The First Mage

Chapter 1119: Swamp Monster

"Well, let's work together to trap the lord of the swamp, and then find a way to disperse the swamp monsters, and then stop them by those people below, prevent them from meeting, and break them separately." Sorcer Doria soon The tactics were worked out.

Lynch watched the two wizards quickly reach an agreement, and even if they fell towards the ground, he came here just to make a suggestion. As for the decision-making and implementation, it was not him...

But before leaving, Lynch could still feel a dangerous look. You don't need to look at it to know that it must come from the Sorcerer Casoron. Since defeating Meitan, Sorcerer Casoron The attitude towards him has changed drastically. If he could do it, he would have taken his life away...

Lynch is not in a hurry. After all, he has experienced too many things like this. The only difference is probably that the one who was thinking about himself before was just a few mages, but now he was thinking about himself. Sorcerer.

Moreover, it is not a bad thing to be remembered by a wizard, maybe you can get a hatred point...

Thinking like this in his heart, after landing on the ground, Lynch subconsciously checked his hatred value, and found that his hatred value has not changed in any way...

This made Lynch a little embarrassed.

But thinking about it, it fits the current situation very well. After all, even though the Sorcerer Casoron did murder him, after all, he was only a first-level archmage, and he was not at a level at all. It is really not that simple to make the Sorcerer Casoron angry and contribute hatred to himself.

Unless, I dare to go directly in front of the wizard now, and then anger him...

In this case, maybe there is a chance to get a certain hatred value.

However, this kind of thing can only be thought about. My own situation is already dangerous enough. At this time, I will provoke Casoron. It is really impatient to live. It is estimated that by then Doria Magician Scholars will not bother to help themselves...

While Lynch was thinking about this, the wizards were also arranging new tactics.

As a Sorcerer, they have too many binding spells in their hands, not to mention that they are still working together with three Sorcerers. For this reason, a series of Tier 3 binding spells, including the Time Cage, are very It quickly landed on the swamp monsters and the swamp lord underneath, and under the halo, in the next time, it turned out to be almost magical to bind all the beasts!

However, although the restraint technique of the wizards is indeed extremely powerful, but if they want to restrain so many beasts at once, their magic power is also extremely exhausted, and the power of restraint technique is also at a speed visible to the naked eye. Disappeared, but it didn't matter, since they chose to use these restraints at this time, they naturally had their own plans.

Sure enough, while restraining these beasts, he saw an extremely powerful magical power spreading. Suddenly, Sorcerer Casoron and Sorcerer Odin, their hands were constantly swinging up and down. And as they swayed, the swamp monsters underneath were thrown into the sky one after another. The bodies following them were like cannonballs, smashing towards a place several meters away. past.

"Everyone is going to stop these swamp monsters!" At the same time, the solemn voice of Doria Sorcerer also sounded in everyone's ears.

This is the tactic chosen by the wizards now...

Nearly overbearing, they directly separated the swamp monster from the swamp lord, followed by creating fighters for the people below to block the swamp monster, and they could then concentrate on dealing with the swamp lord here.

"This is the strength of the Sorcerer..." Lynch looked at it with great emotion. Although the first-level archmage and the Sorcerer seemed to be only one step away, he knew only after seeing it with his own eyes. What a huge gap is there between them.

For example, he may be able to restrain the swamp monsters in front of him with the danger of depletion of magic power, but there is absolutely no way, like the wizards so easily, and he can throw all the swamp monsters out as he pleases... …

This operation alone was enough to shock everyone present.

But Lynch didn't watch it for too long. Now as the swamp monsters were thrown out by the wizards, he should also follow some other wizards to deal with those swamp monsters.

Fortunately, the strength of the swamp monsters is not too strong. In addition, the members of the Watson family and the pioneering wizards at the Royal Academy of Magic are all battle-tested existences, so I want to clean up the swamp monsters. , It should be extremely easy.

Thinking of this, Lynch soon took Palin to the vicinity of the swamp monster.

"Okay, let's start cleaning the swamp monsters." After Lynch and the others came, people who were closer to the swamp monsters had already begun to do it.

At the forefront are some warriors brought by the Watson family. These warriors are basically big warriors. When attacking, their weapons flashed with vindictiveness for the first time. They looked colorful. Suddenly it was gorgeous. While these people gave the swamp monsters a heavy blow, they also formed a powerful human wall to keep the swamp monsters out.

These swamp monsters were now thrown by the wizards, but they did not give up, wanting to return to the side of the swamp lord and continue to be the shield of the swamp lord.

But now, they obviously don't have this opportunity...

Not to mention that they can’t rush out of the warrior’s blockade. Behind the warrior, those archers also rushed in. Powerful arrows with various magic lights pierced into the body of the swamp monster. For these swamp monsters, the power of these arrows is extremely amazing. They can easily penetrate their bodies, even not just a swamp monster. Because of the great power of the arrows, a chain reaction usually occurs, making them behind. The swamp monsters will also be affected.

As for the last party, it was the pioneer mages of the Royal Academy of Magic.

Mage has always been good at long-range attacks. A series of spells with tail flames immediately exploded from the swamp monster group of monsters. Large areas of flames burned, various binding spells descended, and the appearance of swamp spells made these The swamp monster was extremely traumatized.

With the cooperation of countless people, swamp monsters fell in large swamps.