The Fourth Natural Disaster: I Rely on Players To Dominate the Star Field

v1 Chapter 638: 1 wave of backhand stealing

Newest URL: "Is it finally time to start?"

"Haha, it's been a long wait!"

"Let's strike!"

In the Lei Punisher Alliance, large and small armies of many forces were dispatched in unison.

The Executioner's plan is simple!

With the help of huge manpower and material resources, the Leijue Alliance has established many teleportation formations on each shrimp island of the Rectangular Arm.

After it was determined that the mastermind behind the Niu Kelu Sect had appeared, the Lei Sect leader, the Lei Punisher Alliance began to dispatch collectively!

Through the teleportation array, send the army of the Lei Zhuer Alliance to attack, find the main force of the Niu Colu God Sect and the fish people, and start the confrontation!

Then a steady stream of dispatch support arrives to suppress it!

As a result, the Niu Colu Sect and the fish people will inevitably lose the enemy and retreat.

The army of the Lei Zhuer Alliance, which continues to increase its troops, will slowly form a surrounding circle!

And gradually advance, and gradually surround and drive the found Niu Colu believers and fish people together.

And this is just the first step of the Lei Zhuer plan!

The core purpose of the Executioner's Plan is not to destroy these Niu Coluo Sect and Murlocs.

Because these guys are at the bottom, no matter how much you kill, it is useless.

Once the mastermind behind the scenes changes to another place, new believers and an army of unique races will be developed.

So the second step of the Executioner's plan.

It is to take these Niucolu religious believers and fish people as hostages, to force out the mastermind behind the scenes.

That is, the head behind the scenes known as the leader of Lei!

Unless this behind-the-scenes leader runs away from the beginning, otherwise, once surrounded within a certain range, the second step of the Executioner's Plan will be launched!

A powerful formation that was arranged in advance by six A-rank powers and jointly launched, blocked this and that cosmos zone!

In this way, the so-called Lei Sect Master will definitely not be able to escape.

The third step is easy.

Once the leader of Lei appears, kill him directly, and then kill the rest of the guys who dare to resist! Perfectly solve the scourge of Niu Colu Divine Sect.

As long as the leader of Lei is solved, the rest of the guys are not enough!

The believers and murlocs of Niucolu can be captured as slaves and drained of all value.

Even if it fails, it can be recorded and spread everywhere.

Completely destroy the prestige and belief of Niu Coluo!

After all, as the leader behind the scenes, even the believers dare not save, nor have the strength to save them, so they can only watch them die, so there will be no more people believe in this kind of Niu Colu religious sect.

Once faith collapses, no one can be trusted!

Naturally, there is no threat.

It can be said that once the Lei Zhuer plan is launched, it has already won!

No matter how hard the Niu Kelu Sect tries, it will definitely lose!

Soon, an army of nearly 100 million was dispatched like a tide. Under the leadership of many generals, the fleet and the power user troops dispersed, and arrived at their respective locations through the teleportation array.

And soon, there was information that the first group of troops of the Lei Punisher Alliance who arrived had already encountered the believers of the Niu Colu Sect, and the two sides started a fierce battle!

At the same time, news of encounters with the believers of the Niu Colu Sect also came from other directions, and the two sides fought fiercely.

But no surprise, as expected by the top of the alliance.

"Hahaha, these monkey-like believers of the Niu Colu sect, are they too weak?"

"It's just a group of spicy chickens, completely powerless!"

"Kill, kill them all! Hahaha!"

In dozens of locations, the vanguard of the Leijue Alliance easily defeated the believers of the Niu Kelu Sect. Although the believers of the Niu Kelu Sect kept coming, they were too weak!

The implementation of the Lei Chaser plan went more smoothly than expected.

Those weak fish people almost fled looking at the wind, not daring to fight back at all.

The believers of the Niu Kelu Sect are indeed crazy and fanatical, and when they are fighting, they shout some crazy words like a madman.

such as...

"Your father is dead!"

"Gan on a horse!"

"Dogs plan neurosis!"

"Is this 100,000,000-point army a joke? Why are there so many people riding on horses?"

"Lei God is tricking me again!"

"What the hell, who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

The believers of the Niucolu Sect continue to die tragically. It is conservatively estimated that the vanguard of the Lei Pupil Alliance has come face to face and has killed more than one million!

At the same time, according to the plan, the believers of the Niu Kelu Sect and a large number of fish people were all rushed to the designated circle.

This circle is the area surrounding a star system.

At this time, outside the circle, nearly 100 million powerful people from the Leijue Alliance came together, and all of them couldn't help showing a look of disdain.

