The First Strong Control In History

Chapter 177: [Crying card] (for the lord [the nicknam

  Chapter 177 [Crying and Wailing Card] (510 added for the leader [Changed nickname has been harmonized])


  [Howling and crying card]: On a sunny day, Zhang Canlan, a patient with affective disorder syndrome, suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He suddenly wanted the world to feel pain (10/10)

   Note: Please use with caution

   Sure enough, it still smells familiar.

   Even this intro uses the same template...

  Although it wasn't the depressed patient, it was replaced by a player with a brilliant name.

   But let’s congratulate him for being part of the Asylum deck.

  It’s just that compared to Comrade Li Misi who suffers from depression, this Comrade Zhang Canlan’s personality is obviously a bit bad... It sounds dangerous to make the world feel pain.

   After all, isn’t it just to make people cry? !

  But this time Yuan Bei also vowed secretly in his heart, [wailing loudly] must not be as violent as the previous [haha laughing].

   These cards, unless you are lucky enough to draw permanent skills later on, are used once less, and Yuan Bei doesn’t need to say more about the effects. Those who have been used are said to be good!

  Everyone laughed so hard that they wanted to stick out their thumbs and praise them twice.

  Looking at his younger brother who was still sound asleep, Yuan Bei shook his little hand, and transferred him another two thousand on Weichat, which probably drove the little fat man crazy.


  Of course, the most important thing is that I hope that the little fat man will stop picking up money, and can’t waste his energy in unnecessary places. Wouldn’t it be good to save it and hand it over to his brother to do something big?

  Looking at the sky outside the window, Yuan Bei didn't wake up Yuan Xiaopang. He still has class today, so let him sleep a little longer, and then tiptoed out.

   Putting on his clothes, Yuan Bei continued his jogging—of course, it couldn't be said how slow.

  If it is calculated according to the jogging of a normal person, it will have no effect on Yuan Bei at all, so his jogging is probably the speed of a normal athlete sprinting.

  Running is indeed the oldest human sport. It can exercise most of the body's muscle groups, and there are no other requirements. It only needs a pair of legs. It also has many benefits for Yuan Bei's adaptive training.

  Just like him now, although it seems useless in the short term, if you persist in the long term, you will always see results.

  Delay gratification, and when you feel satisfied for the first time, you can feel your own progress every day in the following days-this is the most beautiful part of exercising.

  After running for more than an hour, his body was almost active, and Yuan Bei wandered back home again.

  I still have some things to do today.

Neither of the parents went out. Because of the three blind wanderers, their business has not been doing very well recently. People generally spread rumors. In addition, they always come to make troubles, and some people scare them away. I heard it is not true There are also clean ones.

   This is what Yuan Bei wants to do. Go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to apply for an awakened license plate and put it in the store—this is basically a gold-lettered signboard.

  The popularity of the awakened is reflected in all aspects of life.

   Among them, business is also an important aspect, and taxes are also reduced to a certain extent. The most important thing is that it can avoid many impacts.

  That's why there are many more "social animal awakeners". Those who are a little ambitious will start their own business, and those who are not ambitious will find some companies to be affiliated with, and they will receive a lot of bonuses every year.

  Of course, the affiliation is not unlimited. In principle, an awakened person is generally only allowed to be affiliated with three companies.

  But Yuan Bei doesn't care about the little bonus every year, it's the same wherever it goes.

  When his parents opened the store, he was still preparing for the trials in Lake City, and he never had time to do it. This time, he can solve it when he has time.

  After breakfast, Yuan Xiaopang went to school, while Yuan Bei and the others took a taxi to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

  There were a lot of people in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, but due to the privileges of the awakened ones, the three of them basically did not wait, and a staff member took them to the "Awakened Ones Business" office first to handle business for them.

   "You are so young!"

   "I guess it's their son?"

   "The number of awakened people in Lake City is not too many."

   "These two are really lucky!"

  Looking at the envious eyes from around, Yuan's father and Yuan's mother couldn't help straightening their backs, their faces radiant, and the two of them seemed to be ten years younger all of a sudden.

   It’s also unavoidable that the people around are not envious. Anyone who has done something knows that for a small matter, it may take a long time to line up. With signatures and seals, a day passes in a blink of an eye.

  People criticize privileges when they don't appreciate them, and they will defend them after experiencing them.

   Listing is not a complicated matter, it is just linking Yuan Bei's identity information to "Yuan's private restaurant", and Yuan Bei himself is present, so the business processing efficiency is very high.

  But in such a short time, many people from the company came forward to chat, but they were all rejected by Yuan Bei.

   Instead, he took a lot of business cards—he didn't refuse. They were all the business cards of some company HRs, the purpose of which was naturally to allow Yuan Bei to be affiliated with their companies.

   Not long after, the three of Yuan Bei walked out of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

   "Mom and Dad, go to the store first, I'll go to the Awakened Association."

  At the door, Yuan Bei said to his parents.

   "OK, go home early at night."

  The parents didn't ask any more questions, they just gave an order, and the two got into the car and walked to the store.

  The staff just now also said that before noon, a special person will go to replace the signboard of the store, and there is also a sign of "Awakened People in the store" to be sent to them.

   It is estimated that they rarely encounter awakened people in such a small shop... Yuan Bei still remembers the surprised expression of the staff when they heard that it was a small restaurant of less than 300 square meters.

  Watching his parents get into the car in a hurry, Yuan Bei smiled lightly and shook his head.

  Although they didn't say anything, Yuan Bei could tell that his parents attached great importance to this store, as if it was their hope for a better life.

  Maybe I still want to make more money for him as a bride price in the future.

  Having suffered half their lives, they cherish this hard-won happiness more than anyone else.

   That's why Yuan Bei brought them over early in the morning, and settled this matter for them early, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

  The Awakened Association is not too far from here, so Yuan Bei didn’t take a taxi and walked slowly towards the association. Naturally, this time the past was not just for the Awakened’s certification. The main reason is that in the Awakened Association, there are many equipment that the outside world does not have for the time being, and it is much better to use it for cultivation than his own bare hands.

  Since waking up, his body has been in a state of saturation and expansion. The energy in his body does not know where it comes from, and it is washing his body almost every moment.

   Blood, bone marrow, and cells are all energy!

  That's why Jia Zhi saw a ghost.

   This is of course a good thing. The problem is that Yuan Bei's current body size cannot control this energy at all, and he can only wait for his body to slowly adapt to it.

  However, under the opening and hanging, Yuan Bei basically mastered his body very quickly.

   But the energy is still lingering in the body, so that he can't absorb the new gene core, otherwise his body may explode due to excess energy!

  And his current goal is to absorb these excess energy as quickly as possible.

  He already had some prototypes in his mind at this time, and it depends on whether it is what he imagined.

   I took some medicine for a cold and fell asleep before waking up.



  (end of this chapter)