The First Mecha Veyron Overlord

Chapter 781: The goal of the Decepticons! (2)

The ambulance said, "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible. We have seen it with our own eyes. We have witnessed flying over the mountain and being escorted by the Decepticons to the Megatron space battleship, although we have never witnessed flying over the mountain. Death, but inferred from the Decepticon’s cruelty, from the Decepticon’s consistent style, from the Decepticon’s viciousness and unscrupulous means, from the Decepticon leader’s Megatron’s weird manner Crossing the mountain is definitely dead! How could he be alive after flying over the mountain?"

Flying over the mountain was not angry, and said, "You also said it, but it's not necessarily, it's just speculation, but not absolute!"

"I think my brother is not dead yet. It's definitely not empty words! If you insist, my brother is obviously not dead, but he won't save him. This is called a missed fighter, let's fly over the mountain and die!"

"When you knew the truth, he was obviously not dead, but you insisted that he was dead. Obviously you could save people, but you missed the best and last chance. Watch him die! When you know the truth At the time, will you regret what you did today, and will you not do it because of this thing, regret it, feel uneasy, feel guilty, so that the rest of your life will be spent in self-blame, with As for regret for life!"

He spoke word by word in a loud voice!

The ambulance was shocked, speechless, not knowing what to say.

Because the other party's words are indeed very reasonable, it made him speechless, and compared to this matter, it really made him not know what to say.

Because the other party's words are really very reasonable, and it is precisely because of this that he will be speechless!

He had already settled and said, as long as there is hope, it is absolutely impossible to give up hope. This is also in line with logical thinking.

Moreover, he also said that in the Autobot team, the tradition of teammates has never been abandoned, and the players must not be abandoned!

He can't eat his words and get fat!

If it is said that everything that Flies over the cliff said is true, she knows that she can be rescued and Flies over the mountain, but she does not act!

After knowing the truth, he will spend his whole life in regret!

Moreover, he will become a sinner among Autobots!

The biggest sinner in Autobot history!

Therefore, he was speechless and chose silence!

Regarding this matter, I really don't know what to say.

At this time, other people also stood up and supported flying over the cliff!

Because they did not witness flying over the mountain to death with their own eyes!

Moreover, they believe that the strength of the most powerful forge on this continent is not out of ignorance.

It can be seen that the blacksmith has an extremely powerful strength!

They have long been fascinated by the number one forge on that continent for a long time, and they have never met!

See you without blessing!

Moreover, it is rumored that this odd-tempered first forge on the continent will not easily go out of the mountain, nor will it easily answer others!

So, what is the reason for the first forge on the mainland to come out and forge a long-life lock for the twins to keep them safe!

It can be seen that the family background of flying over the cliff should not be underestimated, and it must be huge!

It can be seen that being able to invite the first forge on the mainland to take the lead is enough to prove that the family who flew over the cliff must have a strong strength as a basis and a terrifying background!

All these things happen for a reason, and must have a huge relationship with the strength behind the flying cliff and the strong background!

Being able to invite the first forge on the mainland to come out of the mountains, it can be seen that the family background of flying over the cliff must be huge, and the family background is profound and huge!

It is enough to prove the powerful background of the family who flew over the cliff!

Otherwise, please don't move the first forge on this continent!

You know, the works of this blacksmith are priceless!

Moreover, the number one forge on the mainland will never change his original thoughts easily just because the price offered by the other party is too rich for the country!

If you don't go out easily, there will be demons!

It can be seen that the longevity lock is not trivial, although it will not guarantee safety, at least its strength should not be underestimated!

Moreover, they also hope to have a relationship with the Flying Cliff Family, so that their status has risen sharply!

After all, it’s good to enjoy the cool back under the big tree!

Arcie said: "As a partner who flew over the mountain, I care about the life and death of flying over the mountain. The arrest of flying over the mountain has something to do with me, so I can't help but stand up and say something fair. Hope, it is absolutely impossible for us to give up and we must find ways to save people! Therefore, I support flying over the cliff!"

"I really don’t want to have the situation of flying over the cliff mentioned. I have a chance to rescue and fly over the mountain, but I don’t do it, but I don’t act, but I stand by. I don’t want myself to blame myself for the rest of my life. Spend it!"

"As a friend who flew over the mountain, Paoze, even if we have the slightest hope, we have to work hard and work hard, isn't it right?"

"Moreover, the ambulance just said that Autobots trust each other and never abandon their friends!"

"Among us Autobots, whether in the past or now, we have never abandoned our teammates or comrades in this bad habit. Right? Both now and in the future!"

"The past is, the present is, and the future is always!"

"Optimus Prime, as the leader, do you agree with what I said?"

He looked at Optimus Prime!

Optimus Prime has been silent forever, seeming to be hesitant!

Optimus Prime said, "It is undeniable that your words are indeed very reasonable. They immediately made me unable to control, and immediately caught me off guard, speechless, and lost square inch!"

"Flying over the cliff is right. Autobots will never abandon their teammates. The past is, the present is, and the future is still!"

"But what the ambulance said is also very reasonable, but have you thought about it!"

"In case, flying over the mountain is really dead, when everyone smashes the front, maybe it is Megatron’s subordinates. The Decepticons’ technology has already achieved isolation from each other’s interactions, allowing longevity to be locked under certain conditions. No alarm response, even if the owner is dead, it can still work normally."

"In addition, there is still a possibility. In case this is a trap, the Decepticons have already set a trap, and they just wait for us to drill and throw in the net!"

"We are very likely to be wiped out."

They deliberately spread false information about flying over the mountain, just let us throw in the net!

"So, as the leader of the Autobots, my decision is to wait and see the changes, get ready to go, and not act for the time being. And I will try my best to figure out the distribution map of the Decepticon space battleships for the next step. Try every means to investigate as soon as possible to find out which prison the Decepticons kept Flying Over Mountain in."

Because it is very important to us.

I will not care about the life and death of flying over the mountain, I will also worry about our overall strength, at least not to do such a stupid thing to wipe out the whole army.