The First Mage

Chapter 793: Tower Alliance

"I have promised Gomalhe, and then we will give them some support, such as financial, such as pharmacy, and even, may have to send a few alchemists there..."

After saying this, Lynch ran out of the uncle’s office numbly regardless of Redmelin’s extremely exciting expression at that moment. He also knew that in this day of today, Redmelin is already bleeding heavily. Now if he wants to let him continue to bleed, it's only blame for others to be happy... If I continue to stay here, I might have to be sprayed by the uncle...

However, it turns out that Lynch helped Gomalhe this time. It really helped. Not only did he win Gomalhe but also got the support of the Gomalhe tower. At the same time, Gomalhe was in a day's time. Within, more than a dozen mage towers were brought to Lynchira, and these mage towers are all small-scale mage towers in the royal capital, such as these mage towers, they are also willing to cooperate The Mage Merlin's tower was strong, and then under the bridge of Gomalhe, they soon joined the Mage Tower Alliance.

No, it is now called the Merlin Master Tower Alliance...

This is the name that Lynch and Redmelin finally decided after discussing for a long time.

From the name of the Mage Tower Alliance, it is also easy to see who really controls this Mage Tower Alliance.

On the other hand, although the scale of these mage towers is extremely small, there is even one mage tower, and there are only three miserable alchemists. In the eyes of others, they are not much bigger than ants. However, Lin It is strange that those who come are not rejected, as he said, a rope may be very thin, but when a bunch of ropes are gathered together, the rope will directly become thicker.

And now Merlin Mage Tower Alliance is equivalent to the original thin rope, but after these mage towers joined in, Merlin Mage Tower Alliance has become stronger and stronger, and its power is constantly expanding. .

However, the current expansion speed of the Merlin Mage Tower Alliance is still somewhat unsatisfactory to Lynch. After all, after more than a dozen Mage Towers joined that day, there was not even a Mage Tower in the next whole day. Joining their alliance, for a while, Lynch felt that the current progress was a bit slow. You know, it is impossible for him to stay at Master Merlin's tower all the time. He might return to the Royal Academy of Magic sometime. .

So now, Lynch can only think of a way to hurry up.

And the way to attract these mage towers to join the Merlin Mage Tower Alliance is actually very simple. Lynch uses the simplest and straightforward method, which is to lure directly by profit. Of course, this benefit is not gold coins or the like. Things, after all, Master Meilin's tower still doesn't have that big financial resources...

On this day, Lynch quickly found Red Merlin and suggested: "Uncle, I plan to use some means to win over more Mage Towers and join our Merlin Mage Tower Alliance..."

"Oh? What can you do?" Redmelin looked red now.

Ever since Lynch came up with the Merlin Mage Tower Alliance, to be honest, Red Merlin could not accept it at first, even if they ignored the threats of the other four Mage Towers, but they wanted to develop a Mage Tower Alliance. How can it be so simple?

Let alone in a short period of time, I am afraid that even if they are given several years to develop, it will be difficult to reach a certain scale...

However, at the beginning of the establishment of the Mage Merlin Tower Alliance, Red Merlin tasted a bit of sweetness. In these two days, as more than a dozen Mage Towers joined the Merlin Mage Tower Alliance one after another. These Mage Towers It’s directly like finding an organization. Not only are they extremely frequent, but also a cooperative relationship has been established in a short period of time. Close cooperation has been carried out in pharmaceuticals and some comparable industries. The sons have connected their respective markets together, so that everyone gets huge benefits from it.

As for the tower of Master Meilin, naturally, he received the most generous benefits.

You know, this so-called Merlin Master Tower Alliance was led by the Merlin Master Tower, so the Merlin Master Tower is naturally the absolute controller, and other wizard towers also know this very well, so No matter what it is to do, they will definitely ask Redmelin first, and they may only do so when Redmelin allows it.

As long as the cooperation that can get huge benefits, generally speaking, it is only started under the control of the tower of Master Meilin. In this way, as a direct participant, no matter what kind of cooperation, even Meilin The Mage Tower did not provide any substantial help, but it could also make a little profit.

For any mage tower, perhaps the benefits it can contribute to the tower of Master Merlin are not too much, but when a dozen mage towers are added together, the benefits after the addition appear to be considerable. Therefore, in the past two days, Redmelin's laughing mouth can't be closed. If he knew that the establishment of a mage tower alliance was so interesting, he would have started it secretly...

"The only way I can think of now is to let the mage towers that join us now develop rapidly, at least double their current scale. In this way, the other small and medium-sized towers will join us in Merlin. After the Mage Tower Alliance, they can get so many benefits, they definitely can't wait to join in." Lynch said his thoughts.

Redmelin thought for a while, and had to say that Lynch’s proposal is still extremely reliable: "But how specific? How do you want me to help them? Not to mention it is to give gold coins, give medicine, or directly Help them clean up their debts. After the last event, now the movable funds of Master Merlin's tower are almost consumed, and I can't come up with more money..."

Looking at Redmelin’s vigilant look, Lynch couldn’t help showing a funny smile: “I naturally know that this method can be used once, but it is definitely not possible to use it a second time...”