"Isn't this Cobalt God Sect too weak?"

"Yes, those murlocs dare not fight back at all!"

"I'm dying of laughter, just these spicy chickens, hey, I really don't know why the leaders are so afraid of these things! This Cobalt God Sect doesn't seem to be a threat at all!"

The nearly 100 million army of the Lei Zhan Alliance has surrounded this area, and even a mosquito cannot be released!

There are battleships, aircraft carriers, and many power users of the element system, waiting quietly.

A star system is really big for ordinary people!

But for fighting civilization, it's just a small place.

On a planet in this area that is full of liquid methane, there are only more than 100,000 believers of the Niu Colu sect dressed in black.

Obviously, the rest of the believers of the Niucolu Sect were basically killed.

On the methane seawater around this planet, there are hundreds of millions of murlocs, a few of them surfaced, and most of them are hidden under the sea.

At this time, five figures finally slowly emerged!

They are five A-rank powerhouses who have never shown their faces!

The five A-rank powers lined up, and their eyes locked on the last battlefield.

"Let the old man come!"

An A-rank old man stepped forward and looked at the more than 100,000 believers of the Cobalt Sect on this planet.

"The behind-the-scenes of Niu Colu's Sect, if you don't want your believers to die tragically, come out yourself! Otherwise, don't blame the ruthless underling of the Spirit Master!" The A-rank powerhouse said lightly.

In his opinion, regardless of the presence or absence of the sect of the Cobalt God Sect, the Lei Chaser plan has actually been a success!

Yes, let's shoot to death together!

If he is not there, he will slaughter all the remaining believers of the Niucolu Sect and hundreds of millions of murlocs!

After recording everything that happened, and spreading it throughout the Rectangle Arm, the reputation of Niu Colu's Sect would be completely ruined.

After that, slowly find a way to find the leader of Lei and kill him!

The head behind the scenes, once he loses his subordinates, is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and there is no threat at all.

"..." The fish people were silent, but all of them acted as if they were dying.

And the more than 100,000 believers of the Niucolu Sect began to scold them one after another.

"Gan your brother, I am your father!"

"Made, these **** have killed Lao Tzu more than a dozen times!"

"Damn, why are these guys so strong?"

"I've been fighting until now, but a little monster hasn't been killed? What the **** is this?"

"Are we surrounded? Why are we surrounded by strange people? Didn't Lei Shen say to take us to fly? By the way, weren't we all eating hot pot together before? Where is this place? What are you doing?"

"Are you stupid? Mian said before that the plan was when you didn't listen to it? Are you still asking this? Gan, you B didn't go offline when you were eating hot pot yesterday, and you're only online now, right?"

More than 100,000 followers of the Cobalt God Sect chattered, and most of the words, many high-level civilized people did not understand very much, but a few swear words were still understood.

It's getting louder and louder.

It made a few strong people a little uncomfortable.

"If you can die under my blow, you will be proud of your whole life!"

After the A-rank powerhouse finished speaking, the terrifying power of A-rank erupted!


The A-rank powerhouse whispered, and a huge flame giant slowly took shape, as if it was bigger than the planet, and it looked down at the planet in front of him with a magnificent high profile.

However, the giant, pointed with a forefinger, headed towards this planet.


In the swearing voices of the more than 100,000 Niu Coluo Sect believers, such as "grasping grass" and "Nyma pit father!", a terrifying blow came, which directly blew up the planet! !

The power of terrifying boundless flames spread out wanton, directly destroying the planet, erasing it from the universe, without the slightest trace, even the countless murlocs in it were all killed!

The more than 100,000 followers of the Niu Coluo Sect and the hundreds of millions of fish people have completely disappeared.

The power of a tier A powerful blow is so terrifying!

"Haha, a group of ants!" The A-rank powerhouse snorted softly.

too weak!

He had thought that something unexpected would happen.

For example, a few sky-defying powerhouses are suddenly killed, or what kind of leader Lei will block, etc.!

If something unexpected happens, at least make yourself happy for a while!

As a result nothing happened!


The last Niu Kelu believers and fish people were all killed by one blow.

Although the arm of the ruler is very huge, there should be a few believers of the Niucolu sect and a lot of murloc remnants alive, but they have not caused any waves.

"The Executioner plan has been successfully completed!" The six A-rank powerhouses standing in the universe said lightly.

But at this moment...

"It's not good!!!" A top executive of the Executioner Alliance rushed to the six powerhouses in horror.

"What are you panicking about? Say it!" The six masters pouted in disdain.

It is estimated that there was a loophole in the encirclement net, and some enemy remnants were missed as a result.

