The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2862: The chief executive's report is not comp

In a word, Jin Yuxin was so angry that he almost had a myocardial infarction, but he was helpless.

Standing where he was, his lips squirmed for a long time, not knowing whether to speak harshly, or to turn his head and walk away aggrieved.

At this time, Cheng Sanlang walked up to Jin Yuxin step by step, with a meaningful smile on his face.


"..." Jin Yuxin nodded aggrievedly, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he really wanted to hear what this Cheng Sanlang would say.

The two moved not far away, some distance away from everyone, Cheng Chubi spoke again.

"Believe it or not, just now Cheng killed you on the spot for disobeying the military order."

"The special envoy sent by Your Highness the Queen will try her best to excuse Cheng, and will volunteer to take on the important task of commanding the elite of Silla."

"Besides, Cheng believes that these tens of thousands of Silla soldiers will be obedient..."

Jin Yuxin stared straight at Cheng Sanlang, looking at this famous Tang general who seemed to be smiling, but when he looked closely, he couldn't see the slightest smile, and a strong chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

Yes, with the invincible posture of the Tang State Navy raging in the sea today, a group of Silla soldiers have feared the Tang State Navy from the bottom of their hearts.

In the face of Cheng Sanlang, who had many rumors flowing into Silla in the past, what about the reincarnation of Thor, what about destroying a city by one person, breaking ten thousand enemies by one person, and riding into the holy mountain alone to save the Lord Xiangxiong.

Facing the siege of hundreds of thousands of Tubo troops alone, scolding the father and son of the Tubo king to death, scolding hundreds of thousands of troops and fleeing...

Hmm... In short, there are so many strange and unbelievable rumors about Cheng Sanlang. In the past, they could be just bragging.

But now, the Tang State Navy, commanded by Cheng Sanlang, is able to do something several miles away, attracting thunderbolts from the clear sky and raining down thunder. Isn't this the same as the previous rumors?

Combined with today's big victory, this made Silla soldiers even more respectful.

He really chopped himself up, and Lianzong Su sentenced him to endorse him. With his ghost-like deterrent power in the eyes of Silla soldiers, he might not even be able to pick out a few people who resisted.

Even for those Silla generals who came with him, their expressions of horror and eyes when they faced Cheng Sanlang were enough to explain everything.


Cheng Chubi waited for a long time, but as a result, Jin Yuxin seemed to be frightened into a fool, and stayed there in a daze, not farting for a long time, which made Cheng Chubi a little unhappy.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"I believe it." Jin Yuxin took a deep breath, his difficult tone seemed so dry.

Cheng Chubi chuckled and waved his hands calmly.

"Just believe it. Go back and obey orders obediently. Don't give Cheng a chance. It's also a way for yourself to survive."

"This is the last time you questioned me, let's not make an example."

After Cheng Chubi said that, he turned around and left straight away. This is naturally the truth. You Jin Yuxin is a famous general of Silla, do you have half a copper coin relationship with me?

Killing you, I believe that there will be many people in the Silla court applauding, including but not limited to Jin Bidan, Jin Wenying, Lianzong, etc...

The important thing is, if you are killed, will the more than 30,000 Silla elites under your command, as well as the Silla Navy, dare to resist?

If they dared before today's battle, but after today's hearty victory, would they still dare?


After Jin Yuxin and the others left, Cheng Chubi bragged and spanked with a group of old brothers, and then cleared his throat.

"Brothers, please be quiet for a moment. Just now Cheng Mou went to see the chief supervisor, and the chief supervisor has already presented the victory document to the court. But..."

Hearing the word but, the group of Tang Xungui's children who were still chattering in private fell silent in an instant.

"But the chief manager's report is not comprehensive, so Cheng thinks we should do something."

"After all, all of us brothers have undergone the baptism of blood and fire today. We have experienced such transformation and growth. How can we not record this?"

As Cheng Chubi stood there and narrated with great vigor, the eyes of the disciples of Wu Xun who like to be famous and established are all brighter and brighter.

Even Li Jingren, who was already a Jinshi in high school, was so excited that his little face was flushed at the moment, and he wished he could pick up a brush and splash ink, and draw a picture of exterminating the Japanese at sea to express his surging mood.

"As expected of brother Chubi who can write his own novels with the cheek, this brain is beyond our comparability..."

"Hehe, it's like how thin-skinned you kid can be. Last time, we brothers, eh!"

"Shut up, brothers, listen carefully to what Brother Chu Bi has to say."

Cheng Chubi continued to talk eloquently, telling everyone that he is famous today, but if he doesn't promote it well now, it would be like a night walk in brocade clothes.

What's more, if you have made credit, you have to analyze yourself no matter what, and explain clearly what you have done.

In this way, His Majesty will not only be able to realize that although everyone was a dude in the past, at any rate, they have been reborn today.

"...All in all, brothers, please go back quickly and write a post-war summary of one to two thousand words each, and hand it over to Cheng tomorrow morning."

"It's better for me to send the news back as soon as possible, and try to deliver it to His Majesty in time when the general manager's good news arrives in Luoyang."

"One or two thousand words? So many..." Chai Lingwu couldn't help but look a little bitter.

Cheng Chubi raised his chin towards this guy. "If brother Ling Wu thinks that your performance on the battlefield today is lackluster, you can also disappear."

As soon as this remark came out, a gang of foxes and friends laughed and laughed, and Chai Lingwu, who was incapable of writing and martial arts, felt evil in his heart.

It's right to think about Anyway, I have to blow myself up to the sky, otherwise, others will boast about their achievements, so I just lie down and go back to Luoyang. What is waiting for me is definitely not the approval of my own father, but the praise of my own father. It is a set of boxing and kicking "Chai Family Version of Father Kindness Son Filial Piety Fighting Skills".

"...Write, brother, even if I don't sleep tonight, I must write 2,000 words."

When a group of vulgar warriors full of fighting spirit and enthusiasm were ready to go back and splash ink, Cheng Chubi also started his masterpiece.

In the form of comic strips, the situation of the battle at that time was expressed, and then Li Yifu, who had some painting skills, was in charge of the painting.

In this battle, how the Datang navy appeared and how to fight was drawn out. In particular, Li Yifu was asked to draw the grand scene of the Datang cruiser general firing.

Although Cheng Chubi is a stickler for lines and his painting skills are stinky, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to appreciate. Li Yifu's paintings are drawn by him, and he guides them by the side.

After staying up almost all night, I finally produced a series of more than ten paintings, and Xu Jingzong at the side also wrote for Cheng Sanlang about his experience of commanding naval battles wisely and skillfully...