The First Mage

Chapter 1548: Heavy casualties

And at the same time, around the entire alchemy airship, a crimson cover appeared. That cover should be the protective device that Hartdy said before. After sensing the power of Hartdy’s explosion, this The layer protection device was activated, now protecting this alchemy airship.

Stunning explosions continue to be heard in the ears. Now this sound is not coming from the picture, but directly from Lynch and the others. It is deafening, almost directly shattering the eardrums. Lynch and the others could only stubbornly cover their ears, but Palin and Thomas grinned with shock, almost fainting in front of them.

The whole process of the explosion lasted for almost three minutes. Generally speaking, the stronger the strength, the stronger the power of self-detonation. Judging from the current duration and movement of Hartdi’s self-detonation, the strength of that Hartdi , It is indeed extraordinary...

"How's it going?" After the surrounding movement slowly disappeared, Lynch opened his eyes and looked into the picture impatiently. After that, a touch of joy appeared on his face involuntarily, because in the picture In it, they were all constructed creatures that were blown to pieces. Those constructed creatures suffered heavy casualties under Hartdy's self-detonation, and even Lynch watched for a long time without seeing a living construct creature.

"Hartdi, he really fulfilled the promise he made. Before he died, all the constructs were solved?" Lynch felt incredible, it was hundreds of thousands of constructs. , I didn’t expect that Hartdy’s self-detonation was so fierce that it destroyed hundreds of thousands of constructs...

This almost miraculous method, I am afraid that only Forbidden Curse can contend with it.

Thinking of this, Lynch couldn’t help but think of the two Forbidden Curse scrolls he had privately hidden. Those things were so important that he had to take good care of them in the future. If something went wrong with these two scrolls, he would really cry. Can't find a place.

"No... why are there construct creatures?" But just thinking of this, Lynch's face changed again in an instant.

I only saw the picture emerging from the crystal prism. I kept moving the lens. After passing over the remains of countless constructed creatures, it quickly landed on a group of lively constructed creatures, from the densely packed creatures. In terms of degree, there are at least hundreds of thousands left.

"No..." At this moment, Lynch couldn't help but murmur, his face was very ugly. He thought that Hartdy had already dealt with all the constructs, but from the current situation, Hartdy simply It was unsuccessful. Although he wiped out most of the construct creatures, there are still many left.

"What should I do now? Hartdy has blew himself up, and it is impossible to blew himself up for the second time... How to deal with these constructed creatures?" Palin asked with horror looking at him.

Thomas also looked at Lynch hard, wanting to know the answer from his mouth.

Lynch's face is ugly, and Hartdy is gone, what else can be done now?

The only way is probably to use the Forbidden Curse Scroll to directly deal with the constructed creatures in front of you, but now it is underground after all. Once the Forbidden Curse is activated, I am afraid that this underground world will collapse directly. Individuals have to be buried here along with the construct creature.

Although this kind of thing is only Lynch’s guess, he has never used the forbidden curse after all, so he does not know the specific scope of the forbidden curse, but from the records of the forbidden curse in the world of Anriel, the forbidden curse is enveloped. The scope is extremely vast, once used, the consequences are indeed extremely serious, he can't just joking with the forbidden spell.

Of course, there is no time for Lynch to entangle this...

Through the image refracted in the crystal prism, he saw that the surviving construct creatures did not continue to stay in place, they just climbed directly toward the ground as if they had received some kind of instruction.

Looking at this scene, Lynch couldn't help but change his face slightly. Could it be that after losing so many constructs, the hidden elves are already alert, so they plan to send these constructs to attack humans directly Master?

There is still a high probability of this kind of thing...

"Go, let's go back to the ground." Things had developed to this level, and Lynch soon realized that they could no longer stay in this place, and now they must return to the camp as soon as possible.

"Okay..." Thomas and Palin nodded at the same time.

But Palin said with a worried face: "When we go out now, will we meet those constructed creatures directly? I feel that they should not be far away from us, otherwise when we move, we won't have such strong Vibration phenomenon..."

"I don't care about those now. Go back to the ground and talk about it." Lynch shook his head. Although he also knew that going to the ground now is definitely dangerous, but they really don't have time to waste anymore. Therefore, He directly led Palin and Thomas towards the ground.

When they fell before, they collapsed all the way so that they came to where they are now. Now, they only need to follow the trajectory of the construct creatures and go all the way up. Therefore, it didn’t take long for Lynch and the others to come. Arrived in the area where Hartdy blew himself up.

They were just observing the situation here through a crystal prism, so although they were extremely shocked by the scene, most of them were visually stimulating. Now when they come to the scene, what they feel is directly changed. The psychological shock, after all, the wreckage of hundreds of thousands of constructed creatures, this is indeed surprising to people.

"Would you like to collect the remains of these constructed creatures? These are all metals. If we bring them back to the world of Anriel, we will be able to make a fortune directly..." Palin, who has always seen money with eyes open, looked at these constructed creatures. The wreckage gave birth to greed subconsciously.

"When is the fuck, still thinking about these metals..." Lin Qi cursed angrily, and then directly entangled Palin with magic vines, and directly led him out of this place.

"If you don't pick it up, don't pick it up, what are you doing so irritable..." Palin, who was entangled in magic vines, spit out while moving forward: "Hurry up and put me down..."