The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2940: On the top of the entire Liaodong City,

Cheng Sanlang grinned happily, and greeted directly behind him.

"That Cheng Fa, go, bring that flying thunder cannon to the deck."

"... Feilei Cannon, brother Chubi, doesn't that thing have a long range?" Liu Renjing beside him couldn't help but squeak.

"Hehe, the Flying Thunder Cannon wasn't too far away in the past, but the range of this improved baby is fully doubled compared to before. Within a mile, there is no problem at all."

"Unfortunately, we came here in too much haste this time, and only produced one sample gun."

"This thing is dedicated to His Majesty, and it is specially used to destroy the vital points of Goguryeo's city defense."

Cheng Chubi had already inquired about it before, and this Goguryeo was built very firmly in many cities in Liaodong.

As far as Datang's small and medium-caliber artillery is currently concerned, it is a bit difficult to break through the solid city defenses.

However, His Majesty's expedition to Goguryeo came with the heart of victory. Of course, Cheng Sanlang had to consider his father-in-law, so he improved the Feilei Cannon designed before.

After repeated tests many times, this prototype cannon can throw ammunition weighing nearly 20 catties over a mile away.

In this way, even if there are a large number of crossbow carts on the walls of Goguryeo, the improved version of the Feilei Cannon can easily aim and fire outside the range of these enemy weapons.

Cheng Sanlang kept gesticulating with his finger towards the head of Liaodong City in the distance, and began to measure the distance.

With such a long distance, if you want to blow up the Goguryeo general who is suspected of Yuan Gai Suwen, you may only have a chance.

After all, the other party was not a fool, he would just stay where he was and act as a target. This made Cheng Sanlang feel complacent.

Fortunately, this kind of flying thunder cannon has only been raging in the Tang Dynasty before. The men, women and children in Luoyang City, as well as the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty, have all seen the power of this kind of treasure.

Even the gates of Luoyang City and the walls of the imperial palace were blown down.

You must know that the amount of real nitrate explosives in the previous Feilei Cannon was only about 20 catties.

But that all happened in the territory of the Tang Dynasty. The gang of Koguryo natives far away in Liaodong must not know how shocking the power of this thing is.


But this time, Cheng Chubi felt that he should let this flying thunder cannon that can send thirty catties of nitrated explosives a mile away.

It not only allows the Goguryeo people to enjoy themselves, but it can also be regarded as a perfect start for the Tang Dynasty's war against Goguryeo.

Hehe, killing Yuan Gai Suwen with one shot, in that case, "Cheng Sanlang Liaodong Romance" at least has some bright spots to describe.

Otherwise, Cheng Sanlang felt that when he came here, he just squatted on the boat to deliver food and grass honestly. He hadn't even dealt with an enemy, and he hadn't even opened the gun camp he created, so he had nothing to write about. The highlights of the words.

Then "Cheng Sanlang Liaodong Romance" doesn't need to be edited directly, you can't write "Cheng Sanlang Liaodong Grain Romance", right?

It would be better to go straight to the previous article "Cheng Sanlang's Discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Liaodong Waterway Transportation and Land Transportation and the Follow-up Effects of Datang's Military Operations in Liaodong Region on Datang's National Policy in the Next Decades".

Yes, it went directly from the romance script to a dull, lackluster professional and academic journal report.

In order for his legend to continue in this blockbuster, and for the sake of the old man who lived his life as a soldier, he did not personally conquer Goguryeo like another historical time and space, but ended up anticlimactic.

After Cheng Chubi let out a mouthful of dirty air, he squatted in front of the improved version of the Feilei cannon, and lit the fuse...

At this moment, Eulji Kuiman was standing proudly on the top of the Liaodong City, and when he showed up just now, the cheers like waves like waves also made him feel very excited.

Although he is very clear that he has no talent in military strategy, as long as he is now, it represents the fighting spirit of the Ulji clan, which is still flying and echoing in the sky of Liaodong City.

Ulchi Aoi glanced majestically across the Goguryeo soldiers below the city looking up at him eagerly, and knew exactly what they needed.

"This group of Tang Dynasty thieves dare to attack our Liaodong City, we will definitely teach them whether to return or not."

As soon as this remark came out, there were bursts of cheers, and at this moment, Pu Puqin, the general who commanded the two thousand Goguryeo archers outside the city, raised his arms and shouted loudly.

Soon, the two thousand archers formed a row of rows and began to slowly press towards the beam of water.

Ulchi Kuiman put his hands behind his back and looked at the warships of the Tang Kingdom. There were only ten warships in the area. There were 20,000 elite troops guarding the city of Liaodong.

Even if the Tang Kingdom sent a hundred warships, it would be in vain, after all, this is land, not a vast ocean.

Relying on the city wall of Liaodong City, which is thick enough to make every Goguryeo soldier feel at ease, and the urgent report just received, Yuan Gai Suwen led 40,000 elites and was on his way to help.

Ulchi Kwai Man, I really don't understand, how can the Tang people win? And how could Goguryeo lose?

Just as the archers outside the city shouted and marched towards the water bank with high morale, suddenly, there was a dull but shocking loud noise, which made everyone subconsciously stop.

And Ulchi Kuiman, who was high on the thick city wall of Eastern Liao City, also saw a ball of flames and thick smoke emanating from the Tang Dynasty warship on Liangshui directly opposite.

"What's going on?" The general beside Ulji Kwaiman couldn't help stretching his neck, and he saw a black spot flying into the sky with sharp eyes.

Jumping high, like a bird, it melted into the sky, and then wobbled and flew towards this side...

A group of Goguryeo natives were full of mist, and their heads were raised in unison, like a group of mongooses who are curiously watching the world.

They are located in Liaodong, and the news is relatively closed. It is not clear that Tang has begun to apply gunpowder weapons to the battlefield.

However, although Ulji Kwaiman is not good at military strategy, he is quite good at protecting himself wisely. Well, to describe it as a neutral one is more afraid of death.

The moment he confirmed that the black dot was flying in this direction, Ulji Kwaiman started to move aside without hesitation.

After all, he didn't know what kind of thing Tang Guoshui was throwing. If it was an iron ball, or a stone, and he was hit on the head like this, would he still have a future to enjoy a delicious life?

He walked a full six or seven steps to the side, and saw the dark object fall down, just hitting the top of the city.

Then, on the top of the entire Liaodong City, there was a bright light in an instant...