The First Order

Chapter 953: Individual Cloud Explosive

The reason why the transportation line for supplies is called the lifeline is because if this line is broken, more than 100,000 soldiers on the front line will face no food.

No matter how brave a soldier is and how gentle a military strategy is for a general, once food is out, it will be a terrible thing and will inevitably lead to the defeat of the war.

At first p5092 came to Zuo Yunshan. In fact, he did not have any idea about this material transportation line. After all, the barbarians will definitely protect this place strictly. The fact is the same. In order to protect the transportation line, the expeditionary army directly used 70,000 troops to leave Yunshan was surrounded.

Therefore, p5092 is just forcing the expedition to change lives. I don't think I can threaten the barbarian's material.

But neither p5092 nor the Expeditionary Army expected that this impossible task was really accomplished by Ren Xiaosu.

Now the expeditionary army is facing the problem of running out of food immediately. It is not that they want to attack at this time, but the situation forces them to attack at this time.

As p5092 said, the expedition was actually fighting back in the Jedi ...

Wang Yun froze for a while, but he looked at p5092's frown and asked suddenly: "Since we are taking the initiative now, why are you still frowning?"

"Because from this moment on, the truly brutal side of war will be reflected to the fullest," p5092 said, "War is not a duel of chess pieces on a chessboard, but at the cost of the continuous fall of life, and finally towards a tragic victory. Journey. "

There were orange lights in the tent, and there was a dark night outside the tent. Several lighting tracers on the defensive position rose to the sky, and then a fiery red fire light slowly dropped.

In the air, the magnesium powder in the combustion bomb is fully burned under the action of oxidant barium nitrate, which is gorgeous.

However, in this beautiful light, it is the ugly expeditionary army that continues to charge with ugly leather shields. This time the expeditionary army's offensive rhythm is several times faster than before, as p5092 guesses, the barbarian can no longer tolerate left The Sixth Combat Brigade in Yunshan is here, and they must end the battle here as quickly as possible.

On the defensive position, the bullet of the heavy machine gun looks like an orange-red egg in the night. When the 12.7 mm caliber bullet leaves the barrel at a speed of 800 meters per second, the bullet seems to burn in the night.

The bullet started to spin as it passed through the rifle of the gun bore. The power of this rotation helped it tear all the factors that interfered with it.

Under this power, the barbarian's leather shield was cracked open, like an ugly flower in the mud.

However, today's barbarians no longer hesitate to move forward, holding fast-breaking shields and rushing forward, just to rush under the defensive positions before the shields completely rot.

This is a battle method that doesn't count on life and death. These barbarian fighters sent up just like cannon fodder just to pave the way for the follow-up troops, and use their lives to shorten the distance between the expeditionary army and the defensive positions.

p5092 watching this scene in the defensive position, he shouted to Zhang Xiaoman and explained: "It seems that the barbarians are trying to break through the defensive position tonight and hit us unexpectedly. They probably don't know that we are waiting for them in advance. So when I came up, I used the fiercest offensive and told the Second Regiment that the things they prepared would be used immediately! "

After seeing the Expeditionary Corps approaching at any cost, the soldiers on the defensive position finally broke through the heavy shield of the opponent when the enemy was close to about 400 meters.

But the next moment, dozens of heavy armored fighters rushed out after the shield. They took the steel shield made of steel plates and dared to advance, not afraid of death.

The barbarians who died in front were nothing but cannon fodder, and they did not see it until they entered a distance of 400 meters.

It turned out that those cannon fodder missions were nothing more than hiding these heavy armored fighters behind leather shields and escorting them here!

These heavy armored fighters were wearing armor themselves, and the steel shield in their hands was the armor that was dismantled from the armor brigade that had been defeated by Tinder.

The firepower of heavy machine guns quickly concentrated near these dozens of people, but even if their actions were slightly delayed, they were still unable to effectively kill the heavy armored soldiers they used.

"Now, the two regiments are notified to intercept them," p5092 told a combat staffer.

Just northwest of the first position, twenty soldiers behind the bunker suddenly carried bazooka-like weapons. Under the cover of their comrades' fire, they began to aim at the heavy armored soldiers.

The head of the second group yelled at the distance of the barbarian: "When I order, once the heavy barbarian enters a range of 310 meters, he will shoot immediately! Whoever can't hit, don't eat him tomorrow morning!"

These people are not carrying rpg bazookas on their shoulders, but cloud bombs by soldiers alone! It is the most terrible killing weapon in a single soldier's incendiary bomb!

At first, napalm bombs were used in the battles of the Barrier Alliance, but later they were gradually abandoned.

Some people say that it is because napalm bombs are too cruel, but in fact, if there is something that can make the military take the initiative to abandon a weapon, there must be more advanced weapons to replace its role.

This time, the Sixth Combat Brigade came to the Central Plains, and they carried 32 single-use cloud detonations. Now they are all concentrated in the hands of the two regiments.

"Fire!" The second commander roared.

As soon as the words fell, 20 individual cloud explosive bombs began to cover the battlefield.

The cloud detonation bombs landed near the target at a speed invisible to the naked eye. Instantly, the cloud detonation bombs began the first micro-explosion, and the cloud explosives carried by the bomb body quickly spread in the air.

Cloud explosives are not explosives, but high-energy fuels such as ethylene oxide.

At the moment of the second explosion, the instantaneous high temperature and pressure of the cloud explosive agent burned. With the explosion point as the center, the temperature will reach 2500 degrees in an instant and a high-pressure impact will be formed.

Because the cloud detonation bomb is not equipped with an oxidant, it will evacuate all nearby oxygen at the moment of the explosion, creating an anoxic area.

When those heavy armored soldiers charged valiantly, the cloud explosion exploded beside or in front of them, like a fierce collision between modern civilization and brutal civilization.

No matter how heavy the barbarian's heavy armor is, no matter how strong the armor is, the high temperature and high pressure will end all life.

Then, a huge lack of oxygen caused subsequent barbarians to rush in and quickly suffocate.

But at this moment, p5092 suddenly frowned: "Wang Yun, are there any differences between these heavy armored soldiers and the heavy armored soldiers rushed out for the first time before?"

Wang Yun quickly compared the two. In just one second, he quickly said, "No, this time, the armored fighters are far from appearing faster than the last time!"

p5092 sighed: "Sure enough, let the two regiments stop cloud detonation shots and wait for my order."

In the heart of p509, he was only glad that he had prepared in advance, and did not let the two regiments volley the cloud explosive bombs, leaving twelve.

Because this time, the heavy armored fighters are probably the advanced cannon fodder used by the Expeditionary Force to consume their weapons and equipment. The real master is still hidden in the dark!


Eat a bite, there is a chapter in the evening. In addition, today is Ren Xiaosu's birthday. I wish Ren Xiaosu a happy birthday and hope that he can be an upright person in the future. This is my only expectation for him.