The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 1412: invisible rules

1412. Invisible rules: After Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan returned to the fleet under the protection of Anakin Skywalker, they were immediately sent to the medical cabin for emergency treatment, and Governor Tarkin even ordered his special plane to take They were sent back to Coruscant.

They were badly injured, both physically and mentally, very badly. Kanes-Moulna's full blow came from the dream, which is a subjective and against the will of the world, and the dream sisters were also in the dream at that time.

And Kanes Moore, the Sith Demon Lord 7,000 years ago, how powerful his heart and soul are is simply unimaginable.

It took months for even Darth Malthael to absorb him bit by bit, let alone the dream sisters now.

The offensive on the Dirksen satellite is still going on, and countless soldiers of the Galactic Republic continue to attack the defense line of the city of steel.

After a long siege, the city-level shield of the Iron City was finally completely broken. The moment the coolant dried up, the overheated shield capacitor ignited a raging fire, and even showed an ion state at extremely high temperatures. , the terrible flame ignited the entire large building, like a volcano.

Under the command of General Kalani, all the separatist robot legions began to shrink towards the interior of the city. Even the Scorpion tank group circled around the city before re-entering the city, and then dispersed into more than a dozen mobile combat groups. .

The battle of Li has officially entered the stage of street fighting. With the destruction of the city's shield, the powerful firepower advantage of the Galactic Republic army began to play out.

A group of fighter jets roared over the city continuously, dropping powerful bombs and launching proton torpedoes and missiles against the powerful anti-aircraft firepower.

The av-7 self-propelled artillery and at-te walker also kept bombing the interior of the city with heavy artillery.

Under the deep coverage of firepower, Iron City's anti-aircraft firepower and long-range firepower suffered heavy losses, which further weakened their peripheral resistance.

There is nothing that can stop the army of the Galactic Republic from breaking into the city. …on the bridge of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser Gauntlet, the temporary flagship of the Galactic Republic Fleet.


"This is the seventh serious armed confrontation today...General Skywalker, Governor Tarkin." An officer walked over and turned to Wilhuff Tarkin and Anakin Sky who were standing in the middle of the bridge. Walker submits report.

"What's the cause of the matter? If our soldiers caused another rape, robbery, or homicide case, then we will cooperate with Planet Onderon and strictly punish it." Anakin Skywalker frowned and said in a deep voice.

"...This time it is indeed an incident of injury and death, but..." The officer hesitated, he looked at Anakin, and said: "It is a family of aborigines. According to the policy, they were relocated to the farm area outside the city, but because the farm area became overcrowded, they returned to Izzy City and clashed with the soldiers who temporarily requisitioned their residence. During the scuffle, someone fired shots, killing three The aborigines and a soldier died." Anakin Skywalker rubbed his forehead, and he found that this matter could not be handled at all.

If it was simply that some soldiers committed crimes, or some residents were messing around, then the matter would be resolved, but now this matter..., he shook his head and said, "What's the reaction of the authorities on Planet Onderon?"

"The Royal Guard wants to arrest the five soldiers involved, but our people are obviously unwilling. Now the two sides are confronting each other with guns," the officer said.

"How do you think it should be dealt with? Jedi Knight." Wilhuff-Tarkin asked with a hint of sarcasm,

"Convict our soldiers and let them arrest these people? Or bring our people back by force? I have to remind you that now we have more than 2 million soldiers in Izzy City. Not to mention robbing a few people, even if the entire It is no problem to wipe out all the royal guards." Anakin fell silent.

Wilhof-Tarkin said behind him: "It's hard, isn't it? We are the ones who shed blood for the Galactic Republic, and they are the ones who support separatism, but they are the ones who build Behemoth-class battleships for them." But now? They can directly arrest our people and stop our actions, which even the main force of separatism cannot do." Anakin remained silent.

"I can tell you some statistics. In fact, you should know it yourself." Tarkin said with his hands behind his back: "Since Ramses Dundup became king again, our army's medical resources in Izzy City have dropped by 12%. Because he strongly demanded that some medical robots and medicines be set aside for local residents. At the same time, the proportion of our army’s rotation troops living in marching tents on the outskirts of the city increased by 22%. Entertainment products have also dropped by nearly 40%, what does this mean?" He took two steps forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Anakin Skywalker,

"You are a brave warrior. You have greatly changed my previous impression of Jedi Knights. You should know better than anyone else what people desire most after returning from the **** on the front line. It’s a glass of fine wine, a piece of barbecue, a holographic game, and a warm embrace… But what is the planet Onderon giving our soldiers?” A cold smile appeared on the corner of his’s a ration supplies, poor entertainment, cold tents... oh, and the endless protest marches. My cousin participated in the Stark hyperspace battle 20 years ago. What I can tell you is that ordinary soldiers are very fragile psychologically. They are not cold clones, but ordinary people with flesh and blood and families. . In order to maintain their fighting will, we need to make more efforts. But now? "Tarkin looked at Anakin's face, slightly approached his ear, and whispered: "Some kind of rules are killing our soldiers, this is not a knife or gun, but some kind of seemingly non-lethal existence... I think now you can understand what I once said to you about...fear and deterrence. After finishing speaking, he turned to the officer and said loudly, "Send me a law enforcement team!" Put on the combat armor of those clones we brought, and grab the tasers! Forcibly **** people back! Our own soldiers, even if they commit a terrible crime, we still need our own court-martial to try them! As long as the royal guard dares to shoot, shoot and kill! "second

"Yes!" The officer immediately stood to attention and said loudly. Anakin-Skywalker closed his eyes. He knew that the Royal Guards would not back down easily. Today's incident was destined to become a farce.


"You're least in this matter." Anakin Skywalker said coldly, walking towards the outside.

"Healed already? What are your plans?" Tarkin asked.

"I will lead a commando to break into the city, find and destroy the separatist J-1 proton cannon, so as to ensure that our army's Cheer-class assault landing ship can enter the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite." Anakin As he spoke, he greeted Ahsoka Tano next to him,

"Let's go, little devil."