The First Mage

Chapter 691: main idea

However, this is just to think about it...

After all, he is only a fifth-level mage, and he is not yet capable of destroying this kind of skin that even Chery Dian can't destroy.

However, Lynch did not have much disappointment.

This Budapest is his private plane. No one can come to Budapest except him. What does this mean? It means that as long as he doesn't move the corpse of the female worm, there will be no chance for a second person to move. He only needs to put the female worm here, and then think of a way to cut off its skin.

"You go try it." But after all, Lynch still needs to confirm whether the female worm really fell.

At the moment, he gave an order to the undead assassin.

The dagger in the hands of the undead assassin is extremely sharp and can cut everything. It may not tear the body of the female worm if it goes down with a dagger, but it can detect whether the female worm has really fallen.

The undead assassin hidden in the shadows is now Lynch’s most heartfelt servant. There is no doubt about Lynch’s orders at all. His eyes glowing with phosphorous fire glanced at Lynch and then directed at Lynch. He bowed, then disappeared in front of Lynch again.

After it appeared, a cold light had already pierced the mother worm.

Immediately afterwards, in the darkness, there was a faint sound. After the undead assassin’s dagger came into contact with the body of the female insect, a brilliant fire came out, but after the fire dissipated, there was nothing left on the female insect’s body. The slightest trace, sure enough, the undead assassin does not have the ability to destroy the body of the mother worm...

The undead assassin raised the dagger again, apparently still to launch a second attack.

Lynch didn't stop it either. After the undead assassin wielded dozens of daggers in a row, Lynch shouted: "Okay, stop."

The undead assassin's ability to execute Lynch's orders was incredible. As soon as Lynch's voice sounded, it immediately retracted the dagger, and then disappeared into Lynch's line of sight, and disappeared into the darkness.

Lynch nodded in satisfaction. For these two undead creatures, he became more and more satisfied. Obtaining the Book of the Undead on the previous plane of Apocalypse was definitely his biggest harvest in so many years, apart from Budapest.

The undead assassin was already hiding in the darkness, and Lynch also drove the undead knight aside at the same time, while he himself walked towards the mother worm.

The undead assassin’s multiple attacks, the female worm remained motionless, and the undead assassin itself was not attacked. In Lynch’s view, the female worm should be dead, and he does not need to worry about being counterattacked by the female worm. .

However, when he came to the mother worm, he wanted to get closer, but he didn't expect that his legs suddenly seemed to be bound by something, and he couldn't lift it up.

All of a sudden, Lynch tensed up suddenly and looked down, only to find that his legs had been covered with mucus. The mucus had penetrated from the body of the mother worm. Connected together, it is because of the power of the mucus that I cannot lift my legs up.

"Damn..." Lynch previously only knew that mucus had the ability to absorb, but he didn't expect it to be able to restrain it. However, when the undead assassin was around the mother bug, why was it not affected by the mucus? Could it be that these undead creatures still have any privileges?

But these are obviously not what Lynch needs to consider now...

What he really needs to consider now is how he can free himself from the **** of these mucus. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to lift his right leg up, but the mucus is too strong. Lynch's face flushed, but he still didn't move.

Lin Qi had to stop until cold sweat oozes from his face.

"It seems that you have to use other methods." Lynch wiped the sweat from his face. Since he couldn't get rid of it with the strength of his body, then he had to choose spells.

Judging from the previous cleaning of the corpses of the demon insects, it is obvious that flame is the most effective method, which can completely evaporate the mucus in a short time.

However, it is definitely impossible to clean up with flames now, unless his legs are strong enough to ignore the flames. Of course, even if it is Archmage Hawking, even if it is Doria Sorcerer, their legs may not be able to ignore it. flame……

Since flames don't work, the only thing left is water.

Thinking of this, Lynch directly lifted his finger, and as the rich magical power spread, a large amount of water element soon appeared out of thin air, and then washed the mucus on Lynch's legs.

At the beginning, Lynch was relatively gentle. After all, he had to consider the safety of his legs, but soon Lynch discovered that it seemed that he could not remove these **** mucus from the baptism of water element alone. Removed from him.

These mucus remained intact under the impact of the water element, like a tenacious cockroach, still glued to Lynch's legs. When Lynch took back the water element, they never shed even a bit.

"Damn...Would you like to be so difficult?" Lynch gritted his teeth and cursed. This kind of slime can be used to bond some broken metal and restore it to integrity again, but right now, he is not metal. , There is no need for these mucus to trap him in place and unable to move.

Since the gentle method didn't work, Lynch could only choose the simple and crude method now.

Although this may cause harm to his body, he has no choice now, otherwise he can't always be trapped in place and unable to move, right?

Lin Qi took a deep breath and followed closely. The water element in the air soon became less gentle than before, and suddenly became sharp. As he stroked Lin Qi’s legs, It was like using a blade to slash across his legs.

"Hi..." Lynch couldn't help taking a breath. After the water element scraped his legs, his legs suddenly felt hot, and a sharp pain suddenly came out, almost making Lynch scream.

But the effect is good. When the water element scrapes the legs, it finally takes away some mucus, but the mucus is still less overall. In other words, I want to remove all the mucus on my legs. After scraping it off, Lynch had to repeat the exact same action dozens of times at least.

"Damn..." Lynch couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth, and cursed in a tangled voice. This was all because he wanted to suffer.

But it's no wonder others, who let himself be too careless when approaching the mother worm before?