The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2933: Liaodong City, where the previous dynast

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A few days later, Cheng Chubi led the task force, loaded with provisions, and left Dengzhou mightily, heading towards Yingzhou.

On the other hand, Li Ji, the chief commander of the march in Pyongyang, stood on the main battleship of the Dengzhou Navy. General Wu Zhonglang waved his arms and issued military orders one after another.

The Dengzhou navy of the Tang Dynasty came out once again, slowly advancing towards the coast of Goguryeo and Baekje, and oppressed the past.

After the last war, I have realized the superiority of the hot air balloon to detect the enemy and take the lead, and it can also carry out remote interactive communication.

This enabled the navy masters of the Tang Dynasty to be able to understand each other's intentions and implement the orders issued by their subordinates when they were separated by dozens of miles.

So this time, more hot air balloons are brought on the battleship, which will make the idea of ​​the Goguryeo and Baekje battleships want to outflank and attack the Datang Navy on the sea into a bubble, and it will burst as soon as it is poked.

Cheng Sablang and the other task force, due to the need to go deep into the inland rivers, transported food and grain to city-states such as Yingzhou.

And those three-masted cruisers are naturally unable to go deep due to the draft problem of ocean-going ships.

They will serve as the main force of the **** team, blocking the entrance to the sea when the transport brigade enters the river.

In this way, even if the navy of Goguryeo and that Baekje wanted to come to attack, they had to carefully consider whether they were the opponents of these explosively powerful ships.

The wind in the north, even in spring, is still very cold, but fortunately, the sailors and soldiers have now obtained hand and face creams specially provided by the Han and Tang Dynasties, which can minimize the cold sores of the soldiers. happened.

In addition, all sailors and soldiers are now wearing warm winter clothes, and, due to the advancement of textile technology, there is also the advanced concept of Cheng Sablang, an excellent design master.

Whether it was the army or the navy, Datang had long stopped wearing those open-leg pants that were cold when the wind blew.

I have already put on crotch pants. Of course, the front door can be unfastened. Besides, thick belts have now become the standard belt for every soldier.

In the past, the waistband used cloth strips. Although it was cheap and good, it required a pair of dexterous hands to tie a slip knot. Of course, it is not impossible to tie a dead knot.

But there is a problem, what if you are too thin and have no time to untie the dead knot with flexible fingering?

What's more, war can kill people, and no one knows when the enemy will suddenly attack, so in the past, loose knots that couldn't be tied tightly and dead knots that couldn't be tied often became the pain points in the hearts of some heroic soldiers. .

With the improvement of the Zida loom, coupled with the high quality and low price of hundreds of folds of cloth, it has become possible to use thick canvas to make solid, moderately soft and hard waistbands.

As long as the waistband is worn on the trouser ears of the trousers in advance, the two white thighs are drilled into the trouser legs, the trousers are lifted up, and then the pin-buckle belt is instantly locked.

With this thing, even if it is thin, it is not afraid, after all, this thing is also very fast to take off.

In a word, Cheng Saburo felt that he was also contributing his meager strength to Datang's military equipment in all aspects.


The distance between Dengzhou and Liaodong Bay, where Nayingzhou is located, is equivalent to one in the south of the Bohai Sea and one in the north.

However, the Bohai Sea is not very big, so even if the Dengzhou naval task force sailed along the coast, it only took a few days to reach the entrance of the White Wolf Water.

At the mouth of the sea, a sailor from Yingzhou happened to be cruising. Seeing the arrival of this huge transport fleet, they rushed forward as soon as possible.

Soon, Cheng Saburo saw an Ouchi guard who boarded the ship, and he also sent a letter.

It was only then that Cheng Sanlang learned that the moment the old man gave the order to Dengzhou, the Tang elites who had been nesting in this area of ​​Yingzhou had already started to shoot out like an arrow from a string.

And the old man who had stayed in Youzhou to spend the whole winter also led a vote of civil and military elders and went to Yingzhou in one breath.

But now, the Tang troops and horses are divided into several routes. All the way, under the command of Qin Qiong, the Duke of Nayi, they unexpectedly crossed the Liaoshui from Tongding (now northwest of Xinmin) to Xuando (now east of Shenyang).

Li Daozong, the deputy chief of Liaodong Road, Jiangxia King, led his troops to invade the new city (now north of Fushun), and the defenders in the city were frightened and did not dare to fight.

