The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2883: Where is my beloved son-in-law now?

"...His Highness should have some important business to deal with, and he will arrive later."

"Since that's the case, then Li Qing, you should lead the way and lead me and all the ministers to the place where the navy masters who have made great contributions to our Tang Dynasty frequently have a look."

"Your Majesty, please..."

Li Ji and Li Shimin rode side by side on horseback, and behind them, a large number of civil and military officials accompanied them, either by car or on horseback, on the wide and flat concrete straight road.

The heavy hooves stomped on the textured road surface of the concrete straight road, making a clang, and the wide cement straight road was in the shape of a middle high and two low sides.

In this way, there will be no water accumulation on the road, and it will not be muddy and difficult to walk in the rainy season like those yellow mud roads.

Moreover, on such a wide and solid road, there are not only four-wheeled, but even six-wheeled carriages running wildly.

"Traveling far away now is much more convenient and quicker than it was in the early years of Zhenguan. Speaking of which, this cement road is straight, but it has made great contributions."

Hearing His Majesty's words, Chai Shao nodded in agreement.

"What Your Majesty said is very true. If it had been in the past, it would have taken more than a month and a half for the common people's business travel from Luoyang to Jiaodong, two thousand miles away."

"But now, if one travels in the long-distance carriage of the Han and Tang Commercial Company, on this straight concrete road, one day can travel eighty miles, and it will take more than twenty days to arrive."

"Xiangchen traveled between Luoyang and Chang'an. Before the concrete straight road, it took nearly half a month. But after the cement straight road is smooth, it only takes two days and two nights to get there."

"Really?" A minister stared in disbelief. "Your official remembers that it is eight hundred miles from Chang'an to Luoyang."

"Hehe, dear brother, it means you haven't been back to Chang'an. Brother Yu, if I want to go back to Chang'an to visit my relatives, I just need to book the express post car of the Hantang Commercial Company in advance."

"This kind of carriage is very stable, and there is no problem lying down and sleeping in it, but the price is really not cheap, but it saves a lot of time."

"It's normal, that kind of express carriage needs to change horses every tens of miles,"

"That's right, a certain person has sat down once before, and that speed is really second to none. I'm afraid it's not much faster than our Datang military's 800 li speed..."

"Even though that kind of express postcar is expensive, there are so many people who can't stand it. There are more than ten express postcars departing from the west gate of Luoyang every day. It can be said to be full of traffic..."

The chatter and laughter of the group of civil and military ministers and workers behind him also reached Li Shimin's ears, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty relaxed his eyebrows.

All of this is naturally a wise decision for the benefit of myself, and of course the hard work of my beloved son-in-law Cheng Sanlang is also indispensable.

Ever since he had the idea of ​​moving the capital, the kid has been working hard to encourage him to pave the official roads between Luoyang and Chang'an into concrete roads.

At the beginning, Li Shimin was a little worried, but after seeing the strength of the cement and the advantages of waterproofing, he finally agreed with Cheng Sanlang's suggestion.

It can be said that this Liangjing post road, which is nearly 800 miles long and several feet wide, has consumed a lot of manpower, but not much material resources.

After all, the Hantang Commercial Bank is willing to pay for it, but there is one condition, that is, to obtain the exclusive management right of the postcoach on this road for 20 years, and after 20 years, the management right expires, then we can discuss it again.

In other words, apart from the official post cars, other private post cars that want to run transportation on this road must join the Han and Tang Commercial Bank Liangjing Transportation Company.

Only when their logo is affixed and branded are they allowed to operate legally.

It is said that the Hantang Commercial Bank Liangjing Transportation Company makes a lot of money every year by relying on this most lively and prosperous official road in the Tang Dynasty.

But fortunately, the old Li family is the largest shareholder of the Hantang Commercial Bank, and the Hantang Commercial Bank made a lot of money, which also enriched the old Li family.

Moreover, since the Han and Tang Commercial Bank made samples in front of it, now, in many states and counties, there are wealthy businessmen who actively communicate with the government, willing to invest in the construction of cement official roads, and want to learn from the Han and Tang Commercial Bank. set.

This is an excellent thing for the imperial court. After all, in the past, road construction was hard work for both the government and the local people.

The government needs to prepare money and food, while the common people need to go out to serve, and they are exhausted. How could it be like it is now?

No wonder that kid always likes to chatter non-stop, saying that he wants to make people work, and it is better to use profit to lure people than to resist them with strength.

Businessmen are smart people with the strongest imitation ability in the world. As long as someone sets an example and makes them feel that things that benefit the country and the people are profitable, they will be willing to spend money in their pockets to do things.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help thinking of his beloved son-in-law, Cheng Chubi, who was still blind on the vast ocean.

"Li Qing, is there any news about my beloved son-in-law during this time?"

"Your Majesty, I haven't received any news from Cheng Sanlang these days. Presumably that kid is chasing the remnants of the Japanese navy at sea, and he has become addicted to chasing them?"

Li Ji's words made Li Shimin shake his head helplessly.

"This kid always makes people worry."

"Your Majesty, although Cheng Sanlang's character is a bit out of character, but when it comes to ability, there is no one in the younger generation of Datang."

"If it weren't for this son's wonderful idea to improve the flying thunder cannon and put it on the boat, I am afraid that if our army wants to win consecutive victories against Baekje and Wa Kingdom, it will not be so easy..."


Li Shimin looked at Li Ji who told the truth to his side with a strange expression, and he was immediately happy.

"Speaking of which, the meritorious service of the cruiser is due to your father and son and Niu Weituo."

Li Ji smiled and turned his head to look at the civil and military officials who were a few horses behind, and replied in a low voice.

"Haha... How can I hide from His Majesty's insightful eyes with my little thoughts."

These words immediately made Li Shimin burst into His eyebrows stretched out, and he was very pleased with himself. Although this flattery seemed a bit hypocritical, it still made His Majesty the Emperor of Tang very happy.

Not many, the group rushed to the navy berth, and the dozen or so cruisers were mooring in the berth at the moment.

And there are quite a few battleships that are undergoing upgrades and refits at the moment. The huge cranes are slowly hoisting those heavy artillery into the cabins of the battleships.

Li Ji gave Wu Zhonglang a wink, and this general Wu Zhonglang rushed to the front, very excitedly explaining to His Majesty the detailed situation of the Dengzhou Navy of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin inspected these majestic warships while listening, and asked about the situation during the battle with the Baekje and Nawa Navy.

Li Ji and Wu Zhonglang described the details of the two naval battles in which the Tang Navy won complete victories in a very cooperative manner.

Hearing this, the civil and military ministers who accompanied him were all excited, and at this time, Li Ke, who had received the victory letter from Brother Chu Bi, was racing towards the Dengzhou Navy Wharf berth...