The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2887: Japan is not a good bird, and Silla is n

In addition, after the Tang army defeated the Japanese ambush, they directly used the power of artillery to blow up the birds, the city, the mountains, and the ground, which severely frustrated the Japanese army.

It wasn't until that time that the morale of the Wa country was drained, and the gang of desperadoes finally scattered and fled in fear.

But the problem is that in the battle of Asuka City, more than 10,000 enemies were killed, but thousands of Silla soldiers were also killed and nearly 10,000 were injured.

The Silla elite who died in a foreign country before and after lost more than one-third.

Even if he won the victory in the end, Jin Yuxin's heart was bleeding.

Yes, I was ordered by the lord to cooperate with Cheng Sanlang to attack Baekje, and the result? Zhi Te Niang's big knife wiped Baekje's scalp, and chopped it on the Japanese bald gourd.

As a result, his treasured sword was cut off, but Baekje was still alive and kicking.

"General, general..." At this moment, Jin Yuxin heard a greeting from a distance.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the military leader whom he had sent to deal with Cheng Sanlang was hurrying towards him.

"How is it? Then how did Cheng Sanlang answer you?"

"General Cheng San said that he will first go to Tamna Island to supply supplies, and then he will go to Datang Dengzhou. After sending those Japanese prisoners of war to the territory of Datang, he will decide where to go."

Hearing such an answer, Jin Yuxin's face darkened instantly. "What?!"

"The last general also asked General Cheng San many times to let him send troops to Baekje early, but he said that the navy has been going out for a long time.

Moreover, the artillery industry, which is used as a sharp weapon by the Tang State Navy, is running out of ammunition. so…"

Before he finished speaking, Jin Yuxin with a livid face stepped off the battleship and walked quickly towards the distance.

The general quickly followed up, and the two hurried quickly, and soon, they rushed to the outside of the Tang army's camp.

A soldier standing guard at the gate of the camp asked Jin Yuxin to wait honestly, while he walked towards the camp, while the other one squinted at the group of Silla generals.

Although there are only two soldiers of the Tang army guarding the gate of the camp here, but given the notoriety of the Tang army in Japan, who would dare to break into the Tang army's camp without opening their eyes?


Jin Yuxin waited anxiously outside the big camp. After waiting for a long time, no one came back. The anxious Jin Yuxin wanted to rush in.

The officers and soldiers of the Tang army guarding the camp immediately raised their eyes, leaned on their shoulders, and pushed Jin Yuxin out.

"What do you want to do?! Get out for me! Without the order of our general, no one can enter or leave the camp."

Surrounded by a group of Silla generals, Jin Yuxin's face turned blue when he was staggered by the soldiers guarding the gate of the Tang army's camp.

Subconsciously, he touched his waist, and his hand just landed behind the handle of the knife on his waist.

Seeing this scene, the general of the Tang army put his hand on the handle of the horizontal knife by his waist without hesitation, showing a sinister smile.

"What, you want to do something at the gate of my Tang Army camp?!"

Looking at this fat and strong soldier of the Tang army in heavy armor, Jin Yuxin's face was ashen, and he didn't let go of the hand holding the knife handle, but he didn't dare to make any unnecessary movements.

He was afraid that he would do something, this Tang Junjian soldier who looked obviously provocative let out a howl, and his old face was even more embarrassing.

At this moment, a strange voice came from behind the big camp gate.

"Who is making noise at the gate of the camp? What does Tang Jun's camp look like to me? Is it a busy place like a tavern?"

"..." The faces of Jin Yuxin and a group of Silla generals changed, and then they saw a civil official of Tang Dynasty walking out of the camp gate with a smile, while Lianzong Su was half a step behind and accompanied him. This Tang Guowen official is next to him.

"What are you doing?!" Lian Zongsu raised his face as soon as he appeared, and reprimanded loudly.

"This is where the Wuben camp of the Shang Kingdom is located. You have made such a noise and disturbed the generals of the Shang Kingdom. Can you afford to suffer?"

