The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 483: new sis

483. New Sith (Can this chapter survive)

Hey~~ Tang Xiao's office door was opened, and a slender figure walked in.

Adela Katis.

She was only wearing a black gauze, her blue skin was smooth and delicate that day, her waist like a water snake twisted slightly, and the good exercise made the mermaid line in her lower abdomen clearly visible, and her beautiful legs were tight and slender. Stepping down one step, the pair of bare feet gently swept across the ground, the perfectly curved arches were weak and boneless, and the majestic peaks stood proudly.

Judging from what Tang Xiao knew about her, Adela Katis was actually a very conservative woman. She yearned for the light, but at the same time, she also had rich feelings, which made her easy to fall, but whenever, She always sticks to her bottom line.

But Tang Xiao didn't want to force something to happen with her, although he knew that if he really wanted to force, Edella would have to obey. At the same time, he is also very sure that if he did this, Aidra might have fallen faster, or had become his apprentice a few years earlier.

But that wouldn't be fun, would it?

Tang Xiao just watched coldly, watching Adela Katis wandering between light and darkness, watching her struggle between desire and reason.

She has cast a longing look at Tang Xiao more than once, hoping that Tang Xiao can use that powerful force to lock her actions, and then rudely take her.

But Tang Xiao never paid attention to her, because if this was the case, she would comfort herself instead, all this was forced, not her original intention.

Tang Xiao was waiting for her to take the initiative to break her bottom line.

Aidra Katis has come to Tang Xiao's desk at this moment, her eyes are full of fear and expectation, and there is a hint of intoxicated **** when she looks at Tang Xiao.

But she didn't jump up immediately, but kneeled on her knees very respectfully, put her hands on her lower abdomen, and said softly, "Master, those two Jedi Knights have already been killed by me."

"That Jedi Knight named Layun was your childhood sweetheart who grew up with you. How does it feel to kill him?" Tang Xiao smiled coldly.

Adela Katis closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "I think... he died too happily. I should break his fingers one by one, and then slowly cut off his Five senses, peel off his skin, and then throw him into the Gobi, which is full of gravel."

"Oh? You hate him so much?" Tang Xiao asked back.

"It's him who blocked my way! Corrupt me with a beautiful life and feelings, so that I can't embrace the darkness one day earlier, embrace... Master you..." Edra said, her breathing gradually became faster , The body is shaking slightly, and the body temperature is starting to rise.

She was using the greatest will to restrain herself from rushing towards Tang Xiao, and then handing over her everything to him.

Not because I don't want to, but because of fear...

After killing Layun, she finally came into contact with a deeper darkness, and in the face of such darkness, she could only be as humble as a slave.

Tang Xiao just glanced at her lightly, ignored her, and just let her continue to kneel like this.

He began to work on, and as the date approached, his business became more and more, and there were too many things that he had to decide personally, especially when it came to the Republic, when it came to Count Dooku, when it came to...

The one in the swaddling clothes,

Confederation of Independent Systems!

Count Dooku has begun to set up a regime that can unify the entire outer ring star region, including the parliament, the executive branch, the high command, the foreign ministry, the legislative branch, the public security law enforcement department, etc., all of which have already begun preparations for establishment.

And Claire Underwood will be appointed as the first chief executive of the new regime, coordinating all logistics and administration.

Of course, the existence of this regime must now be kept secret, because if it were exposed, the Galactic Republic would have to declare war on this regime immediately, and no one could stop it.

Because this is related to the government and sovereignty of the Galactic Republic, it is an act of division.

For any regime, acts of division have only one result - war!

The more it gets to this time, the more things will happen. Tang Xiao and Count Dooku, as well as some other powerful outer ring planets, and the six major corporate giants have more and more contacts, and things become more and more specific. change.

Tang Xiao just let Adela endure the torment of desire that came from her heart or even her soul, and made her kneel on the ground like this, while he was still waiting at the desk, handling various official documents, diplomatic notes and approvals.

Adela Katis knelt there and didn't dare to move, her body was dripping with sweat, and the layer of tulle was completely soaked, and a faint body fragrance began to permeate the air.

She looked at Tang Xiao, who was working hard, and the desire in her eyes could no longer be concealed. She didn't hide anything, she just expressed her **** desires naked.

She didn't dare to make a sound, she just knelt like this, and as time went on, her obsession with Tang Xiao became deeper and deeper, almost every action and expression of Tang Xiao made her feel extremely satisfied .

The ground beneath her was soaked with sweat and other fluids, but she still endured it.

I don't know how long it took, until the Dawn planet outside the porthole moved to the other side of Endo planet, Tang Xiao threw the document in his hand aside, looked at Aidra, and said softly: "Come here, step by step, slowly Walk slowly."

Adela Katis stood up tremblingly, she restrained her desire to fly over, and walked slowly step by step.

At a distance of 3 or 4 meters, she actually walked for a full minute! She slowly removed the veil on her body, stood beside Tang Xiao, and said very carefully: "I can put my body, my soul, my past, my future, my thoughts, my feelings, my fears , all of my everything, all to you? My master."

When she spoke, her voice was shaking violently, and even her voice was deformed.

Tang Xiao stood up, stretched out his hand to grab her chin, and pulled her into his arms suddenly, "I don't need you to say, everything about you is mine."

After saying that, he kissed directly.

(Thousands of words are omitted below, and I will write a side story when the lsp named Master Jing gets interested.)


After giving everything she had, it took another whole night for Adela Katis to wake up from her coma. She snapped open her beautiful golden eyes and found herself still in that messy office. Inside, Darth Marthael was already up, standing outside the window, looking at the vast universe on the other side.

Aidra Katis walked over, came behind Das Marthael, knelt on his knees, and said respectfully: "Master... This is my greatest honor."

"You will follow me, become my apprentice, my slave, and then join me in conquering this universe." Das-Mashayel said slowly.

Two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of Adela Katis' but she seemed to be unaware, as if it was a sigh left by the last ray of light in her heart. He said softly, "For your ambitions, your goals, I will never give up."

Darth Marthael turned around, raised his hand and put it on Aidra Katis's head. At this moment, countless pictures flashed through his mind. Among these countless pictures, he saw A slender and moving figure... She walks in the world, bringing countless sins, depravities and killings... She is alluring, beautiful and charming, and there are no adjectives to describe her beauty, just as there are no adjectives, Can describe her guilt.

Darth Malthael now understands what it was like when Darth Plagueis gave him the Sith title.

The title of the Sith is not random, but often represents the most essential thing of the Sith Lord.

And now, the essence of Aedra Katis was revealed in front of Darth Marthael, he said slowly: "In the name of darkness, give you the name - Darth Lilim!"