The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 3037: Let all countries in the world know that

At this time, a courtier behind him whispered to his father, Yuan Pure Land.

"Da Mo Lizhi, that person is probably Cheng Sanlang."

"Cheng Sanlang..." Yuan Jingtu almost squeezed out these three words from between his teeth.

His eyes were suddenly full of resentment. According to the information collected, it was the gunpowder weapon that Cheng Sanlang made.

It was he who reformed the Dengzhou Navy, and he led the Tang Kingdom's navy to destroy the Wa Kingdom directly.

It was also him, relying on hundreds of cavalry musketeers, who held back Gao Yanshou's nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses, and finally made Goguryeo's counterattack fail.

It was him who managed to manage the entire Liaodong land in an orderly manner in a very short period of time.

Let the 200,000 prisoners of war be honest and well-behaved, and even stand on the side of Datang, and also let those Khitan Mohe tribes start big business with Tang Guoshang, leaving only copper coins in their eyes.

The spies of Goguryeo paid countless lives, but they did nothing, wasting the last bit of time in vain.

In the end, the elder brother had to commit suicide, and the Goguryeo rulers and ministers had to go out of the city in humiliation at this moment to ask for surrender...

"My husband, are you nervous?"

"Huh, huh?" Li Shimin was trying his best to put on the appearance of an old god, and when he heard Cheng Sanlang's question, he suddenly became unhappy.

Turning his head around, he glared fiercely at the little **** who broke his disguise.

"Stop talking nonsense to the old man, why is the old man nervous? This is obviously excited, okay?"

"Yes, yes, you should be excited, after all, Goguryeo has been established since the second year of Emperor Jianzhao of the Western Han Dynasty.

It has existed for nearly 700 years, and it has repeatedly violated our Central Plains. All dynasties and dynasties have been the troubles of the Central Plains..."

Yes, it has been nearly 700 years since the founding of Goguryeo, and the Central Plains has already experienced the Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms, Jin Dynasty, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the former Sui Dynasty, until the present Tang Dynasty.

There were six or seven major turbulences, and after Goguryeo was originally established, it did not have the current trend.

Because Goguryeo was insignificantly living in the area of ​​Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula, and was located on the edge, the Central Plains Dynasty did not pay attention to Goguryeo.

However, following the more than three hundred years of war in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Goguryeo saw the internal disputes in the Central Plains, and began to take the opportunity to become bigger and stronger.

Since the Cao Wei period, Goguryeo has been a vassal of the Central Plains Dynasty while constantly invading the frontiers, gradually expanding its sphere of influence to Liaodong and infiltrating into Liaoxi.

Their actions naturally angered the Central Plains Empire, but the land of Liaodong is not only remote, but more importantly, the climate is extremely cold, and supplies from the Central Plains are inconvenient.

The emperors of the previous two dynasties of the Sui Dynasty all conquered Goguryeo, and all of them gained power without scoring, and they all had to return with hatred in the end.

This further fueled Goguryeo's arrogance. It is such a Goguryeo that has survived for nearly 700 years under the conquest of the Central Plains Empire.

However, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who only led a few elite teachers, took down Goguryeo in one go.

After such a comparison, it can be seen that the martial arts of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty far surpassed that of the former Sui Dynasty.

Cheng Sanlang's tongue was as bright as yellow, and he flattered his father-in-law in a smooth and silky way without any flaws.

Hearing that Li Shimin's anger turned into joy, yes, I still remember the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, but many people were talking about it in private, that the Tang Dynasty was not as good as the previous Sui Dynasty.

Regardless of Wenzhi or martial arts, especially at the beginning of his ascension to the throne, there were more voices like this.

Even if he defeated the enemies of the grassland, even if he destroyed the Gaochang country in the Western Regions.

But after all, there are still some people, especially those from the aristocratic families, who are still chattering freely, you Datang really have the ability, you Li Shimin really have the ability, then go to Goguryeo.

If you can get rid of Goguryeo, you, Li Shimin, are awesome, and Tang Dynasty, you can be regarded as surpassing the former Sui Dynasty, and you can be regarded as a veritable kingdom of heaven and the suzerain of the world.

Now, the kings and ministers of Goguryeo have come to the front, and the gate of the capital of Goguryeo has been opened.

Soon, he will become the conqueror of Goguryeo, by that time.

In the world, who dares to point at himself with his fingers, saying that I am not as good as the emperor of the previous dynasty, and who dares to say that the Tang Dynasty is not as good as the former Sui Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin's mood became more and more agitated.

Looking at the red-faced, armored old man like a beetle, Cheng Sanlang, who is also wearing armor, feels that he is more imposing and elegant than the old man.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the Goguryeo monarchs and ministers who were walking slowly in front of him. Cheng Sanlang was also full of vigor and vigor.

The father-in-law is able to be what he is today, not thanks to me, the most filial and good son-in-law in the Tang Dynasty.

Otherwise, presumably the father-in-law will most likely experience another historical time and space.

In Liaodong, the halberd had already fallen into the sand, and he could only return in disgrace, leaving behind a not-so-perfect emperor's career.

How could they be so proud and proud in front of Pyongyang, the capital of Goguryeo, as they are today.


Finally, Gao Anshun led a group of Goguryeo ministers to the place ten feet away from the glittering golden horse of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, which made people dare not look at it.

Zhao Kun raised his arms, shouted and stopped, and saw Li Shimin, who was guarded by those Tang cavalry warriors dressed in heavy ministers, looking indifferently at this side.

Gao Anshun saw the beckoning gaze from his father Yuan Pure Land, nervously, he slowly kowtowed to the ground.

He raised the box containing the seal of the Goguryeo King in his hand high above his head.

"Gao Anshun, the guilty minister, led the subjects of Goguryeo to surrender to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty..."

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, the king of the Kingdom of Heaven, pulled out the reins and let the extremely tall horse under him move forward slowly until it reached the land promised by the lord of Goguryeo, and then stopped.

Looking at these Goguryeo monarchs and ministers who prostrated themselves in the soil, and in the distance, who had already thrown away the weapons in their hands, they also prostrated themselves on the ground, Goguryeo soldiers, and the Goguryeo royal capital with the gate open.

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The corner of Li Shimin's mouth raised tried hard to control his emotions, and shouted in a deep voice.

"As a vassal of Goguryeo, it disregarded the benevolence of the heavenly kingdom, raised troops numerous times, invaded our borders, and plundered our people..."

"I once issued an edict ordering the lord of Er to enter the Tang Dynasty to plead guilty. Instead of showing any remorse, Er Guo became more and more wanton and violent, collaborating with Baekje and destroying Silla, the vassal of the Tang Dynasty..."

"Since Erguo refuses to accept Wang Hua, I will personally punish him, and let the world know that anyone who offends us will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

The voice of the Son of Heaven, like the chant of a dragon, roared across the wilderness. Tens of thousands of warriors of the Tang Dynasty raised their swords and pointed at the sky and shouted wildly.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wins! The Tang Dynasty wins!..."

The sound was like thunder rolling, passing the Goguryeo monarchs and ministers who prostrated themselves on the ground, passing the Koguryo royal capital, and sweeping across the Alishui.

Cheng Sanlang also pulled out the iron mace at his waist, and the tip of the mace pierced straight into the sky, roaring like thunder. So strong, so great... Where else in the world can block the direction of the Tang Dynasty soldiers?