The vanguard, Zhang Jian, led Hu Bing as the vanguard, crossed the Liaoshui River towards Jian'an City (now northeast of Gaizhou), defeated the Goguryeo soldiers, and beheaded thousands of people.

The old man had already accompanied the army to the Liaoshui, that is to say, his own side needed to send part of the baggage and food directly to the Liaoshui.

At this moment, the old man is sitting there personally. After all, the first major battle of the Tang Dynasty to conquer Goguryeo has already started vigorously on the front line of Liaoshui.

In the face of this news, Cheng Chubi naturally did not dare to neglect, and after leaving a part of the baggage, he used his navy and continued to head towards the Liaoshui.

Standing on the deck, watching the magnificent waves of the sea, Xue Rengui's stern shout came from his ears.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a hundred musketeers, standing as still as mountains on the slightly undulating deck due to the waves.

With the change of Xue Rengui's command, these musketeers changed various postures, and some rushed to the side of the ship to set up their muskets.

Some retreated to the rear with the help of the cover of things on the deck, but the flintlock guns in their hands were stably aimed in the direction Xue Rengui pointed.

Seeing these musketeers who are still training hard at such a moment, Cheng Saburo and the disciples of Yigan are very pleased.

After all, this is a new type of army,


Li Shimin was sitting firmly in the large tent of the Chinese army. At this moment, he had already placed the large tent of the Chinese army on the bank of the Liaoshui. At this moment, 20,000 elite divisions of the Tang Dynasty were on the bank of the Liaoshui.

On the opposite side of the Liaoshui River, there were thirty or forty thousand soldiers and horses of Goguryeo, as well as those of the barbarians who had surrendered to Goguryeo.

Today, the Tang Dynasty military god, whose beard and hair are like snow, but still full of energy, is standing in front of the sand table at this moment, talking eloquently.

"...In the fortified city of Liaodong, there are still more than 20,000 soldiers and horses. If our army wants to take the fortified city of Liaodong, we must first break the Liaohe line of defense of Goguryeo and cut off the interconnection between their cities..."

"After that, send another elite, stuck between Liaodong City and Baiyan City, to prevent Goguryeo from assisting Liaodong. So..."

With the long pole in his hand, he pointed back and forth, left and right, around the Liaodong City where a striking white flag was planted.

As for the veterans of the Tang military, at this moment, except for the leader, the rest are all solemnly listed around the sand table.

Li Shimin's expression was quite serious, similar to those of the civil and military officials present.

After listening to the analysis of the Tang military **** who, regardless of his age, also demanded to accompany the army to conquer Goguryeo, he nodded in agreement.

Seeing Li Shimin's actions, Li Jing, the military **** of the Tang Dynasty, bowed to Li Shimin, stepped aside, and handed over the place to speak to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

"Most of the Qing families have experienced the chaos of the last years of the previous dynasty, and the chaos of the last years of the previous dynasty was not unrelated to the three expeditions of Goguryeo by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin paused deliberately, and let the civil and military officials go back to recall the past.

And he spoke again in a calm tone. UU Reading "Three expeditions to Goguryeo in the previous dynasty, two halberds were smashed into the sand under this Liaodong city."

"This is the humiliation of the previous dynasty. Although it is not unrelated to the self-righteousness of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, he is very happy with his achievements, but he still sees that Liaodong City is difficult to obtain."

"Masters, since the Tang Dynasty established the country, I have been invincible in battle, invincible in attack, and stronger in national strength than in the previous dynasties, and this time to conquer Goguryeo, it is like a cloud of famous generals."

Listening to Li Shimin's inspiring words, all the civil and military officials took it seriously, and Li Jing also stroked his long beard and nodded frequently.

However, he held different opinions in his heart. Why were there so few famous generals in the previous dynasty? But after all, His Majesty the Great Tang Emperor in front of him, both in terms of vision and military experience, are far above that of Yang Guang.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty conquered Goguryeo, but it has been preparing for many years, and this Liaodong City, no matter what, must be won.

Otherwise, if this dynasty is like the previous dynasty, if they all break down under the city of Liaodong, where will His Majesty's old face go? I am afraid that I and others will not have the face to go back to Luoyang to meet the Tang fathers and villagers.

Thinking of this, Li Jing couldn't help but sighed slightly, and raised his eyes to look at the emperor who was still talking to himself.