The Fourth Natural Disaster: I Rely on Players To Dominate the Star Field

v1 Chapter 384: Vesta VS Cousin of the Ancestor King W

"I want to take a group photo too, can Master Vesta put on a look and look at me?"


"Let him sing and dance Rap!"


"I, I, I, I want Master Vesta to take a positive look at me!"


Seeing a large number of guests gathered around, they took out a lot of rough stones and asked Vesta to pose in various poses!

It has to be said that Xiao organized this wave is really too witty.

Few people even found out that this Vesta was a counterfeit.

After all, the real Vesta has long been in the solar system, and the one in front of him is an illusion created by Uchiha Itachi using the power of holy flames.

The B-rank power user just now, if he was alert, would definitely be able to see through the trick, but who would have thought of it?

And our poor Vesta demon, even though it has been cold for a long time, is still taken out by players for consumption!

The coffin board can't hold it down anymore!

While the players in the Food Street, Snack Street, and Pedestrian Street are happily earning a lot of rough stones, a group of high-end players are aiming at another way to make money!

"Such a low way of making money is still in use!"

"Oh, the life of a part-time job, this is the life of a part-time job!"

"It's already the interstellar era, and it's so stupid to still use such a sincere and simple way to earn rough stones!"

"It's us who carry the banner!"

Didiwei, Meizhi Jiulan, Fuyun, Crazy and others overlooked the players in these three areas, looked at the smiling children, and shook their heads immediately.

"Hurry up and finish your work, the front line of the rebel army is still waiting for us!" Curator Mei clasped his hands on his chest, and then looked to another place, and everyone also looked over!

"As soon as this Wuchao Peak isna is out, these forces should be shocked!" Fanhua called out a feather fan, fanned it gently, and curled up his mouth!

"I said prosperous, when did you start to learn Zhuge Liang's tricks, holding a fan all day, it's too silly!" Didi laughed, snatched the fan, and pretended to fan it.

"What does the screen have to do with me? I'm only a few plot descriptions??" Fan Hua rolled his eyes.

"Hahahaha..." A group of people laughed.

And at the same moment!

A conference room on the top floor of a tower on Eddie Star!

"Everyone, don't panic!" The representative of Wolan Civilization looked like a leader.

The Volan civilization has exclusive access to the slaves of many civilization forces.

This is closely related to the strength of their civilization, obviously not simple!

"The hot pot in their gourmet street is simply too scary! The soup base is made of high-level demon pure blood, and there is also stewed crystal fruit soup, all the guests are attracted away!"

"The milk tea skewers in the snack street are scary when they are iced. Their ice cubes contain the artistic conception power of the Dacheng ice shadow element. One sip is so refreshing that my soul trembles. Which of our restaurants and bars can compare to it?"

"Yeah, the worst thing is that the high-level guests are also attracted by the vista demon spirit master in the pedestrian street, and they don't come to Eddie Star at all!"

A group of black market owners of restaurants and taverns were all howling at the moment.

"It's really useless. At the critical moment, we still have to rely on our pillar industries!"

At this time, a group of black market bosses shook their B-level suits, got up together, and stood out arrogantly.

It is the arena bosses of Edison Star, who run the arena, including gray industrial chains such as **** services and slave services!

Seeing that the black markets of other forces have all gone cold, these bosses burst into laughter.

But at this moment!

"Boss, something is wrong!" A group of younger brothers ran in in a panic.

"???" These bosses thumped. The familiar words were just another way, but they were still very familiar, which made them very sensitive, because many bosses were completely taken away by the younger brother's bad words!

"What...what's the matter?? Difficult...Could it be, they opened an arena???" A group of bosses couldn't laugh anymore and swallowed their saliva!

"Ah... the boss knows? The boss is really good at predicting things! Moreover, our customers also ran away!"

"What? They all ran away??" The arena bosses were instantly shocked.

In their arena, there are a large number of slaves fighting **** every day. They also smashed a lot of rough stones, captured a batch of C+ alien beasts, and hired some not weak traveling stars to stage fierce battles in the arena.

Coupled with the extremely glamorous mermaid slave, a special product of the fish family, the **** scene was so exciting, how could it be possible that no guest stayed? ?

"Impossible. I recently hired a group of elite teams to fight against C+ aliens. How could there be no customers in such a wonderful battle?" Some bosses couldn't believe it.

"But... But, boss, the arenas where players are civilized are really, really awesome!"


