The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 3064: Wake up (below)

When I was young, my mother often hummed a song when she lulled herself to sleep.

And when my husband was young, he liked to hear myself humming in his ear the most, but at that time, I was always embarrassed.

The slow and soft crooning, like the wind entering the night, quietly drifted into my husband's ears...

I don't know how long it has passed, Empress Changsun suddenly felt the big hand that was clasped, and began to hold her tightly, gently and gently.

Empress Changsun was pleasantly surprised to find that at some point, her husband had opened his eyes.

Those eyes were still as piercing as before, filled with warmth.

Seeing her husband's lips moving, as if he had something to say, Empress Changsun carefully lowered her figure.

Hearing the husband's mouth, there came a whisper that seemed to be very cold, but the meaning was very clear.

"I heard you sing that song to my husband, it's still as beautiful as before..."

As soon as this remark came out, Empress Changsun burst into tears, she tightly held her husband's big hand, fearing that if she let go, her lover would disappear in an instant...


In the early morning, outside the Wencheng Hall, the sound of birds chirping seemed extraordinarily cheerful.

At this moment, Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was already sitting on the edge of the couch, and Zhao Kun was squatting behind him, carefully making His Majesty's body stable on the edge of the couch.

At this moment, the parents, wives and children who had been here yesterday and witnessed Li Shimin's rescue gathered here.

They all watched with concern as Cheng Sanlang was examining and diagnosing Li Shimin.

Sun Daochang and Yuan Daochang stood not far away, and they also looked at this side with full attention, wanting to appreciate it and see how Cheng Sanlang inspected His Majesty.

At this moment, Cheng Sanlang, who was facing the old man, stretched out his hands and held Li Shimin's left and right hands.

"Come on, father-in-law, hold one with me. Remember, use all your strength, both hands."

"...Well." Li Shimin looked at Cheng Sanlang, and began to try his best to hold his hands tightly.

Li Shimin himself could feel that his left hand was still full of strength.

But my right hand is soft and cottony, obviously I am trying hard, but I just can't use the strength.

Cheng Sanlang repeatedly signaled the father-in-law to continue exerting force, and after repeated several times, he let go of the father-in-law's hands.

Then he supported the old man and motioned him to get up.

"Come on, father-in-law, you stand up first, and then tell me, how do you feel?"

Li Shimin propped himself up carefully, and after standing still, he felt it carefully, his voice was slightly authentic, as if he had something in his mouth.

Cheng Sanlang knew that it should be the hemiplegia of the father-in-law, which caused the movement disorder of the lower part of the tongue muscle, so that there was a little flaw in his speech, but fortunately it was not serious.

"The old man feels that his whole right side has no strength."

"Can I go?"

Li Shimin felt it again and nodded slightly. "it should be OK."

"Okay, then, my father-in-law, please take a few steps and show me."

Li Shimin glanced at Cheng Sanlang, gritted his teeth, and prepared to move.

Then, everyone present could see that this former Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was as fast as flying, walking as fast as a dragon.

At this moment, the upper limbs are first slightly bent, and then the lower limbs are straightened, and then draw a half circle forward, and then stand still, while the left leg is still the same as before, there is no difference.

Li Shimin only took three steps, then stopped unwillingly, and turned to look at Cheng Sanlang.

The main reason is that as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that I never thought in my life that I would walk out of such weird steps, and I really feel a little ashamed.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Seeing the resentful gaze from the old man, Cheng Sanlang pursed his lips.

"Okay, over there, hurry up and bring over that wheelchair, father-in-law, please sit down and rest for a while, let son-in-law think about it..."

Li Shimin sat on the wheelchair pushed by Zhao Kun, and all eyes fell on Cheng Sanlang.

At this moment, Cheng Sanlang raised his hand and gently rubbed his forehead, his expression looked extraordinarily serious.

Seeing Li Mingda was a little startled, seeing the worry on his mother's face, he hurried forward and asked in a low voice.

"Husband, how is my father's situation?"

"My father-in-law, this is due to the sequelae caused by the cardiac arrest.

Because in the case of sudden cardiac arrest, the heart does not have normal effective contraction activity.

The blood cannot be pumped normally, causing the tissues and organs of the human body to lose their blood supply. "

"Especially the location of the brain, and the father-in-law himself has basic diseases such as high blood pressure, so it is not surprising to have this kind of hemiplegia."

"Fortunately, the treatment was timely. After all, my father-in-law's hemiplegia is not very serious..."

Hearing Cheng Sanlang's explanation to Li Mingda there, everyone present was stunned, including Li Shimin.

Li Shimin listened to Cheng Sanlang's words, when he heard that he needed to use drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to treat the disease and improve clinical symptoms.

More attention should be paid to rehabilitation exercises, and acupuncture and moxibustion should be used for treatment.

And Sun Daochang, who had never spoken up over there, also came forward to express his opinion, which was similar to Cheng Sanlang's.

Hearing what these doctors said, Li Shimin looked at his weak right hand.

"How long will it take to recover?"

Sun Simiao shook his head in embarrassment, and decided to tell the truth.

"This... Pindao has practiced medicine for many years, and although he can alleviate the symptoms of hemiplegia, he has never seen a person who has completely recovered to normal."

As soon as Sun Simiao said this, Li Shimin's expression darkened, and his eyes fell on Cheng Sanlang.

Seeing the old man's gaze, Cheng Sanlang wanted to twitch his mouth and tell him confidently.

You build me a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and then equip me with a full set of rehabilitation equipment and medicine, at least 90% of your recovery can be restored.

It's a pity that this is the Tang Dynasty, an era when electrification could not even be achieved, and the Tang Dynasty that even had to rely on wax to seal cans.

If you want to complete the hyperbaric oxygen chamber you can only dream.

"My father-in-law, my son-in-law partly agrees with Daoist Sun's words, but if my father-in-law can seriously cooperate with the doctor to carry out a comprehensive rehabilitation.

I believe that even if you, father-in-law, can no longer walk like a dragon or a tiger, you don't have to take the compass step. "

"..." As soon as the three words "Compass Steps" came out, that kind of vivid description directly made all the relatives and relatives of the royal family present feel a little smothered in their hearts.

Emperor Datang, who just performed a round of compass steps in front of people, suddenly felt evil.

When it was too late and when it was too fast, I saw Cheng Sanlang suddenly grinned and shouted pain, pain, pain, and his own daughter glared at Cheng Sanlang fiercely.

I can't help feeling warm in my heart, sure enough, my daughter is worthy of being my little padded jacket, and she is also a caring girl.

"I'm just describing... well, well, it's my husband's fault, next time I must be more careful with my words and deeds."

Cheng Sanlang whispered to Li Mingda with a smile on his face, and finally let the beloved lady let him go.