"Many of our teleportation formations have been attacked, and they have all been destroyed!" the high-level hurriedly reported.

"!" The six powerhouses suddenly felt a shudder in their hearts, and they were in a bad mood.

Wasn't the main force of Niu Kelu and the murlocs driven together by the encirclement and completely wiped out?

Where did the opponent get the power to eat so many defenders of the teleportation formation in one go?

The destruction of the teleportation array is actually a trivial matter.

With such a huge power of the Leiqiu Alliance, it didn't even take a day to rebuild it!

After all, there are more than 100,000 Array Masters in the Lei Zhuer Alliance, and a large number of B-Rank Array Masters have been caught, and there is also a huge force with A-Rank power who specializes in array methods.


What is the purpose of the opponent destroying the teleportation array?

Obviously to stop the rapid movement of the own army!

Could it be that…...

"It's not good! The galaxy of the alliance headquarters has been attacked!!!" At this time, another high-level executive ran over in horror and reported,

"!" The expressions of the six A-rank powerhouses suddenly changed!

"Tiaohu Lishan... Damn it, it turns out that the believers and murlocs of the Niucolu Sect are all bait! Such a vicious plan!" The six strong men also reacted instantly.

The other party actually pre-judged the Lei Zhan plan, and used hundreds of thousands of Cobalt Lu religious believers and hundreds of millions of murlocs as bait, attracting the main force of the Lei Zhan Alliance to stay away.

Destroy the teleportation array again, so that you can't rush back in time!

After that... raid the Alliance headquarters galaxy!

So sinister!

"I will stay in command and rush back with the army here as soon as possible! The five of you will go back first, just in case!" A Rank A powerhouse said.

"Okay!" The five A-rank powerhouses nodded and immediately walked away!

They are amazingly fast, spanning hundreds of millions of miles in one step!

Even if there is no teleportation array, it only takes half a column of incense to rush back to the galaxy of the Alliance headquarters.

However, the five A-rank powers stopped halfway along the way.

Because of a figure, separated by 10,000 meters, appeared in front of the four!

A majestic and amazing B-rank peak coercion, wearing a mask, his body faintly exudes an incredible aura!

That is the breath that the five A-rank powerhouses have never seen or felt for many years!

This breath exudes a burst of the ultimate breath of time, as if it has existed for millions of years, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years!

So for a moment.

They knew who was in front of them.

"Are you the leader of the Niu Coluo Sect? Niu Colulei?"

"Hehe, we were bumped into it. Now, where do you escape to?"

The five A-rank experts laughed and said proudly.

"Come on, Niu Coo Lulei! I've seen five!"

The masked figure smiled strangely and disappeared in place!

"Want to catch me? You're thinking of farting!" The masked figure immediately activated the Void Secret Technique, flashing in a row, and hurried away!

"Void law?" The five A-rank great experts frowned, but they chased after him without hesitation!

What if you master the power of space?

Niu cobalt Lulei, today you can't fly!

When the five A-rank powerhouses were chasing the masked figure, the Galaxy Executioner Alliance headquarters had been completely fried!

"God, where did they come from?"

"I can't stop it, help!"


In the central area of ​​the Rectangle Arm, the headquarters of the Executioners Alliance has been attacked by millions of believers of the Niucolu Sect, and there are more than three billion murloc army besieged!

The elites of the Lei Punisher Alliance came out in full force, and naturally there were not many strong ones who stayed behind. How could one block the attack of so many enemies!

Especially after just playing for a while, more than 100,000 new combat powers have joined in.

And most of these guys have the appearance of monkeys and rabbits, fighting and talking non-stop.

"Hahaha, I was chased and killed all the way just now, and I died a dozen times. This time, I will kill him!"

"Mad, your brother killed Lao Tzu just now, and he killed you so well, Lao Tzu chopped you up first!"

"Brothers, come on, play the prestige of our Huaguo Mountain monkeys!"

With the continuous addition of combat power, also completely defeated the defense of the Lei Zhuer Alliance headquarters.

And in a cosmic belt in the headquarters of the Lei Zhuer Alliance. .

The two figures are facing each other in the air.

"You are Niu Colui Lulei?" A hidden A-rank powerhouse who stayed behind didn't care at all about the horrific image of his subordinates being slaughtered, but looked at the figure in front of him with excitement and excitement.

"Yes! I am the invincible existence... Master Niu Colulei!" Hanilei skillfully reported the list of titles.

Then Hanilei spoke slowly.

"Yi, do you dare to fight me fairly?"

"Hehehe..." Hanilei laughed!

steal incense