The First Mage

Chapter 811: dissatisfied

These Lynch really don't know now...

He looked at his right hand, and then at the demon bone he was holding on his left hand. To be honest, it was a black line on his face. He was worried and nervous in his heart, but when his eyes fell deeply on the demon bone, Lynch suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some slight cracks on the devil's bones.

Lynch was taken aback, and he took the devil's bones in front of him and looked at it carefully. That's right, he really didn't have dizziness just now. What he sees now is indeed some fine cracks. What does this mean? Devil bones are bones that were stripped from the devil. There is no problem in saying that its hardness is comparable to that of metal. But now, there are cracks in the devil bones out of thin air...

"Could it be that the short absorption just now has something to do with the lines on my right hand?" Lynch's eyes fell on his right hand again, and when he looked at the red lines on his hand, Lin Qi's face changed. Hei, this matter is already clear, and you don't even need to guess by yourself, but this is too exaggerated. What is going on with this right hand?

In order to test his guess, Lynch still attached the devil bone to his right hand, but this time the devil bone did not stick to the right hand. When Lynch let go, the demon bone fell to the ground immediately. Lin Qi picked it up and found that no new cracks appeared on the demon's bones.

"Is this thing the same as the Book of Time and Space? When you use it, you have to accumulate some strength?" Lynch secretly analyzed, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was very reasonable. At the moment, Lynch could not help but shook his head. It's really a strange thing...

He quickly put away the demon bones, and then tried to shake his right hand. Following Lynch, he found that there was nothing special about his right hand except for some weird red lines. He also tried to release a spell. This spell appeared in the tent very easily. In other words, there was no fatal influence on his right hand. This time, Lin Qi's heart It was a long sigh of relief, as long as there was no danger for the time being.

After all, he is about to go to Anzumar's alchemy laboratory. If this time because of the devil bones, his right hand changes significantly, then even casting spells will be a problem at that time, how dare he go to Anzumar? Alchemy Lab?

Just sitting there all night, Lynch was watching his right hand that night. He wanted to know what was going on with his right hand.

By the next day, Bantu had already called Lynch early in the morning.

"Malfa Merlin, we should set off. Now the desert storms in the endless desert have disappeared, and we can enter safely."

"Oh, I know." Seeing that Bantu was already calling for himself, Lynch didn't have time to continue to observe, and immediately after him, he stood up and refreshed himself, and then walked out of the tent.

"Huh? What's the matter with your right hand?" When Lynch came out, Bantu noticed Lynch’s right hand at first sight. In fact, when he first saw Lynch on the tower of Master Merlin, Bantu Tu had already noticed Lynch's right hand, but he didn't take it seriously, after all, it might be someone else's secret, and he was not easy to inquire.

But now that the night has passed, many weird red lines appear on Lynch’s hand, which makes Bantu have to ask about it. After all, Lynch’s right hand looks really weird, including seeing many. The knowledgeable Bantu has never seen such a right hand.

"This..." Lynch touched his nose, and said awkwardly: "There seems to be some problem with my right hand, but you can rest assured that it won't have any effect on the next actions."

While speaking, Lynch also raised his right hand to release a spell, followed by a Pyroblast, with a long tail flame flying towards a giant tree in the distance, directly blasting the giant tree. After a shock, many leaves fell from the top of the tree.

"Since there is nothing to do." Bantu nodded, "But now that your right hand becomes a professional, you should think about a solution early..."

"I have been thinking about how to solve it, but this change is too weird." Lin Qi smiled bitterly.

At this time, Palin also walked out of the tent. After hearing the conversation between Lynch and Bantu, Palin couldn’t help but smiled: "Haha, I think Mafa Merlin’s right hand is much better than before. , After all, its characteristics are too obvious. Anyone who sees his right hand in the future will know that it is Marfa Merlin."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb..." Lynch gave Palin angrily: "Okay, let's go."

After getting out of the tent, Lynch had taken a look at the situation in the endless desert now. Just as Bantu said, the desert storm had completely disappeared after one night, but looking at the desert, It's an extremely flat piece of gravel, like a very flat quilt. As for the desert storm last night, it seems that there has never been...

Looking at Lynch, he rolled his eyes secretly. This is the weirdness of the desert. If you analyze it from the desert, you will never know what happened in the last second, and there is no sign that you can analyze it. What will appear in the second, probably only those who have an unusual understanding of deserts can have this experience.

After entering the desert, Lynch and Palin had no sense of direction, because they didn't know where they were going. Until now, Bantu hasn't told them the exact location of Anzumar's alchemy laboratory. Among the three, only Bantu knew clearly. He had been observing all around at the moment, and then gave Lynch and them directions.

"Bantu, you are already here, so don’t be so careful. If you have Anzumar’s Alchemy Lab's road map, you can quickly get it out. We can also save some staying time, so as not to You need to show the way all the time..." Palin said.

Lin Qi nodded in agreement. To be honest, Bantu has not taken out the map until now. This also makes Lin Qi feel a little dissatisfied. This is like saying that Bantu cannot be completely Trust them the same.