As a result, a large wave of black market bosses gathered together and ran to the space station, the so-called arena area.

After a series of procedures, everyone entered the venue.

On the other side of the pedestrian street, a large new building opened!

The most attractive thing is the vast 'Wuchao Peak Arena! '

A group of black market bosses arrived and were instantly shocked.

Domineering, magnificent, vast, luxurious!

Not to mention the huge size of the arena, the exterior was built directly with gold and diamonds.

Yes, all are pure gold, pure diamonds!

In the interstellar era, these things are worthless at all. Any unmanned asteroid or meteorite contains an unknown number of billions of tons of gold and diamonds!

Even so, the compulsion is really high!

"These civilized players are really good at superficial skills!" A group of black market bosses saw this scene and were immediately very upset, gnashing their teeth.

And when they saw the tickets, they were almost overwhelmed by thunder.

"Hahaha, 1 rough stone for admission? I laughed so hard, I thought it was so high-end!"

"That's right, enter 1 rough stone, isn't this letting everyone in casually?"

A group of business owners burst out laughing when they saw the tickets for the Wuchao Peak Arena.

"My gladiatorial arena requires 1W rough stones to enter, and you must spend 100W on the black market to be eligible to enter!

And if they enter the arena with 1 rough stone, wouldn't anyone be able to enter? This is a rough rough stone! It will be closed in a few days! It seems that our imagination of player civilization is too exaggerated! It's too much to think about! "

The leader of the Black Market Boss of Wolan Civilization suddenly laughed with disdain.

However, as soon as everyone entered, they were instantly shocked by the turbulent noise of the crowd, the sound waves and shouts resounding through the sky!

The space inside is not only terrifyingly wide, but the number of seats surrounding it is countless!

What's even more outrageous is that there are actually figures in every seat, and there are a million spectators, all sitting to a full capacity, screaming there!

Moreover, each seat is engraved with a short-distance transmission photolithography array. Guests can hold the tickets in their hands at any time and instantly transmit them to the seat or box or WC and exit passages, which is very convenient!

There is also the best sightseeing area on the top floor, and the tens of thousands of luxury boxes with distinct levels!

Let’s not talk about the box, just the tickets, one rough stone per person, that’s a solid one million!

What shocked them the most was not just the one in front of them!

"King worm skewers, ice wide fall, highly artistic cocktails..."

"Guest, why don't you have a cup of Bingkuoluo? While watching the peak game, drinking the refreshing and happy water made with special materials such as Bingying Mood and Electric Plasma, wouldn't you be so excited?"

"Come, come, let's go, the Supreme Shengyan Hot Pot in Tianzi No. 2 box has arrived!"

Throughout the arena, a large number of murlocs are back and forth in the dining car, busy back and forth, providing convenient services to customers in need!

Almost a large number of spectators were drinking Bing Kuo Luo and eating all kinds of snacks and delicacies, such as King Insect Fried Skewers!

In the distinguished box room, many guests watched the game while simmering hot pot. It was so cool!

At the same time, all food and drinks here are doubled!

Despite this, many viewers still choose to buy, after all, these are too delicious!

Especially when I was sitting in my seat, watching other audiences eating fried skewers and drinking happy ice Kuoluo, but I was empty-handed. Are you embarrassed? ? Is it decent? Is this so bearable?

Invisibly force the audience to consume!

They do it voluntarily, it's none of my business!

"Damn it, it turns out that these guys actually earn rough stones with this! No wonder the tickets are almost free!" A group of black market bosses were so angry!


Too despicable, too shameless!

Many black market bosses made a little calculation, and in just a short while, hundreds of thousands of cups of ice cubes were sold!

A cup of 100 rough stones, this is tens of millions of rough stones!

Shit, it's simply a gold-absorbing behemoth!

This speed of making money is too terrifying, too heaven-defying!

But the shock of the Wuchao Peak Arena gave them far more than that!

A more shocking scene happened!

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone, a good man is me, I am... Brother Zeng!"

"The last double B-Peak matchup was really exciting, but this is just an appetizer!"

"The next step is the real highlight. It's the honorable spectators who will never see it in those trash and vulgar arenas on Eddie Star!"

"Red Fang, please invite the B-rank peak demon... Vesta!"

Following the roar of the player whose ID is Brother Zeng, on the left side of the arena, a huge silver-white figure entered the arena domineeringly stepping on a thousand-meter-sized demon mount.

