The First Order

Chapter 561: Battle of defending the city

At one time, no one in the southwestern consortium put the experimental body in their eyes. Everyone thought that this was a group of beasts without intelligence. When they dealt with the consortium, they could naturally clean the experimental body and make it clear. .

However, when Qingyi went down to clean up the experimental body, Qingshi had discovered that the wisdom body in the experimental body was not very good.

Nowadays, human beings must treat the experimental body as the existence of the same IQ as their own and be careful.

For example, now Zhou’s troops did not expect that the experimental body would still be carrying the refugees and the captives, and let the Zhou’s troops on the wall be embarrassed.

Although the Zhou’s troops commanded the calming of the fire, they must know that there are old people and children in the ranks of the displaced people. After this war, it is feared that the chief of the Zhou’s army will often be condemned by conscience.

Not everyone can do cold and bloodless, he just makes the most rational and calmest judgment based on the current situation.

Heavy machine guns on the wall began to spurt fire. In the dark, the fire in the barrel was like a dragon, as if it was a meteor that dragged the tail.

Everyone on the wall of the barriers watched quietly. Lao Li and Qin Lan saw the flesh and blood of those displaced people being confused. Among them, there were people they knew. They had just sent the medicines some time ago, and the other party also gave back. He had a basket of wild eggs.

Lao Li promised that they had to buy winter cotton jackets for twelve children. As a result, the cotton jackets had not been bought yet, and the twelve children were gone.

However, neither Lao Li nor Qin Yu did not block the Zhou’s forces from firing, because they knew that this was the most correct choice. Although the Cavaliers were upright, they had never been taught to be kind.

In the gunfire, the experimental body mixed in the middle of the displaced people was also penetrated by heavy machine guns. When the experimental body found that humans actually fired directly, they immediately retreated.

They quickly withdrew the fire coverage of heavy machine guns and plunged into the forest.

The organic gunmen made a crazy madness and wanted to chase them with firepower. However, this group of experimental bodies seemed to be trained. When they ran away, they were walking irregular routes and escaping machine gun bullets as much as possible.

The officers of the Zhou’s army have placed the experimental bodies as close as possible, so that they can prevent them from escaping. But when they fire, they will kill hundreds of experimental bodies, and the experimental body is in the process of fleeing. Also let the garrison on the wall see the powerful physical strength of the other side.

But before the garrison is relieved, there is a sudden attack on the south of the communication channel!

"What happened? Isn't this experiment just retreating?" Someone stunned.

"Not good, this is a slap attack!" Zhou’s army chief gnawed his teeth.

Just this experimental body has come to the public, and even wrapped up so many people, so that everyone thinks they are going to attack the city from this side.

Zhou’s troops even temporarily transferred a group of troops from the south gate to the north gate, but the strength of these aids had just traveled halfway through the wall, but they got news of getting them back.

It turned out that although the western experimental body seemed to be very powerful, it was only to attract the attention of the defenders. There are other strategies behind it. This strategy is more fierce than one.

The Chief of the Zhou’s troops issued an order in the communication channel: “Give me the south, and never let the experiment body climb the wall!”

Just 5 minutes ago, everyone has already seen the physical strength of the experimental body. If such a monster is on the wall, it will only take ten minutes to get close to the battle. The defense system of the entire southern wall will be destroyed.

During the speech, the Zhou’s army chief has seen Lao Li rushing to the south with the Qin dynasty, and even the fifteen members of the fire company are closely following.

Both sides are very decisive. Once there is a danger of being robbed of the city walls by the experimental body in the south, then the south is the place where they are most needed.

When the experimental body is on the wall, only they can re-run the experimental body.

Ren Xiaosu took a look at the target at the commanding heights in the distance, but did not know what happened.

He can only see a small black spot on the wall, and quickly rush to the south. Is it the experimental body in the south?

However, Ren Xiaosu still did not move, he still wondered if he should not participate in this defensive war.

In this mad rush, the strength of the knight and the fire is high, and the two knights rushed in front, even the atmosphere did not breathe, and they crossed the distance between themselves and the fire, the rear fire company The members’ desperate running wants to catch up with Lao Li and Qin Lan, but they can’t do it.

A commander of the fire company suddenly said: "Don't chase them. It will run away from us, keep the physical strength and prepare for the close combat, don't let the experiment body board the city wall."

The south defenders should be able to stay for a while, and the knights need time to rush from the west to the south. It takes twenty minutes to say less. Lao Li and Qin Yu can only pray that the Zhou Guard in the south is strong enough, don’t suddenly Was beaten!

At this time, Ren Xiaosu was also rushing to the south. He thought that if Lao Li and Qin Lan couldn’t stand it, they would have to be close, so they could help.

Ren Xiaosu thought, even the members of the company that he had been tired of at this time stood up at this time. If he still stood by and watched, wouldn’t he say that he was even worse than the one he hated?

At this moment, it seems that everyone is running wildly. Zhou’s troops who are returning are running wildly on the wall. They can run and run, and Lao Li and Qin Hao slowly overtake them.

Ren Xiaosu also jumped between the tops of the building. However, before he arrived, the Cavaliers had already arrived at the south wall. At the moment when Lao Li and Qin Lan arrived, the experiment body just climbed along the wall. When I came up, my legs slammed on the edge of the wall. The whole gray body flew like a flying machine gun on the wall. This seems to be the most taboo thing in the moment. The first batch of experimental bodies on the wall was destroyed. All the tasks of heavy fire!

But before they could see them, they saw Lao Li like an off-road vehicle. They directly hit a test body that was still in the air and hit the barrier.

Ren Xiaosu immediately found the commanding heights and looked at the target mirror. However, he saw the old Li Dakai opening a room. Every time his hands swinged, there would be a splendid radiance of stars. Lao Li and the other experimental bodies were separated by five or six meters, but he could The boxing fist uses this brilliant ability to hit the experiment body!

Not only the old Li, but even the Qin dynasty has the same way of fighting, that star is a dozen!

Ren Xiaosu looked at the clear scene in the target mirror and stunned it. What is this thing, Lao Li and Qin Hao are so fierce? No wonder dare to stroll in the wilderness.