The First Strong Control In History

Chapter 215: Code name 【sleep】

  Chapter 215 code name 【sleep】

  Yuan Bei followed Yu Xiangnan to finish the scene.

In the end, the character named [Zheng Yi] was defeated. [Dark Tiger] was a fierce fighter, walking like a tiger, with one hand and claws combined with his genetic skills. The ground was already in a mess at this time, and claw marks as deep as tens of meters could be seen everywhere.

   It was all due to the strength of its claws, if it touched the body, it would be torn apart immediately.

  The two fought inextricably, and in the end [Dark Tiger] defeated it at the cost of one arm.

  Of course, the scene looked brutal and bloody, but in the next moment, a master-level assistant sent treatment for the two.

  But if the arm is completely broken, even if it is connected, it will still have an impact on them. Some small to a few millimeters of error are among the strong, and they may die at any time.

   At least for half a month, these two master-level powerhouses should stop thinking about fighting again.

   "Xiangnan, such a place should be illegal, right?"

  Looking at the crowds of people in the stands, masks of gods and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, Yuan Bei couldn't help asking: "Will it really have no effect on you?"

   "Not illegal."

  Yu Xiangnan shook his head: "It's just that most people think it's illegal."

  Yuan Bei was taken aback: "Isn't it illegal?"

  Yu Xiangnan turned to look at Yuan Bei suspiciously: "This so-called underground world originally existed with the tacit approval of the state."

   "You don't really think there will be an underground world that is not controlled by the state, do you?"

  Yuan Bei froze on the spot.

  When Yu Xiangnan asked this question, he felt that he was really an idiot.

   Most of the dimensional world is under the control of the country, let alone such a "stage"!

  But he was still a little puzzled: "Xiang Nan, why are they all wearing masks? We..."


  Yu Xiangnan smiled and said: "Those are all worn by the weak, or they are afraid of seeking revenge, or they want to hide."

  Yuan Bei subconsciously touched his face without a mask, feeling panicked.

  I thought it would be fine if you didn’t wear it, so why don’t you wear it for me?

  I'm just a weak chicken!

   "With me here, you don't need a mask."

  Yu Xiangnan thought about it and said, "It's also for your own good."

  Yuan Bei was a little taken aback, but it was the first time he heard Yu Xiangnan say the classic words of "for your own good".

   While speaking, a barrier appeared beside the two of them, and no sound could come out.

  Yu Xiangnan said seriously:

   "Xiaobei, do you know what the king-level gene nucleus represents?"

  Yuan Bei: "Strong?"

"It is powerful, but it also represents invincibility and danger." Yu Xiangnan said: "Each development will basically produce a king-level gene core, but there are very few absorbers, and there is no one in a million who can successfully absorb it. "

   "The king's gene core is so arrogant, it is difficult for ordinary people to tame it, even for the king-level powerhouse, it is difficult to absorb it, and it may even cause physical damage."

   "You can absorb success, no matter what luck it is, I am happy for you."

   "But there is also a huge danger. If some people find out, they will definitely issue a killing order!"

  "The country is prosperous and stable forever, but people's hearts are very complicated. No one can guarantee to keep a secret. It is said that if you report it, you can't protect you too much."

   "But you have a dream, you want to see all the scenery in the world, being protected means being restricted..."

  Yu Xiangnan's voice was a little erratic, as if thinking of something: "People who are not free can't realize their dreams."

  Yuan Bei was stunned for a while.

  Except for the drunken time when we watched the stars together last time, this was the first time he saw Yu Xiangnan utter so many words in one breath, and it felt like he had said all the weight of a month at once.

  It was just the last sentence, but it seemed like there was something in the words.

   "So, Xiaobei, you need to become stronger, just like your stature, you have obviously grown taller, but you still feel weak..."

  Yuan Bei: …

   These are two different things!

  Can size and strength be directly proportional? ! Then if you grow to 1.7 meters, you are not invincible! ?

   Besides, who do you think is not weak?

  You despise even your own teammates, let alone me!

  But Yuan Bei also understood, so he pulled me here to make me stronger!

   Isn't that just what I want? !

  Being beaten every day, can I finally do something to others? !


   Actor Registry.

   "Xiang Nan, is there a problem with this..."

  Yuan Bei held the battle table, his face was a little weird, and he had an inexplicable feeling that he had been cheated.

"no problem."

   Yu Xiangnan glanced and shook his head.

   "Then opponent is a fourth-order awakener?"

  Yuan Bei smiled all over his face, and his heart was full of mmp. On the battle table, the strength of the opponent was impressively written, [Black Coal] Tier 4.

   Tier 2 beats Tier 4, aren’t you kidding me?

   This is probably worse than the "combat reactor" being beaten!

   "I forgot to tell you, there is no rank of awakened people in the stage, it just depends on the level of the stage itself, and the matching is also randomly determined."

  Yu Xiangnan seemed to have just remembered: "You are now a junior actor, even if you meet a master who has just entered the stage, it will not be surprising at all."

  Yuan Bei: Smile.jpg

  So why do you just forget about such an important matter?

  But no matter what Yuan Bei thinks, a game is a game, and the stage has its own way, so it doesn't matter if the grand master comes, let alone him.

   After waiting in the waiting area for a while, Yuan Bei finally made a mask and put it on. It was a sleepy beast dozing off.

  Yu Xiangnan didn't stop it either, the strong will be a matter of the future, Yuan Bei now has self-knowledge, so he won't stop him.

   After speaking, he went to the stands first.

   I don't know if he has shares in the stage, anyway, Yuan Bei has never seen anyone ask him, so he is really swaggering.

   Didn't wait long.

There are many competition areas in the stage. For example, the one he watched before belongs to a relatively advanced competition area. There are not many in the whole stage. After all, it is an arena that can withstand the battles of masters and above. It is extremely expensive.

  But it goes without saying that it is like a beginner, there are definitely not many.

   After signing the certificate of life and death, Yuan Bei quietly watched the battle on the big screen and waited quietly.

  With the end of the last match, it was Yuan Bei's turn.

Led by a waiter wearing a blue ghost mask, Yuan Bei walked directly through the passage from the backstage to one end of the arena. At the same time, a burly man walked out of the opposite passage. .

  There is an extremely black mask on the face, without any patterns, only a pair of eyes are exposed.

   Surrounded in a circle, Yuan Bei found that there were not many people in the stands, not even half of the seats were filled, and most of them came purely to gamble.

   Actually, this is not surprising. After all, it is only a primary competition, and not many people pay attention.

   Most of Ken’s concerns are interested in [Black Coal].

  As for the unknown newcomer [Sleep], not many people are interested.

   Listening to this name does not seem like a serious person!

  (end of this chapter)