"..." Looking at this important minister of Silla, Jin Yuxin looked like an eagle dog in the Tang Dynasty, and his face turned ashen-blue.

"Lian Zong, don't forget your own identity!"

"I am very clear about who I am, so I don't need you to remind me."

After Lian Zong and Su Juan replied unceremoniously, he said loudly.

"Why are you making noise outside the Shangguo camp when you are not in the army packing up your luggage and preparing to return to the country?"

Jin Yuxin really wanted to copy a knife and sentence this cheap-talking Lianzongsu to three swords and six holes, but at this moment, a lot of Tang soldiers had gathered around the gate of the Tang army's camp. If he really wanted to use a knife here, Jin Yuxin didn't think he would be able to live. Back to the pier.

"Jin came here because he wanted to ask General Cheng and Jin to attack Baekje together, so as to relieve the danger of Silla."

Xu Jingzong, who came to send Jin Yuxin away under the order of Cheng Sanlang, laughed happily, stroked his long beard and spoke sincerely.

"General Jin, General Cheng San asked me to tell you that I have already said all the reasons that should be said.

If General Kim is still entangled, and wants to attack Baekje now, then go. That's all I said, General Jin himself should understand well, if General Jin continues to entangle, then..."

Lian Zong Su Juan on the side directly pointed at Jin Yuxin like a sword and scolded.

"That is Jin Yuxin who disobeyed the king's order and should be punished!"

"..." There was a dead silence outside the camp, the Silla generals, seeing Lian Zong Su Pan's murderous moves, all backed up a few steps in unison.

Jin Yuxin stared blankly at Lianzong Supan, and after a long while resisted the urge to almost curse, and sneered a few times.

"Okay, okay, this is what you said, Lian Jianjun. If this is the case, then Jin will leave. By the way, Jin hereby wishes Lian Jianjun a great future..."

"Does it need to be said?" Lian Zong and Su Pan did not forget to raise his voice and howl again, so angry that Jin Yuxin, who had already turned around, wanted to turn around and rush over. Really bad luck!

Xu Jingzong was very satisfied and smiled at Lian Zong Su Pan, who was very smart and had the potential to become a treacherous official.

"Master Xu, do you think he will attack Baekje?"

Seeing that Jin Yuxin and his party had gone far away, Lianzong Supan turned around and saluted Xu Jingzong, asking for advice with a flattering face.

"Hehe, according to the old man's opinion, this person is brave and resourceful, and he is definitely not a reckless person. Since I, the Tang Navy, do not cooperate."

Xu Jingzong, an old treacherous and cunning old driver, did not forget to give some advice to this Silla official who was already quite sympathetic to him.

"Nine times out of ten, he will definitely return to Silla. It's a pity... those Silla soldiers and horses, after encountering this calamity, still have great faith in him."

"Otherwise, he would have been stripped of his position as chief general and replaced by you."

Lian Zong and Su Juan hurriedly shook his head repeatedly.

"The subordinates really don't want to lead those remnant soldiers and defeated generals. I am already satisfied to be taken in by General Cheng San."


Originally, after Cheng Chubi took down the Japanese Bird City, he really thought about finding a reason to chop up that Jin Yuxin, and then let that Lianzong Supan command the army of Silla.

It's a pity that the Silla army, which lost troops and generals, still trusts Jin Yuzhu as the coach.

After careful consideration, Cheng Chubi was not willing to start another dispute on Wa Island, so he resignedly resigned.

In Cheng Sanlang's eyes, the Japanese country is not a good bird, so why is Silla only good birds?

Think about another historical time and space. When Silla was in danger several times, Datang selflessly helped them.

What happened in exchange? In return, Silla began to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble after he was resting and recuperating, and his strength became stronger. This kind of white-eyed wolf thing. hehe…

Therefore, from the very beginning, it was impossible for Cheng Chubi to help Silla sincerely.

However, I need a reason to come here to do things. I can only say that helping Silla is just a routine of pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner.

