The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2968: If you want to say that Cheng Sanlang is

Outside the city of Liaodong, military camps stood on the vast field outside the city, and almost 100,000 prisoners of war were held here.

Three full days have passed since the end of the war, and most of the people have shaken off the post-war embarrassment and exhaustion, and have recovered their energy and fighting spirit.

Including Cheng Sanlang, he is already full of energy at this moment, and at this moment, idleness is idleness, so he used the reason of hunting wild game for His Majesty to hold a tooth sacrifice.

Cheng Sanlang has already led several guards, Xue Rengui and other sharpshooters into the old forest in the northeast, ready to hunt some fat game.

Even if you have just survived the winter, it doesn't matter if you are not very fat. If you are thinner, you can use it to stew soup, and if you are fat, you can use it to stir-fry. Can make the best use of everything.

Seeing Cheng Sanlang galloping away with a group of inner guards laughing and laughing, Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty standing on the top of the Liaodong City, shook his head dumbfoundedly.

Turning his head, he saw that Li Jing beside him also had a rather complicated expression, thinking that after he led the army to the vicinity of the unknown town.

Whether it is the Tang soldiers or the Goguryeo soldiers and horses, they are all physically and mentally exhausted and dying, only Cheng Sanlang leads the five hundred musketeers under him in a posture of full strength.

At that moment, Li Shimin wanted to laugh out loud. Fortunately, as a qualified emperor, Li Shimin finally controlled his emotions.

Afterwards, after a hastily performed surrender ceremony, the sky-shattering snores resounded inside and outside the city again.

Only then did Li Shimin understand how powerful Cheng Sanlang's double-edged sword, which hurts both others and himself, is.

No wonder when entering the city, all Tang Wuben looked at Cheng Sanlang with awe and admiration.

All in all, whenever Cheng Sanlang was mentioned, the whole Tang army had complicated expressions. As for the Goguryeo soldiers and horses who surrendered, when they mentioned Cheng Sanlang, they hated and feared at the same time.


"Li Laoqing's family, can I walk around?"

"Your Majesty, please..." Li Jing nodded, followed Li Shimin's footsteps respectfully, and walked up the wide city of Liaodong.

"After this battle, Goguryeo has been defeated several times and suffered heavy losses, so Goguryeo Yuan Gaisuwen strictly ordered all Goguryeo soldiers and horses.

No more field battles with my Tang Dynasty, all entered the associated cities, ready to defend to the death. "

Hearing His Majesty say these words in a relaxed tone, after getting enough sleep, the whole body became much more energetic, and the Great Tang Military God, whose brain became more flexible, nodded and echoed.

"This may be Goguryeo's last resort. In this way, my Tang Dynasty can calmly arrange the march."

"Aiqing's words are reasonable, but in my opinion, it is only a matter of time before Goguryeo's defeat is under the current victories."

"But now, our army's attack should slow down instead of rushing forward."

"Why did your majesty say that?" Li Jing was slightly startled, and looked at the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who had been a soldier for half his life, and who was also very smart in military strategy.

"Conquering a city and a place is not difficult for my Tang Dynasty, but how to bring this Goguryeo under my Tang Dynasty's rule, so that the people on this land can live and work in peace, this is the place that tests us the most."

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Li Jing bowed respectfully to Li Shimin with a face full of convincing.

"Your Majesty's foresight and foresight are the blessings of all the people in the world. The old minister is dull, and when it comes to military strategy, he thinks he is not inferior to others.

But if you talk about how to make the local peace and order long-term, it is not as good as Chao Zhongfang and Ma Erxiang, let alone your majesty. "

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows and nodded at Li Jingxu when he heard this, and continued to walk forward slowly with his hands behind his back.

"These are all things to say later, the whole army will rest here for a whole day, and then they will go south, and together with Zhang Qing's family, they will take down Na'an City, Jian'an, Wugu, Jili, Daxing and many other fortified cities.

Only in this way can the Wugushui and Liaoshui areas be able to put an end to the war and restore people's livelihood as soon as possible. "

"What Your Majesty said is true, if you want to manage this land in the future, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources."

Li Shimin also nodded in agreement, patted the solid female wall at the top of Liao City, and couldn't help sighing with emotion.

"When I have pacified Goguryeo, Baekje should not be a concern. The two countries will definitely have no major troubles around the Tang Dynasty."

"What Your Majesty said is very true, after this battle, old people like this minister should also disarm and return to the fields...

My Tang Dynasty's young generation of famous generals will appear, so there is no need to worry about the follow-up. "

As soon as these words came out, the first young face in Li Shimin's mind was Cheng Sanlang, he quickly shook his head and asked Li Jing.

"Oh? In Aiqing's opinion, among the younger generation of Tang Dynasty, are there any talents that can be put to great use?"

The corner of Li Jing's mouth slightly raised and he saluted Li Shimin, then looked at the vast wilderness road.

"Since Your Majesty intends to make a comparison, then the old minister will make a fool of himself..."


Zhao Kun, who was standing not far behind these two, heard the names of familiar people coming out of Li Jing's mouth, including Fang Jun Fang Erlang who abandoned literature and went to martial arts.

There is also Ren Yaxiang who is holding the plateau Three Kingdoms in the plateau Jinsha state, and of course there are many veterans like Su Dingfang who have become famous at a young age and are still in their prime.

There is also Pei Xingjian, who is both civil and military, and has made great achievements in this expedition to Liao Dynasty. Of course, a fierce general like Qi Bi He Li is also indispensable...

"...and Xue Rengui, who was called impermanent in white clothes by these Goguryeo soldiers and generals, is also a piece of rough jade, a little polishing, it will become a great tool..."

However, after listening to it for a long time, Zhao Kun has never heard the name he most wanted to hear.

Not only Zhao Kun, even Li Shimin couldn't help being curious.

"Old Aiqing, why is there no name of Cheng Sanlang? Could it be that in the eyes of Lao Aiqing, that kid is not a famous general?"

"..." When Li Jing heard the name of the little **** who made him sleepless for three days and three, his face darkened immediately, and he spoke after grinding his teeth for a long time.

"The reason why the old minister left Cheng Sanlang at the end is really because... I don't know how to describe this kid."

"But the old minister also believes that as long as he is given a chance, his achievements will always exceed your expectations."

"Perhaps, only His Majesty is qualified to judge this son."

Hearing this, Zhao Kun almost let out a dumb fart.

You are so old that you obviously make Cheng Sanlang very unhappy. You think Cheng Sanlang hates dogs, and you don't like to praise that kid.

Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyelids also jumped wildly. If you want to say that Cheng Sanlang is the leader of the talents, it's not impossible.

But if you want to say that that guy is a headache moth, or a double-edged sword that hurts both others, you are right.