The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 354: Cheng Lao 3 The bull* that has been blow

Mother Cui looked at Saburo, who was besieged by his three younger brothers, with a smile.

Cheng Chubi looked at his mother with some embarrassment. He always felt a little ashamed to tell those stories that are very second in her presence in front of her.

"Why, can't you tell me in front of my mother? It doesn't matter, my mother also wants to hear the story told by Saburo."

"That's right, mother, the story told by the third brother is nice, much more fun than the jokes he told."

"Yes, the jokes the third brother told were not funny at all, so he laughed by himself, but the story is very nice."

Seeing these three Xiongzi brothers started making complaints there, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but become anxious.

Hurry up and stop the three bear children. "Okay, okay, if you want to hear the story, just be quiet."

"Then today, how about I tell you a story about Guan Er brother riding a thousand miles alone?"

"Okay, haha, today the third brother finally told my story, third brother, please wait, I will get the knife..."

Cheng Lao Wu Da Le quickly yelled and rushed out, and then the fourth and sixth elders also rushed out.

Mother Cui clan pointed at the three little dolls in a daze, and looked at Cheng Chubi. "This, what's wrong?"

"Mother, my son is telling them the story of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". After inquiring about it, the three of them like to play the characters inside."

Cheng Chubi's words made his mother Cui more confused. "This, this "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"..."

Before he could say anything, Cheng*Liu Xuande* the fourth eldest rushed in with a double-stranded sword.

Behind him, Cheng *Guan Yunchang* the fifth old man with a wooden sword, and Cheng *Zhang Yide* the sixth old man with a snake spear, stood in the room.

Then the mother Cui clan saw Cheng Laosi holding swords in both hands, and his footsteps were varied.

I saw Cheng Laowu holding the sword with a single sword, and gestured in a staring, mighty gesture.

Then, Cheng Laoliu jumped to the front, holding a snake spear, yelling.

Then Cheng Laosi started shaking his head and shaking his head, "Look, third brother, how about the new look our brother designed..."

"???" Mother Cui's eyes widened extremely rare, with a confused face, what are these three little dolls doing?

"Shut up if you want to hear the story!" Cheng Chubi shouted with a black face.

If it hadn't been for Gu Ji's mother to be in front of her, her 36-way fascinating grappling would have been shot directly.

The three brothers who had just set up the incomparable second-degree posture could only give a dingy cry, and quickly sat down obediently.

The mother-in-law Cui couldn't help having fun, and became more and more interested in Saburo's story.


Cheng Chubi sat there, facing the four spectators, and began to talk about Meirangong riding a thousand miles alone, Han Shouhou five pass and six generals.

The three bear children stared at the third brother intently.

Seeing Cheng Chubi's spirits soaring, the spit stars enlightened and told the classic story of Guan Yu, a famous star in the Three Kingdoms.

The mother Cui didn't feel anything at first, but only then heard a dozen sentences, and she couldn't help being shocked.

Those deep, slightly narrowed eyes kept staring at Cheng Chubi, listening attentively to Cheng Chubi's story about the famous three-country general Guan Yu Guan Yun who had grown over five levels and cut six generals.

The knowledgeable mother Cui, who has read many books, can already be determined. My Saburo is telling the story of Guan Yu, a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period.

However, the mother-in-law Cui had never heard of such a brilliant story. Guan Yu escorted his wife to meet Liu Bei and experienced so many hardships.

And Guan Yu's loyalty to Liu Bei, in the face of Cao Cao's so many ways, can also be in the heart of Cao Ying.

And his sassy and heroic posture when he passed the five stages and cut the six generals was so vivid.

It seems that in history, Guan Yu, who was left behind in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" by Chen Shou, is such a wonderful person in life.

The mother Cui clan was already deeply attracted by the story, and looked at the eloquent Saburo in a daze.

Until Cheng Chubi spit and Xingzi had finished telling the story of riding a thousand miles alone, the three younger brothers still didn't care about it.

"Brother San, it's too short, let's tell the story of the three British battles with Lu Bu again..."

"No, third brother, I'm still talking about the story of Taoyuan's confession. I like to hear..."

"Okay, I'll just say one after I've said it." Cheng Chubi stared unhappily.

These three bear children are like this, typically pushing their noses on their faces.

And the mother-in-law Cui, who had endured it for a long time, finally couldn't restrain his excitement and curiosity.

"Saburo, where did you hear it, or did you read this story? Tell your mother quickly."

"Third brother, he saw it in the palace."

"Yes, the third brother said he saw it in the Emperor's Dacheng Palace."

"Yes, my third brother said that he knows the whole story of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but he is not happy to tell us if we don't do schoolwork."

"Yes, that's..."

Four, five, six, these three bear children rushed to the bottom, and directly vented what Cheng Laosan had blown these days.

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi saw that his mother Cui, whose eyes were slightly squinted, had surprisingly bright eyes at the moment, and he clapped with excitement.

"Dacheng Palace, the book collection of the Emperor Taishang? Sure enough... the old man knows that there will definitely be masterpieces in the palace that the old man can't find."

This intellectual mother with a very strong book spirit suddenly made a request to Cheng Chubi who hadn't recovered.

"Saburo, you must help my to help my mother get this book."

"??" Cheng Chubi's face went black. "Mother, wait a minute, this book..."

Seeing that Cheng Chubi was about to open his mouth, Cui Cui, the mother of the six children of the Cheng family, happily laughed and looked at Cheng Chubi with a smile, directly cutting off Cheng Lao San's back.

"What's wrong with this book? Saburo, don't lie to my mother to say that you can't remember, or that book is gone again."

"These tricks of your brothers, before my mother, have long been ineffective..."

At this moment, the wise and intellectual mother Cui Shi smiled calmly and surely, as well as those slightly squinted eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

It made Cheng Chubi think of his favorite Aries golden saint Mu, who is indeed an excellent woman who can hold down the men of the old Cheng family.

"San Lang, don't pretend to be stupid in front of my mother..." A gentle hand gently scraped the bridge of the nose at Chu Cheng Chu.

Mother Cui's warm and loving look of expectation made Cheng Chubi really unable to say anything to refuse.

"Come on, tell my mother first, at the very beginning, mother wants to listen more..."

Cheng Chubi scratched his head and sat obediently in front of his mother. The three younger brothers also sat obediently, looking at the third brother who was about to speak.

"Speaking of the general trend of the world, if you divide for a long time, you must unite, and if you unite for a long time, you must divide. The seven countries will be divided into battle on weekends and merged into Qin.

After the extinction of the Qin Dynasty, the Chu and the Han were divided into disputes, and they were merged into the Han... and passed to the Emperor Xian, and then divided into three kingdoms. "

"Okay! With just this one word, it will make Wei Niang like a sweet drink. It is indeed a treasure that can be hidden by His Majesty the Da'an Palace."