"Roar!" With the roar of the demon mount, Vesta's majestic B-level peak momentum appeared on the stage!

"Fuck, the real B-level peak demon lord, where did they get it??" A group of black market bosses were dumbfounded.

"The blue side is the cousin of the peak B-rank ancestor insect king..."

A super-large ancestor insect king roared and flapped its wings like a dragon, covering the sky and the sun. Its blue eyes stared at Vesta and kept roaring and provoking!

It's just that the size of the quasi-ancestral insect king is only one-tenth the size of the real body of the Witch Queen! That is nearly a kilometer in size.

"The ancestor you king worm at the peak of B-rank??? Nima!" The black market bosses all vomited blood.

This... Nima, how do you still play?

It's a demon and a Zerg, so it's not a routine thing, and it's caught and killed!

It's outrageous!

Compared with the one here, my own C+ superpowers and strange beasts are just pecking at each other!

Compared with others, it can't be on the stage at all!

"Damn it, if this is the case, all of our gladiatorial arenas join forces to smash and add rough stones, capture B-rank alien beasts and void star beasts, maybe we can't fight them!" The black market boss of Wolan Civilization gritted his teeth, thinking that this plan It works...what the hell!

The next scene made him completely desperate!

Copy homework?

Copy a fart!

"Everyone, the most exciting moment has arrived!" Brother Zeng waved his hand.

"Buzz!" Two huge holographic heads projected from the sky!

Vesta (first form) VS ancestor king worm (cousin version)

"Hehe, we've already failed at this trick of betting!"

A group of black market bosses sneered.

This kind of bet, regardless of winning or losing, the banker will make a steady profit, but the profit is only average.

Because there is no way to control the outcome, after all, many spectators are not low in strength, and it is basically impossible to cheat high-level power users in fake matches!

What followed was still a familiar scene. Some spectators began to bet one after another. Although the number of people was less than one-tenth, the accumulated prize pool still quickly exceeded 50 million and was heading towards the 100 million mark!

"Hehe, the strengths of both parties are not simple, but the ancestor king worm is always just a branch, no match for the wise Vesta demon! Stupid player civilization, you never know, there will be an existence with amazing eyesight like me! This This duel will be the beginning of our blood earning! Hahaha!"

The black market boss of Wolan Civilization smiled triumphantly. He is also a strong person at the peak of B-rank, so he naturally has excellent eyesight!

A group of black market bosses behind him laughed badly.

So a group of bosses all followed him and bet on Vesta's victory!

The prize pool broke one billion in an instant!

However, soon, the black market bosses of all major civilizations were instantly confused.

"Ah... what kind of mode is this riding horse?"

"Impossible, this is impossible, how did they do it?? Impossible!"

Seeing the scene in front of them that refreshed their cognition, all the bosses of Blackstone directly broke their defenses!

The style of painting in the arena at this time is simply outrageous!

"As the game started, our cousin, the ancestor of the Insect King, came up with a shot of the Great Flame Emperor, and the demon lord Vesta was directly injured and flew out! At the same time, I would like to thank the boss of Box 36 for rewarding a big shot worth 10W rough stones. Emperor Yan!"

"Ah... Vesta is terrible. Box 36 then rewarded a 20W nuclear explosion golden body. The cousin of the ancestor worm king opened the first stage of the nuclear explosion golden body, and his strength exploded in an instant. Ah! Vesta suffered tragically. Violent beating, does it mean that the game is going to end like this?"

"No, the situation has undergone a shocking reversal!"

"The honorable owner of the 24th box rewarded a second-stage light armor worth a million! Vesta turned into an energy giant, and directly hugged and fell, smashing the ground, smashing the skin of the cousin of the insect king! It's too miserable Yes, my cousin was directly injured!"

"Seeing that the situation is going against the wind, Box 36 made another move, throwing a million dollars, and summoning the giant hand of the Stargate mechanical giant. My God, the giant palm is like a five-finger mountain pressing down, and Vesta was directly pressed down!"

"Oh my God, Vesta is in a desperate situation. Something is wrong. At this time, who is going to come and put on a luminous armor and save Vesta? Only 100W of rough stones are needed!"

In Zeng Ge's coquettish and excited shouting and commentary, the fierce confrontation on the field was extremely exciting, and it was unheard of and never seen before!

