The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2680: Jin Wang Li Zhi could only embarrassingl

"That's because you don't understand the background of the so-called famous family. Isn't it because of the support and protection of many noble families that the lord of our country was able to pass on?"

Heimaro, whose background is far inferior to that of the Shaoqing of the Zhibu, heard the emotional words of his boss.

Quickly nodded and changed his tune. "Yes, yes, Shaoqing's words made the lower official suddenly realize that he is blunt and his vision is too low. It is the blessing of the lower official to get Shaoqing's advice."

Seeing Heimaro being so upbeat, Kishi Xiongomaro smiled reservedly, and patted the other party's shoulder lightly with his big hand.

"It's best if you understand, let's go, go back to the yard, after changing clothes, Ben Shaoqing will go to visit Lu Siqing in person.

Let him know that Japan is willing to set an example for the world's vassals for the sake of the suzerain country. "

"Yes!" Heimaro nodded vigorously and replied loudly.

Not far away, a few nonsense foreign envoys heard the movement from there, and turned their heads curiously.

"What are those two dwarfs doing, they've been chattering there for a long time."

"Hehe... Don't you all understand what kind of demands the Japanese envoys have?"

"I just feel that the name given to them by the suzerain country is too real. I am very unhappy and want to change the name of the country."

"Forget it, but anyone who can understand the meaning of the Japanese character will be able to understand that the name of this country is really appropriate for these Japanese people."

"I don't know how these Japanese people grow, and how they are shorter than each other."

"Of course it's a matter of breed. I've heard that the ones sent to the Tang Dynasty are all the tallest among the Japanese."

"This, this can also be called tall? I'm afraid half-year-old children in our country can grow taller than them."

"I can't help it. I heard that they live on an island surrounded by the sea. It's always windy or rainy..."

Ji Shixiong Ma Lu and Hei Ma Lu were walking towards their own courtyard, so they naturally heard the envoys' reply.

After all, we have different countries and different languages, but in order to have a pleasant chat, we can only learn Tang Chinese as the communication language of the envoys.

Ji Shixiong Malu and Hei Malu were naturally proficient in Tang language, and their faces turned black when they heard it, but they looked at this group of envoys from the northern region who were arrogant and powerful.

Thinking of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, Kishiomaro decided not to be as knowledgeable as this **** envoy who was two heads taller than him.


"Zheng Weng, I have disappointed you. So far, only the seven countries have expressed their views, and the rest of the countries are completely perfunctory."

Standing in front of Zheng Yuanshou, Lu Siqing said with shame on his face.

Zheng Yuanshou, who was originally old and feeble, became stunned again, like the withered branches of an old tree reappearing in spring since he became a Zhongshu Ling.

Glorious and radiant, his mental outlook was so good that he looked at the roster that Lu Siqing handed over at this moment, and when he heard this, he couldn't help showing a wise smile.

"It's okay. There are seven kingdoms, which is beyond my expectation. After all, these envoys from the barbarians are born in a barbarian land and have short-sightedness. Don't pay too much attention to them..."

"Just wait for tomorrow's persuasion and His Highness's advice, and we can hold the enthronement ceremony at the end of the month."

"When the grand ceremony is completed, His Royal Highness King Jin will be the justifiable co-lord of the world.

At that time, the old man will want to see what kind of reaction will be made by those who are still embracing themselves, or those who are waiting for a price. "

Hearing this, Lu Siqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and echoed Zheng Yuanshou in a flattering way.

"What Zheng Weng said is very true. How can those short-sighted envoys of small countries know that the heart of our great country is the whole world."

Zheng Yuanshou smiled noncommittally, and turned his eyes to those officials sitting on both sides.

I began to ask these officials about their strategies for persuading them tomorrow, which one will come first and which one will come later. In addition, since the envoys from the seven countries are also willing to join, it is natural that the more the better.

"Zheng Weng, Mr. Zhao, do you want to go down to inform me?"

"It's natural, you must be respectful and polite, and you must not offend him."

"After all, Duke Zhao, the uncle of His Royal Highness Prince Jin, is still needed to deal with and appease those ministers."

"Yes, but Zheng Weng, what about those officials who are still imprisoned in the prison?"

"Let's continue to close it first, wait until His Royal Highness King Jin ascends the throne, and after the dust settles, we will look at their attitude. If they are still obsessed with obsession, hehe..."


Just as Cheng Sanlang and the others were having lunch, the movement in Luoyang city was naturally recorded by the embroidered clothes left by His Majesty, and passed on quietly out of the city.

Eating dry pot bamboo rats will never get tired of eating, and Li Ke is eating so much oil at the moment.

Looking at the information sent by the embroidered clothes spy in Luoyang City, his face immediately darkened.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there are actually small barbarian countries who dare to stand up and jump up and down at this time. They are so not afraid of death?"

"The same kind of rice feeds a variety of people, not to mention that these foreign countries have their own ideas.

That's fine, your father will definitely make them stand up straight and clean up one by one... huh? "

Cheng Chubi took a bowl and came up to him for a look. When I saw that Wa Kingdom was actually among them, I couldn't help but brighten my eyes.

"Hey brother, look, the Japanese envoys are also among them. They must be out of their minds to support your ninth brother."

Li Ke nodded, and finally saw a piece of good news that made people feel happy.

"They're really daring. Let's do it now, Brother Chu Bi. It seems that we can continue to have a good communication with these short **** once the important matter is over."

"That's necessary, but it's enough for us brothers to know about this matter, don't let others know.

Otherwise, we would think that we are greedy for their special products, which is why we are so interested in the Japanese country. "

"Is not it?"

"Of course In your eyes, dear brother, am I the kind of person who only sees benefits but not the long-term?"

"..." Li Ke looked at the upright Cheng Chubi in front of him, and wanted to nod his head.

But considering the harmonious relationship between the brothers, he forced himself to shake his head.

Cheng Chubi cleaned up the food in the bowl, wiped his mouth and walked towards the inner courtyard.

Of course not to play cards, but to deal with those nitroglycerin explosives.

In the early morning of tomorrow, Cheng Chubi and Zhao Kun will each lead a team, one to Yuanqiu and the other to Fangqiu.

The round hill and square hill must be completely destroyed. Only in this way can the enthronement ceremony be prevented.

Jin Wang Li Zhi could only embarrassingly get stuck on the last procedure, unable to fulfill his emperor dream of becoming the third emperor of the Tang Dynasty in this historical time and space.