The First Mage

Chapter 1484: negotiation

"But, can you catch Mafa Merlin? That Mafa Merlin is not an ordinary person... He has killed a wizard!" Alder questioned: "Besides, if you take Mafa Merlin If it’s been taken away, don’t you worry about the Royal Academy of Magic and the Great Sorcerer Marfa will trouble the Watson family?"

"Haha... When will the Watson family be afraid of the Royal Academy of Magic? You look down on the Watson family too much." Magister Rainer said lightly.

The bosses of the three mage towers couldn’t help looking at each other. Yes, with the power and status of the Watson family in the capital, there is indeed no need to worry about the Royal Academy of Magic. The only thing they need to consider may be the Great Magus of Marfa. Taxi.

But if the Great Magi of Marfa really wants to make an appearance for Marfa Merlin, then it is estimated that the Great Sorcerer of the Watson family will also be drawn out. The battle between the Great Sorcerer does not mean that it can be triggered by triggering. Yes, the two sides may eventually lay down their arms and negotiate.

However, once negotiations are held, the matter may be reduced to a small matter.

So, from this point of view, this time, the Watson family is probably not fooling them, but they really want to use this incident to completely solve Malfa Merlin.

"How about it, are you three working with the Watson family once? We will solve Marfa Merlin together." Sorcerer Rainer asked: "But I believe that you should know that you have no choice now. If you don’t follow our arrangements, you will most likely be driven out of the capital by Mafa Merlin."

"Well, we promise you."

In a brief silence, Alderjosta and others finally agreed to the proposal of the Sorcerer Rainer.

After all, what Mage Reina said was indeed right. They now have no choice and no second way to go. If they do not use the power of the Watson family, all three of them will have to be Master Merlin's tower gave him a bite to eat.

"Very good." Sorcerer Rainer gave a satisfied smile: "Mage Merlin's announcement on the tower said very clearly that they will only give you three days, and after three days they will do it. Therefore, yours Time is very tight. I suggest that you make an appointment with Marfa Merlin now."

"Then your Watson family is ready?" Josta asked uneasy: "Malfa Merlin is no ordinary person, ordinary wizards, even wizards, don't want to catch him. "

"Don't worry, this time our Watson family has paid a lot of money in order to capture Marfa Merlin." Sorcerer Rainer looked indifferent: "We have dispatched ten Sorcerers, as long as you can Appoint him to a predetermined location, when the time comes, the ten wizards ambushing there will do their hands at the same time and instantly grab Marfa Merlin.

"No matter how powerful Marfa Merlin is, don’t forget that he is only a great mage at the moment. Can a great mage be able to deal with ten magicians? Haha, for the sake of one great mage, ten demons are dispatched at the same time. Mentor, this has never happened in the history of the Watson family."

"Okay, got it."

Hearing that ten wizards had been dispatched from the Watson family, Josta and others all showed excitement.

If it’s just a sorcerer, then they are really worried that Marfa Merlin will run away, so that their three major mage towers will fall into the deep water again. However, the ten sages are different. With such a luxurious lineup, no matter how powerful the Marfa Merlin is, there is no way to use the power of a great mage to solve so many powerful people at the same time!

"Now you quickly tell us the scheduled location, let's go and make an appointment with Marfa Merlin now..."

"it is good."

Just as Josta said, after they reached an agreement with the Mage Reina, the speed of action was very fast. After half an hour, the invitation letter signed by the three major mage tower bosses was sent. The tower of Master Merlin fell into Lynch's hands.

At this moment, Lynch was sitting in Redmelin's office.

After Lynch read the content of the invitation letter, he gave it to Redmelin.

Reid Merlin spent half a minute reading the content of the invitation letter, and then he slapped the table suddenly: "These three **** really treat us as idiots, thinking we don’t know, they are Want to repeat the same tricks, just like you took me away last time, will you also be taken away?"

With that said, Redmelin directly tore the invitation letter in his hand to pieces: "Malfa Merlin, you must not go."

"No...I think I can go there." But Lynch, who had been thinking about it, was astonishing at this moment.

Red Merlin immediately looked at him in disbelief: "Do you know what you are talking about? You know that this is their conspiracy, and you have to go to the appointment? What if you are caught by them?"

"With their power, could it be possible to catch me?" Lynch sneered: "I feel that they should think I am a seventh-level archmage now, and they don't know that I have become a wizard... so To be so confident."

"But even if you become a Sorcerer, you can't be blindly confident in your own strength and easily go to appointments...Who knows how many traps they have prepared to catch you?" Red Merlin said anxiously.

Lynch shook his head: "In fact, this matter can be easily analyzed. At this point of view, the bosses of these three mage towers must have been in a hurry and are considering ways to resist us, but at this time, They have sent out such an invitation letter inexplicably, so this should not be their idea, but the meaning of the Watson family."

"The Watson family?" Red Merlin was stunned.

Lynch nodded and said: " is the Watson family. Although on the surface, the bosses of the three major mage towers asked me to come over, but in fact, it should be the Watson family who is going to deal with me. ."

Lynch has not forgotten that when he went to the tower of the Double-Headed Snake Mage last time, he met the Rainer Sorcerer.

From this point alone, he can analyze that the three major mage towers have completely come together with the Watson family, so no matter what they do at this time, they will definitely have the Watson family involved.