This is why Cheng Sanlang made the first request after the second battle of Baijiangkou to pursue the absconded navy of the Japanese country to prevent them from counterattacking.

And Li Ji also considered that after Cheng Sanlang led the navy to leave, the remaining half of the Dengzhou navy could only rule the sea.

But the army was still assembled in Dengzhou, so they simply returned to Dengzhou first, and refitted the main battleships by the way.

In this way, Baekje, who has no worries about the future, faces Silla, which has lost tens of thousands of elites and excellent military commanders. No matter what they do, they will definitely make trouble.

After all, Baekje suffered such bad luck precisely because Silla asked Datang for help.

But now, this Silla elite has lost troops and generals on this Japanese island, and the loss is quite heavy.

Even those soldiers of Silla still trust him, but can the Lord of Silla and Jin Bidan, who treats him like a bandit, let him go?

What's more, Cheng Chubi had already let Na Lianzong Su Judgment, he had already sent a letter to Na Silla, informed Jin Pitan, impeached Na Jin Yuxin for disobeying Commander Cheng Sanlang, and arbitrarily raised troops to fight against the Japanese country, resulting in the death of more than 10,000 Silla elites .

As long as I and Lian Zongsu judge testify, hehehe... Cheng Chubi believes that Jin Bitan will never let go of the opportunity to kill Jin Yuxin.

Even if he can't kill Jin Yuxin, he will definitely deprive Jin Yuxin of his military power.

All in all, the more chaotic Silla was, the happier Cheng Chubi felt, as long as Datang could be at peace.


That night, Jin Yuxin led the Silla sailor in a rage to leave Wakasa Wharf in a hurry, and went straight to Juqishan Port (later Busan) on the southern coast of Silla.

And Cheng Chubi led the elite of the Tang Dynasty, escorted the Japanese prisoners of war, and took the more than ten kings who had arrived at Wakasa Port, and headed for Tamna Island.

As soon as he arrived at Danluo Island, Cheng Sanlang received the news from Qi Wang Li Ke that his father-in-law, Li Ke's own father, had fled to Dengzhou.

And he was going to wait there for him to go there, but there was a problem that he was not going to meet those captured Japanese monarchs and ministers.

He also told Cheng Sanlang that it would be enough to leave him on Tamna Island, and Cheng Chubi had no objection to this.

After all, Tamna Island now has quite a population. As for the two thousand captives, most of them are old and weak women and children of the Japanese royal family who have no power to restrain them.

After Cheng Chubi settled the Japanese prisoners of war on Tamna Island as quickly as possible, he set off for Dengzhou again.

However, Cheng Chubi considered that after going to Dengzhou, he would not only face his father-in-law, but also those gentlemen who always like to find fault with him.

For this reason, Cheng Chubi decided to have a long talk with the rulers of the thirteen countries on Nawa Island.

Otomo Fukio, Mononobe Masashige and other lords are all sitting in the cabin honestly at this moment.

At this moment, there is only one day's sea journey left before arriving at Nadengzhou. At this time, Cheng Sanlang called him to the flagship for a meeting.

All the lords of the Japanese island were filled with anticipation and apprehension. I'm afraid that something will happen again.

Cheng Chubi glanced at this list of noble families on Wajima, it doesn't matter whether they were the royal family on Wajima

The important thing is that they all have very close business ties with the Hantang Commercial Bank, which is why Cheng Chubi pushed them out.

After all, if there are interests involved, it is tantamount to a carrot, and now, I need to pick up a big stick and make a good gesture at them.

To save them from talking nonsense when they met His Majesty the Tang Emperor in Dengzhou, ruining their calculations.

"My lords, tomorrow you will be able to meet with me, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so today, Cheng, as an old friend, wants to have a good chat with you first..."

Looking at this Cheng Sanlang who is not wearing a helmet today, but is only wearing a brocade suit and a robe, but still looks full of vigor and heroism.

A group of lords who were beating heartbeats nodded and squeezed out smiling faces, and dealt with it carefully...

PS: The number of words is about the same, so I won’t split the two updates, and just present the big chapter.