The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2584: It's really not as good as a layman with

Qin Qiong looked at this confidant with a very honest smile, who had been traveling around for the past few years.

Now that he finally returned to Datang, he did not expect that this kid would actually become the protagonist of the wonderful novel written by Cheng Sanlang.

This made General Qin feel a little envious and jealous. The old man has been a soldier all his life, and he has not yet written a biography.

This kid was really lucky, when he went for a stroll around Tianzhu, Cheng Sanlang, the number one novelist in the Tang Dynasty, actually wrote a novel for him.

Today, Qin Qiong was deeply attracted just by reading the beginning. It wasn't until he saw the narrator's name that he realized that he was his confidant.

But unfortunately, Qin Sanli himself didn't know exactly how and to what extent Cheng Sanlang wanted to rectify.

However, seeing a group of old brothers poking their heads outside the room, and the expression of the former master, Qin Sanli suddenly felt that he seemed to be red...

Who is Qin Sanli? Others may not know it, but how can they not know it inside the Han and Tang Commercial Bank?

The eyeballs of all the stewards and shopkeepers who were copying newspapers and admiring them with gusto had a tendency to turn red.

That kid Qin Sanli was actually included in the novel by the chairman Cheng Sanlang, isn't this so **** enviable and hated?

When Qin Sanli woke up from his sleep, the incomparably wonderful novel came to an abrupt end.

Countless people are beating their chests and cursing why the broken chapter dog doesn't have more and more.

Even Li Ke was eating breakfast in the mansion while angrily patting the table. "It's just gone at such a short time. Is this something people do?"

"Okay, okay, Husband, don't get angry, it's not good for your health if you get angry, but since Husband doesn't think it's fun to watch.

After a while, my husband went to see Cheng Sanlang, why not bring back some manuscripts written by Cheng Sanlang, I haven't read enough yet..."

Hearing Sister Jialan's request, Li Ke of course patted his chest and promised that he would go to Brother Chu Bi in a while and get back the manuscript later.

When he continued to scroll back, he saw a new column: "A Brief History of Tianzhu Continent" author Yitu Jushi.

"..." Li Ke almost spit out the porridge he just swallowed from his throat, what the **** is a layman? Isn't such a pseudonym a bit irresponsible?


"Then what should I do? I asked Brother Xuan Ce what kind of pen name he wants to choose. Or a pen name that can impress people.

But he declined, saying that he had never thought of a pseudonym, and asked me to help him think of one. "

Cheng Chubi, who has always had difficulty naming names, spread his hands and said helplessly.

"His surname happens to be Wang. There are only three ways to split characters for the character Wang."

"Either it's a piece of soil, or a piece of work, or a piece of work. Which one do you think is better?"

"..." Li Ke looked at brother Chu Bi's innocent expression with black lines on his face. Can't help but wiped his face, shook his head in disgust.

"There is no good one, okay? You can't change to another disassembly method?"

"Okay, is that twenty? Or is it Erding?"

"...That's really not as good as a piece of dirt. The dirt is a little bit dirty, but it's still decent."

"Okay, okay, don't care about these details, how about it, tell me what you think of today's "Luoyang Xunbao"."

"Little brother, I have to admit that Wang Xuance is indeed a very capable person.

Just the origin of Tianzhu, the customs, the geometry of the products, even the population, the number of soldiers and horses in the country, etc..."

"I can see that my little brother thinks that he has stayed in Tianzhu country for many years, otherwise how could he obtain such detailed information, if the data is not fake."

"Don't worry, it's definitely not a fake, after all, that is the Zhongtianzhu country that dares to oppose my Tang Dynasty."

"And as a military strategist like him who likes to make decisions before moving, he will definitely find out the intelligence of those countries carefully.

Otherwise, how can we be able to win consecutive battles with only a few thousand soldiers and horses at the beginning, until the final battle. "

"The soldiers and horses under his command are nearly 200,000 of the Tianzhu coalition army..."


A servant, frowning tightly, whispered to several colleagues around him.

"What the **** is Cheng Sanlang up to? Ladies and gentlemen, you must have seen the article in the Luoyang Evening News, right?"

"Yes, Lu also read it. Although the words are too vulgar and unreasonable, you can see it."

"Indeed, although that kid is annoying, the novels he wrote are still very suitable for passing the time."

"Everyone, that's not what I'm asking, I'm asking about the later article "A Brief History of Tianzhu Continent"."

"What's so interesting about that thing, isn't it just a small barbarian country in Tianzhu?"

"Among the countries of Tianzhu who came to pay tribute, there happened to be envoys who believed in Germany."

"That's right, that kid Cheng Sanlang likes to sensationalize the public, nine out of ten, those are just the means he uses to attract more readers..."

"That's right, this "Luoyang Xunbao" has published many issues so far, but I heard that this "Luoyang Xunbao" can only be sold in Luoyang and its surrounding areas."

"Its sales volume is even less than half of that of "Chang'an Xunbao."

"That's right, that's..."

"Everyone, it seems that "Chang'an Xunbao" was created by Cheng Sanlang, right?"


"Oh, look, there are eunuchs coming over, and they should be about to open the gate of the palace, let's go, let's hurry over."

A group of officials all scattered in a moment of embarrassment...


Today's court meeting ended a little early, and all the civil and military ministers noticed one thing, that is, His Majesty seemed a little absent-minded behind the imperial case today.

But there is no very important court affairs So I followed His Majesty's announcement of retiring from the court.

Everyone also waited respectfully for His Majesty to leave, and they all left the hall one after another, preparing to return to the official office for business.

However, Li Shimin remained silent and walked quickly. After returning to Wencheng Hall, he let the **** take off his court clothes, and then he came to the desk.

I picked up the unread "Luoyang Xunbao" and looked it over carefully.

"Memoirs of a Sea of ​​Blood in Tianzhu" has brought a lot of shock to Li Shimin, mainly because of the wonderful description at the beginning and the detailed description of the war.

It made Li Shimin realize that the brutality of the Tianzhu Continent was not as easy as he had imagined before.

And the subsequent "A Brief History of Tianzhu Continent" also made Li Shimin feel that Tianzhu is not as vulnerable as he imagined.

And the author of this "A Brief History of Tianzhu Continent" is not the pen name that Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke are used to, but a brand new, rustic to the point of scum.