The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 776: We have 3 people here, can you please se

The so-called imperial estates are manors directly operated by the imperial family. Most of these imperial estates are land operated by eunuchs appointed by the emperor, and all income goes to the inner palace.

If the emperor is in a good mood, he will also give it to his children, and the royal family will become the private property of these children.

For example, Li Mingda, Princess of Jinyang, the Pearl of the Emperor of the Great Tang, has given her two imperial estates just how old this is.

And this newly built imperial village is mainly because it is not far from Chang'an City and is on the shore of Bashui River.

There are not many fields under its jurisdiction, only dozens of hectares around the village.

However, the houses in the courtyard of the village are very delicately built. Even in the courtyard of the village, there is a courtyard and a pond excavated by the river of Bashui.

Compared with the courtyards in the city, here is a bit more of a Jiangnan courtyard style.

There are fewer houses for people to live in, but the accommodation and teaching for a hundred students in the early stage is completely fine.

Cheng Chubi predicts that if he wants to use this place as his school, then at least a lot of houses will have to be built and added.

At this moment, Li Chengqian watched the pond in front of him reflecting the rockery that stood in the center of the pond, and the weeping willows on the side could not help but praised.

"It's so beautiful, it's worthy of Yan Qing's handwriting. I am the architect, and only Yan Qing can be called the leader."

These words made Yan Lide's face a little bit proud. Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi suddenly thought of the purpose of his hurrying here today.

Quickly walked two steps and stood up beside Yan Lide with a smile.

"Yan Dajiang, such a scene, if it can be left on the scroll with pen and ink, it must be a rare masterpiece..."

Seeing Cheng Chubi's ill-intentioned smile, Yan Lide rolled his eyes neatly and turned his head.

However, seeing the eyes of His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness Wu Wang, Yan Lide's mind suddenly flashed.

Isn't it a great opportunity to retaliate against this kid today?


Thinking that he had a plan, Yan Lide found a good way to retaliate against Cheng's youngest third. There was a burst of joy in his heart.

On the surface, he seemed calm, and he smiled after stroking his beard at the beautiful scenery for a long time.

"The state of the minister is also inspired, and today it happens that both His Royal Highness and His Highness King Wu are present.

Na Chen gave it a try to see if he could record the beautiful scenery in front of him on paper. "

Seeing that Yan Lide took the initiative to make such a request, Cheng Chubi couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Who is over there? I was stunned. Didn't you hear that Yan Dajiang was going to paint? Quickly get all the pen, ink, paper and ink..."

Inconvenient work, a case table and a futon, were placed on the edge of this pond, and everyone stood beside the case table with bated breath.

Quietly watching the Yan Da artist splashing ink here, Cheng Chubi also looked expectantly at the Yan master's writing.

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Although Cheng Chubi does not understand the techniques of Chinese painting, it does not mean that he has no aesthetics.

After Master Yan put the pen on the paper, the brush in his hand made Cheng Chubi feel like he was performing an operation.

A scalpel or other instrument held in the hand.

In short, he was extremely flexible, with little effort, the faint mountains in the distance, and the courtyard wall.

As well as the rockery in the pond, all gradually appeared on the white and slightly yellow tribute paper.

It seems that Yan Lide is really inspired today. While painting, someone is pulling the tribute paper.

The sight is meticulously recorded on paper as if rubbing.

And through the use of pen and ink, the landscape on the paper has a touch of moving aura.

Li Ke's eyeballs, who can understand painting, almost protruded from their eye sockets, and Li Chengqian and Cheng Chubi were not much better.

It wasn't until Yan Lide mentioned it for the last time, and then at the back of the picture scroll, he signed the script, and even affixed the seal.

Lifting the pen again to continue, the scene is still in front of me, but after I put the pen on the paper, there is a slight difference in the details.

The two paintings, Yan Lide's hand is quick, and it took almost an hour of effort to finish the painting.

As Li Chengqian gestured to his guards, he opened the two scrolls side by side,

Only then sat up and looked at the scroll that was pulled apart by the two relatives. It was almost one meter long but less than two feet wide.

Although it is not depicting big rivers, lofty mountains, but this is definitely a masterpiece depicting a beautiful scenery.

The most rare thing is that, on top of two scrolls, there are two landscape paintings that are almost exactly the same, but are slightly different in detail.

Li Chengqian's eyes have a tendency to turn green, and his lips are pursed. At this moment, Rao is the prince of Datang, and he can't help but sway when he sees such a masterpiece.

"Okay, it's really beautiful, Yan Dajiang's ability is really great, this strength, this layout, really makes Gu admire..."

"It's a pity, today the minister's writing power is exhausted, and the inspiration is withered, alas...If the prince doesn't abandon then the minister would like to dedicate these two awkward works to His Highness."

"Oh, this, how about..." Before Li Chengqian's words fell, Cheng Chubi stretched out his hand and copied the two paintings.

"??" Both Li Chengqian and Li Ke's eyes were green, and they looked at Cheng Chubi, who dared to stand up and grab love with a black line.

Cheng Chubi copied the painting, but fortunately he was sane. He knew that robbing His Royal Highness in front of a Datang official would be a big deal.

This charge, I am afraid that it will not be too far away from Zhuquemen June Feixue.

Cheng Chubi could only express his attitude in time.

"Then the official thanked Yan Dajiang for this kind of grace on behalf of my Royal Highness, but... we have three people here, can you see if Yan Dajiang..."

Yan Lide finally awoke from the shock, and he hesitated unwillingly when he saw Cheng Saburo's cheeky still whistling.

"Aren't you talking about Yan? Inspiration and pen power are needed for creation. Today, with these two paintings, Yan is already exhausted, and it won't work."

"Your Majesty, Yan Mou has spent a lot of time and energy, so he can't continue to accompany him..."

"In that case, please also ask Yan Qing to go back and rest as soon as possible. You really have Lao Yanqing."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian quickly became concerned about the authenticity, and then watched the Yan Dajiang, who had left two rare masterpieces, drifting away.

After turning his head, he saw Cheng Chubi and his third brother Li Ke staring at each other.

"..." Li Chengqian walked up to the two with a black line on his face, and pointed to the picture scroll where the two guys were pulling one end in distress.

"I said that Brother Chubi, and the third brother, can you please stop making trouble, if you tear this excellent work, then it is, it is a blasphemy against Yan Dachang's painstaking effort..."