The First Mecha Veyron Overlord

Chapter 766: Fly over the cliff! (3)

"I am not such an indiscriminate person. I am here today just to end this war as soon as possible, everything here!"

"Although I may not have been able to fight Megatron, I will spare no effort to contribute my combat effectiveness, hoping to end this kind of battle!"

He said with a certainty.

Instructing him to come here is definitely not for private fights, fierce fights, but just to end this kind of struggle and stop the struggle from continuing!

Teppan opened his mouth and said, "You don't have to be horny, you can say that, it's really great!"

"We Autobots will not refuse the power to fight Megatron and Decepticons, whether it is an enemy or a friend, we will welcome with our hands, we will not turn away the door, and ignore it!"

"Of course we welcome you to join the Autobots and fight against Megatron!"

"Indeed, this war has lasted for years, protracted, and lasted for a long time. Over time, it has lasted for a long time, as long as half a century. Now, it is indeed time to end this struggle and exchange for the era of peace!"

Teppan said.

He banged his hands, eager to try, and seemed to be about to do a big fight, beating Megatron and the others.

The ambulance was out of season and said: "The chat is so vigorous and full of enthusiasm. You probably have forgotten one thing. Optimus Prime hasn't picked it up yet, and he's still starving and freezing somewhere. The specimen!"

"You are talking so enthusiastically, and you look so excited about the vicious Megatron and his minions shouting and killing, you are so enthusiastic, you are already going to do a big job, you are eager to try, you are always shouting Call and kill, you seem to have forgotten. You are preparing to make a final decision and implement this matter right away. You seem to have a good mind, and seem to be acting privately right away to make Megatron look good and seem to be doing it. With enough homework, it seems to be about to set off, but I don’t know if you care about Optimus Prime’s life and death! I don’t know if you care about Optimus Prime’s life and death, whether you have asked if Optimus Prime is OK, have you asked Optimus Prime Zhu's opinion!?"

"Or, you have hardened wings, you like to fly solo, or you want to cut first and then play!"

"You talk so vigorously, I am ashamed to disturb you, but you forgot one thing, our leader Optimus Prime is still starving and freezing in the extremely cold Antarctic at this moment, life and death unknown, life and death unknown, It is very likely that it was frozen into a popsicle, life is dying, life is hanging by a thread, dying, life and death unknown!"

"But you, you have a leisurely sentiment, chatting here, talking here! It is really heartbreaking!"

The ambulance screamed, very angry!

At this time, a little speechless!

With these words of his, the other people had already bowed their heads.

Because what the ambulance said was very reasonable, it turned out that they could not refute the ambulance!

In fact, what they did at this time really made people very angry, but for other people, they couldn't tolerate it.

Ambulance: "If you have time, why not check the line for me."

"I think it is most likely that the wiring is burned out!"

They quickly agreed to Teppan, but where to start checking the line!

Do you need to look at the underground garage!

Autobots like them are too big and too eye-catching, because they are too eye-catching, so many things are inconvenient to do!

Ever since, in humans, they have a diplomat, similar to this, used to deal with emergencies, and to transfer information sharing and exchanges between humans and Autobots!

And this person must be someone who can be trusted.

And this person, whose name is Louise, a very feminine name, is actually a man!

In terms of the human empire, he has a good position, can communicate with the highest commander, and convey the content of Autobots!

Good at walking around flowers!

And he can drive various fighters, perform tasks, and cooperate with Autobots to fight!

And that underground garage is very hidden and is also used to park cars for representatives of the human empire.

At this time, their liaison officer with humans, Louise, suddenly visited!

"Intruder found!!!"

The system reports to the control room.

The ambulance switched the screen to the host interface, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It was the man.

At this time, in this rush, when this is very critical, when the situation is urgent, what does he come here for?

What is the motivation?

What is he coming to join in, what is he doing?

Since I didn't know what the other party was doing, I had to let him in.

Moreover, this person has nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Palace. At this time, something must have happened and it has reached an uncontrollable situation.

And yes, this matter is most likely to be related to the Decepticons!

Speaking of which, the relationship between them is very delicate, not too beautiful!

It is precisely because of their own needs that they will come together with each other.

Autobots need humans to provide them with a place to stay and live!

He has also seen the powerful power of Optimus Prime, and at a human level, he cannot fight Megatron!

It is precisely because of this that for the Decepticons is such a terrifying and difficult enemy!

They humans cannot compete!

It is precisely because of this that they need the powerful assistance of Autobots to support them, and fight side by side against the challenge of Decepticons!

Otherwise, just rely on mankind, mankind will be annihilated!

They came together. Some things, due to the size of the Autobots, are too eye-catching, so it is not convenient to do it in person!

They will perform some tasks on behalf of the Autobots!

Because of human beings, they don’t want ordinary people to know that there are Autobots!

Therefore, at this time, Autobots cannot be exposed to the sun!

Some things are not convenient to start in person!

Therefore, Louise acted as a messenger, going to each other!

Become a mecha hunter!

All the things that are not convenient for the Autobots are done by the supervising person!

In terms of communication, humans have promised to set aside a place for Autobots to build military bases to hide themselves, and it is listed as a military forbidden area, and any civilians are strictly prohibited from entering this area.

Otherwise it will never forgive.

On the other hand, the Decepticons are also rivals of the Autobots. After they communicated, they reached a consensus.

Autobot leader Optimus Prime agreed and ordered all Autobots to assist mankind, fight against the vicious Decepticons, and protect mankind from harm!

This is their common enemy!

Megatron is their common opponent!

In order to avoid the last harbor from being poisoned by Megatron, they joined forces!

This is their common battle!

This battle must be won anyway!

Must also win!

Not just for humans!

Autobots are also for themselves.

So, they have no choice!