The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 236: Injori

"Star Wars: The Fourth Scourge (


A cargo ship came to the planet Injoli and landed on the planet's capital, Tol-Kachorn. In this city built with a lot of logs and animal bones, there is a leveled out site, and more than a dozen tattered spaceships are parked on it.

The cargo ship landed on the flat, and the hatch opened, revealing a mountain of weapons and ammunition inside!

Those Injoli people who had come to watch early on saw those weapons and ammunition, and they all shouted loudly! Then they were completely out of order, and they all rushed up in a swarm, rushing into the cargo hold to scramble for those weapons.

The scene suddenly became very chaotic. In addition, the Injoli people were all powerful, and they were like humanoid tanks. This Oro-class cargo ship was constantly scrambled by countless Injoli people. shaking.

At this time, three people walked down from the cockpit of the cargo ship. One of them was the Injoli man from the Fourth Group who broke into the sales center in Nassada. His name was Zam. The other person was the product manager who received him. Behind them was another person. This person had an oriental face with a long scar on his face. Incomparable.

But no matter how fierce, in front of this group of Injoris, they are as harmless as puppies.

Those Injoli people who were fighting for weapons saw that two human beings had come, and suddenly became angry, "Who gave you the courage to set foot on our sacred planet!!"

"Hahahaha! The food is here!!"

The two Injoris roared and rushed forward, about to tear the two humans apart!

However, at this time, the Injoli named Zam roared, he stepped forward, bang bang twice, and punched the two Injoli directly to the ground!

"Everyone!! Stop it!!" Zam yelled, but no one paid him any attention.

He went around the back of the spaceship, but saw the already messy cargo hold, and his anger rose up immediately. He rushed over like a tank, rushed into the crowd and used his fists and kicks, bang bang bang bang, and suddenly beat several people to the ground. Then he roared again, "Claw Guard!! Hit me!!!"

The Injoli, who were wearing relatively uniform black iron armor, who had been watching around, suddenly moved. They waved iron gloves with claws, and rushed into the crowd of looters like wolves entering the flock.

This analogy doesn't seem right, because both sides are humanoid weapons like tanks! Every one of them is thrown into the midst of mankind, and one or two hundred people will not fall down if they are not overturned.

This was a bloody, hand-to-hand battle, with fists and fists to the flesh, and they had no intention of keeping their hands because they were compatriots. In addition to useless weapons, it is really omnipotent to fight! Flesh and blood flew for a while!

After 10 minutes, the chaotic order finally ended when all those who were scrambling and scrambling were beaten to the ground by the claw guards.

But at this time, the cargo space of the spacecraft was already in a mess, and even the outer armor of the spacecraft had been removed several pieces! It looks like the Injori who dismantled the armor were trying to take these big iron blocks home and build themselves a pair of iron armor or something.

Zam's face became extremely grim, he walked in front of those who fell on the ground groaning and shouted loudly: "Do you know what you smashed? It's your compatriots in Naxada, in Tatu. Because, in Loen, these hell-like planets are paid for by their lives!! They eat bugs and mice all day long! Just to save money to buy weapons and buy spaceships! But!! Look at what you do!!"

The more he talked, the more angry he became, raising his leg was a kick, kicking the whole person under his feet and flying out!

"All those who robbed things, give me all the things and return them as they are! If there is any damage, then give me to the battlefield empty-handed in the next battle!" Zam yelled.

The Injoli who were beaten down struggled to get up one by one, and began to pack up obediently.

Zam didn't care about them anymore, pointed to the two representatives of the fourth group and said to the Claw Guards: "Remember me! These two people are our guests on the planet Injoli!! Black Ge gave up on us, only They gave us a guarantee of 2 million yuan!! But this fourth group helped us increase the guarantee to 20 million yuan!! It was they who made our soldiers wear armor and have big spearmen! Understand?! Hold a banquet!! "

After the order was completed, Zam came to the two representatives and said politely: "Mr. Johnson, Mr. Shen Yuanhao. We Indians are like this, the weak eat the strong! All the weak are given to the strong as trophies! The weak are only given to the strong. , There is no room to live!! And I am the most powerful person on the entire Injoli planet!"

"So, you are the person with the highest status on the planet Injoli?" The one who spoke was the fierce oriental face, Shen Yuanhao. As for Johnson, the product manager next to him, his legs were shaking and he couldn't speak.

"No, Great Chief, it's my Zam showed an ugly smile, "This military purchase is related to our big plan of the Injoris, so I have to handle it myself. "

He led the two of them all the way forward. On the way, he suspected that an Indian who had been crippled before was in the way. He slapped the man and slapped the man out, and the surrounding human rights did not see it.

In the evening, a grand banquet was held in the square, and Zam, the son of the great chief of the planet Injoli, warmly entertained the two representatives of the fourth group.

The rearranged weapons have been piled up beside the square, and every Injoli who attended the banquet looked at the mountains of weapons with burning eyes, wishing to grab the weapons now.

"Planet Injoli is too poor! Too small! Not enough for our lives, far from enough!!" Zam said while picking up a piece of half-cooked barbecue and biting it **** on the side of his mouth.

"You buy weapons because you want to rob them?" Shen Yuanhao had a big heart, as if nothing happened, he ate half-cooked barbecue and chatted with Zam.

"Weak people don't deserve good territory! Fertile land should belong to the strong Injoris!!"

"If you go to grab the spaceship and the caravan, you also have to look at the object. If you grab the trade union, the Interstellar Banking Association, etc., then you will only be able to eat and walk around. And if you go to grab a planet, then The Galactic Republic will not sit idly by." Shen Yuanhao said.

"No! Galactic Republic, I can't handle it!" Zam grinned, "We grab the territory and reproduce, it will take time. During this time, the Republic will not come over for this trivial matter."

"Who told you?" Shen Yuanhao frowned, this was not something that these gangsters could think of.

"Kigo-Damask II!" Zam said a name fiercely.