The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 3022: Who made Cheng Sanlang the governor of L

Seeing Cheng Sanlang's shocked expression, Li Shimin laughed happily, and happily got another piece of beef.

Well, although he clearly knew that what he ate was beef, but if Cheng Sanlang didn't say anything, the just and strict emperor of the Tang Dynasty would just pretend he didn't know anything.

Even if someone gets caught with pigtails or something, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty can naturally push the boat. I don't know anything, and Cheng Sanlang, my son-in-law, will take the blame. Anyway, this kid has a thick skin.

I have to say that the stewed beef with potatoes is fragrant and delicious, but after dipping in water, it is really fragrant, spicy and appetizing, but it makes people eat more comfortably.

After gleefully taking another sip of wine, Li Shimin saw Cheng Sanlang's puzzled expression, and he laughed and told the truth.

"My son-in-law, do you know that Goguryeo sent envoys to surrender to my Tang Dynasty?"

"This is a good thing. If that's the case, why don't my father-in-law wait for them to stroll over to ask for their surrender? Why do you have to make this trip?"

"Hehe, my son-in-law, this is not the same. If I, Datang, want to take over the entire territory of Goguryeo, I naturally need to be famous as a teacher."

"If the Goguryeo rulers and ministers take the initiative to ask for surrender, then tell me, should I continue to dispatch troops? Or just stop here?"

Seeing the cruel old man's sly smile, Cheng Sanlang, who is also cunning and cunning, suddenly brightened his eyes, and gave his thumbs up to the old man convincingly.

"Tall, really tall, worthy of being my father-in-law, my son-in-law is ashamed of himself."

"Haha... You kid is not bad either. In the beginning, the old man asked you to take on the heavy responsibility of Liaodong Prefecture's governor. In fact, I didn't have much hope for it."

"I just feel that if you are sitting here, those prisoners of war who are frightened by you will definitely be afraid of you and dare not make trouble."

Of course, it is impossible for Li Shimin to tell the whole truth. The truth is that there are endless ways to let your kid take credit.

Not to mention those civil and military officials, even the old man is also terrified.

Of course, this is also for your sake, after all, you don't want to be sealed at a young age, right?

The old man is still waiting for your boy to assist the crown prince Chengqian, and even the grandson Li Xiang in the future.

Of course, Li Shimin would not reveal his inner thoughts, but continued to praise Cheng Sanlang.

I thought that as long as he can stabilize the rear of Datang soldiers and horses, it will be a great contribution.

As a result, what this kid did directly refreshed the cognition and imagination of Li Shimin and other civil and military personnel.

In this area of ​​Liaodong Prefecture, a large number of construction was carried out, a large number of immigrants were relocated, and a large number of prisoners of war were probated in the shortest time.

In just a few months, they won the love of the Liaodong people and the loyalty of the prisoners to the Tang Dynasty, and even brought a large number of Khitan and Mohe tribes under the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

Let the Khitan Babu and the Mohe clan who originally thought that after the Goguryeo forces withdraw, they would become the owners of this land, they can only cooperate with the Han and Tang merchants with tears in their eyes.


Honestly becoming shareholders of the Liaodong Branch of the Han and Tang Commercial Bank, although they lost the opportunity to build a country, at least they kept their wealth.

Seeing how capable this kid is, of course Li Shimin let this kid do what he wants, but almost everything Cheng Sanlang asks will be refused.

What's important is that Cheng Sanlang has made great achievements in the construction of large-scale construction projects in Liaodong Prefecture. So far, iron ore and coal mines have been mined in Liaodong Prefecture.

Not only has the heating supply in Liaodong Prefecture been self-sufficient, it has even been exported to Yingzhou.

With the mining of iron ore, the agricultural ironware in Liaodong Prefecture no longer needs to be trafficked from other places.

What's more, the road under construction, from Liaodong City to Yingzhou Liucheng, from Liaodong City to Jian'an City and even Jili City, has been fully connected.

As for the cement official road from Liaodong City to the east to Baibaokou City, and the cement official road from Jili City to Beisha City and Lushun New City, it is expected to be opened within this year.

Then there is the ice-free port Lushun Port being built on the Liaodong Peninsula, which will allow ships to travel from Dengzhou to the Liaodong Peninsula within a day.

To make a digression, it was not originally called Lushun Port. When it was occupied by Goguryeo, it was called Wushijin along the two Jin Dynasties.

After Datang captured it, it was natural to change the name to give it a sense of presence. The officials below did not know what the brains were, so they named it Duli Town.

It wasn't until Cheng Sanlang wanted to build a seaport in Liaodong that he realized that it was given such a bad name.

Immediately asked for rectification, and finally did not let the excellent name of Lushun disappear in the river of history.

Wang Xuance and others were very puzzled, and asked Cheng Sanlang why he insisted on changing his name to his current name.

Cheng Sanlang knew why a fart was called a trip, but as a master of nonsense in the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Sanlang only gave the answer in two breaths.

I hope that in the future, poets and poets of the Tang Dynasty will have time to come to the land of Liaodong to enjoy the scenery of the northern country.

And thinking of arriving in Liaodong, it is natural to need a long journey, so it is called Lushun. Naturally, I hope that all the people who board and disembark at this port will have a smooth and safe journey.

Since the port is called Lushun Port, this city is also called Lushun City, naturally to highlight and deepen everyone's impression of this place.

Facing Cheng Sanlang's nonsense nonsense, a group of cronies and friends rolled their eyes and shouted six six six, but they had no choice but to let him be the governor of Liaodong Prefecture?

If the ship continues to go north, it will take another day and a half to arrive at Jian'an Port, and after landing from here, take a horse-drawn carriage.

Going north along the cement official road, it only takes more than a day to reach Liaodong City.

And because it is a ice-free port, it is possible to travel smoothly all year round. It only takes one day to go directly from Dengzhou to Liaodong Peninsula.

If you travel by land, you need to detour thousands of miles, and the time spent on the journey, the property and supplies you need to spend are even more depressing.

Now, ever since the three-masted battleship of the Han and Tang merchants has shown its face in front of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. And also joined the Datang Dengzhou Navy.

Due to its excellent ship structure and strong anti-wind, wave and anti-sinking capabilities, coupled with its new sail structure.

Even if it is against the wind, it can maintain and approach two-thirds of the sailing speed when the wind is down.

The Datang Navy is full of praise for it, and with these ships, it will make things happen in Liaodong in the future.

It is completely possible to calmly mobilize troops and horses, and go directly to Liaodong via Dengzhou boarding a ship, without worrying about not being able to land in Liaodong because of the wrong wind direction.

Eh... It seems that all of a sudden, Cheng Sanlang's thoughts flew hundreds of thousands of miles away following the origin of the name of Lushun port.

At this time, after Li Shimin patted the cucumber with two chopsticks, he looked at his son-in-law who was thinking about something, and said with a bit of embarrassment.



(end of this chapter)