This rice is called three-season rice, which means that this kind of rice can be harvested three times a year."

"One year! Three seasons!" Ma Zhou's eyes One finger on his right hand and three fingers on his left.

Just looking at Li Jing like this, Li Jing nodded and pointed to the Annunciation Memorial that was still held by Li Shimin.

"Gu Da, the governor of Jiaozhou, has written it clearly and clearly. Does he dare to deceive the king on such a major event?"


"One year, three seasons... God is above, is this old man confused?"

Yu Shinan covered his heart, and his face turned pale.

Ma Zhou on the side couldn't help but turn pale in shock. "Elder Yu, Mr. Yu, are you alright?"

The elderly Yu Laoqing took a few deep breaths, his face turned slightly rosy, and he recovered.

"Your Majesty, can rice really ripen three times a year?"