Moreover, Brother Zeng continued to thank the bosses who gave out sky-high prices for rough stones while explaining passionately, especially the famous names of the 36th and 24th boxes, which were constantly reported, attracting the admiration and admiration of countless audiences!

The atmosphere on the scene was simply ignited.

Even many traveling star travelers from advanced civilizations were stunned and couldn't help shouting hello!

This kind of fierce competition is unique, unique, novel and rare, fun and exciting, and it is enjoyable!

"Hehe, you're new here, here's the menu, a bunch of cute newbies!" At this moment, an old spectator who had watched the matchup in the previous game handed over a menu and smiled triumphantly.

Even if I watched one more game than others, I still have an indescribable sense of pride and superiority.

The black market bosses gathered together, looking at the menu in their hands.

There are several sections, the upper left is various ordering services and prices, the lower left is the service of watching movies, bathing, pinching feet and massage, and the whole block on the right is the reward list.

The group of bosses instantly understood what happened!

It turns out that the specific skills, auxiliary props, and tricks of the two sides in this peak arena are all controlled by the audience!

But you must be a distinguished guest who owns a box to be eligible for reward manipulation moves.

In these reward catalogs, the lowest is 10w tricks, the highest cap is 100W rough stones, such as Great Yan Emperor, Super Concentrating Light Sword, Spiral Shuriken, Shining Sword, Star Gate Mechanical Hand, Day Tiger, Ye Kai, etc. are all here kind.

Each trick has a cooling time and cannot be used repeatedly in a short period of time. You need to master the order of the skills to control the outcome of the game.

In this way, it is tantamount to breaking the routine, breaking people's perception of the arena, and making the VIP owners of the boxes feel overwhelmed with participation, and it's so cool!

Those who can sit in the box are all people with good civilization status in one side, they don't care about this rough stone at all, and they don't care about the outcome, it's purely for fun!

There are also some who bet on one side in advance, and then use the tipping stone to control the outcome of the game and make a fortune!

However, there are also many accidents, such as wanting to win at the same time, and the two sides who want to control the game are opposite, so it is easy to fight for anger.

Hit it and hit it.

"Box No. 36, you're so **** tough with me, aren't you?"

"I'm laughing at you, if you have no money in box 24, just tell me and leave! Do you really think that trash like Vesta can win?"

"You!! Good, good, no one has provoked me for a long time, today I will let Vesta kill you, that bastard!"

"Hahaha, the biggest joke in the world, you are the only one?? When you fight with me for rough stones, who are you?"

"You have the guts! Let's wait and see!"

"If you lose, go home and have a drink!"

The fight between No. 36 and No. 24 was exceptional!

Everyone in the other boxes watched this scene with interest, so they didn't rush to make a move and gave up the venue!

So in just a few minutes.

The two sides kept smashing the rough stones, a series of millions of skills without blinking an eye, and the battle between Vesta and the cousin of the worm king also entered a fierce battle.

In this scene, even the bosses of Blackstone couldn't tell the outcome!

"Bless the gods, Vesta must not lose! Amit's Buddha!"

A group of black market bosses raised a total of 1 billion bets. Recently, their business has been bleak and their income is not much. Most of the profits are handed over to their own forces.

At the same time, relying on itself as a pillar industry, it has lent a large number of rough stones to some black market merchants who have already gone bankrupt.

Now, they are bankrupt and have no money to repay themselves in a short time, so there is not much left in their pockets.

The 1 billion rough stones have already been raised by embezzling basic operating funds!

So at this moment, they can only shout and cheer with the audience in other ordinary seats.

The fight went to a showdown, but none of the spectators could tell the outcome.

Because the 36th and 24th have already played real fire, most of the rewarding skills have entered the cooling down, and the two sides are still smashing out rough stones.

However, at this time, in the special private room No. 0, several figures overlooked the The corners of their mouths slightly raised.

Impressively, it is prosperous, Meizhi Jiulan, Didiwei, Fuyun, Crazy and others.

"How's the betting situation?" Fan Hua asked indifferently.

"Vesta is 1.86 billion, and the cousin of the insect king is 620 million, three to one!" Wuxin said while sliding the tablet in his hand, looking at the data.

"Very good, how many of the rough stones owned by the cousin of the Insect King belong to us?"

"300 million!"

"Very good, let the brothers who manipulate the power of the holy flame to control the cousin of the worm king, start a wonderful show!"



PS: Recommended tickets, monthly tickets fast track!

stealing fragrance

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