The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 552: Bloody Bespin (10)

552 , Bloody Battle Besping Ten

Planet Bespin, Cloud City.

This is an umbrella-shaped floating city with a diameter of 16.2 kilometers and a height of 17.3 kilometers. The umbrella handle at a height of about 11 kilometers is mainly an industrial area and as many as 36,000 sets of anti-gravity engines. It floats stably at a distance of 60,000 kilometers from the core of the planet Bespin, and it carries 6 million residents.

In fact, it was the existence of such a giant floating city that made the huge mothership Glory of the Fourth Civilization not so obtrusive. In the eyes of most people, the Glory mothership is actually similar to such a floating city.

And because of the shape problem, although the glory mothership is 40 kilometers high, it needs to exclude a lot of space to install the engine, and the actual volume is only about one-third of that of Yuncheng.

Yuncheng has a total of 392 floors, 150 floors are tourist areas, 51,100 floors are high-end residential areas, 101,120 floors are administrative office areas, 121,160 floors are private areas, also known as port towns, and continuing down are worker residential areas, industrial areas, and power areas. Such a low-level dirty place.

After Matt Horner occupied the planet Bespin, because he expected the Republic's upcoming counterattack, he drove all the residents of Cloud City below the 161st floor. Those well-dressed aristocrats and rich people who lived in the upper class refused to go to that dirty place, but driven by the army, they also had to squeeze together with those stinking untouchables, reluctantly living with resentment in their hearts. Down.

After all, Planet Bespin is different from those ordinary livable planets. There are only floating cities here, no wilderness areas, and no rural villages. Once a war breaks out, those civilians don't even have a place to evacuate.

After realizing that he was powerless to prevent the landing of the Republic Fleet, Matt Horner connected the communication of the opposing commander in the public channel.

"I am the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Admiral of the West Theater, Matt Horner." He stood up straight with his hands behind his back, but only his chin was facing the other party, and said proudly.

It not only shows the demeanor of one's own soldiers, but also expresses contempt for the enemy.

"Galaxy Republic, Admiral of the 19th Legion, Maglan." Admiral McGran gave a casual military salute, very perfunctory, "Then the traitors of the Republic found me and wanted to surrender?"

"The civilian evacuation zone is below the 161st floor of Cloud City." Matt Horner did not answer McGlenn's words, but said coldly.

"I understand what you mean. But if even one bullet is fired from the civilian evacuation area, my army will not hesitate to fight back." Admiral McGlenn also replied coldly.

"Then the 160th to 156th floors are used as a demilitarized zone, and our troops will not enter except for the minimum security forces. But if you break this point, we will regard you as no longer concerned about the safety of civilians, then We will take all possible means to fight back, and record the whole process of your atrocities and announce them to the entire galaxy." Matt Horner continued.

"Deal, young boy, I have been in the army for 40 years, what haven't I seen? I have my own integrity, and it will never affect civilians. It will also give you a miserable failure." Matt Horner, who was many years old, said, "Don't think that those businessmen give you the position of admiral, and you are great. Those businessmen of your separatism, I am afraid that you will never know what war is for the rest of your life, ha ha ha ha ha"

"Leave these words to your marines who are about to lay dead in the field." Matt Horner dropped this sentence and cut off the communication directly.

boom! ! A heavy cannonball hit a tall building, and a gap was blown out of the ultra-light alloy building. The outer shell twisted, and some structures fell overwhelmed.

Bang! There was a loud noise, and then there was a sound of metal rubbing. The falling metal parts hit a large walking machine with six legs, but the walking machine was as stable as a rock. The place where he came from fired three shots in a row.

Amidst the violent explosions, the soldiers of the Galactic Republic Marine Corps in gray-blue military uniforms struggled forward on the battlefield that was almost blown into ruins.

These soldiers wear polymer alloy helmets and a simple respirator, and only the chest and wrists are protected by polymer alloy armor. The standard weapon is a 3-blaster carbine.

Compared with the clone soldiers armed to the teeth, the equipment of these soldiers is crude, but in fact, this is the true appearance of the soldiers who account for more than 95% of the entire army of the Galactic Republic.

That's right, the 200,000 clone soldiers who are still struggling on the Geonosis planet during this period of time are almost equivalent to 5 of the entire Galactic Republic Army.

Because even the Galactic Republic, which has a population of trillions, does not have more than ten million troops, and there is no standing army.

After winning the Sith War, the Galactic Republic no longer had any enemies in the galaxy, and naturally there was no need for an army, and the Ruusan Reform came into being.

After this, the Galactic Republic really never really broke out in war, only some regional conflicts. And such a conflict, the Jedi Order can already handle it. Because a powerful Jedi Knight has the ability to directly enter the enemy's formation to take the core, capture the thief and capture the king, and also has the ability to solve problems diplomatically with superb eloquence and extremely high charisma.

It's really If you drive the judicial fleet over, even if you are not scared to death, you will basically not develop into a large-scale land battle. If the scale is smaller, there will be enough Jedi knights. With the deterrence of the fleet and the coordination of the Jedi Knights, many disputes are mediated in this way, and naturally there is no need for an army.

It was not until more than ten years ago that this model lost its effect in the face of corporate giants with growing strength and ambition.

In the past thousand years, the position of the Army of the Galactic Republic is roughly equivalent to the militia or the armed police. And now the army mobilized because of this war is actually basically drawn from the security forces of various planets, and the combat effectiveness and training level cannot be expected to be too high.

But even for such an army, the strong industrial capabilities of the Galactic Republic can equip them with powerful equipment such as tactical assault walkers.

"The southern section of Holiday Avenue encountered the landing of the Republic army! There are fighter jets bombing us, requesting air force support!" In a commercial building, the company commander of the Fourth Civilization Guard was reporting the situation of the enemy.

In the sky outside, there are fighter jets from the Galactic Republic constantly roaring past. They have a huge number, and they have made the fighter units of the Fourth Civilization lose sight of one another, and have already mastered the air supremacy in many places.

"There is no air support! But you must hold your ground, at all costs!" The instructions given by the rear were cold.

But the Army soldiers of the Fourth Civilization did not flinch in the slightest. The company commander said loudly: "Yes! We must hold our ground!"

He turned on the communication in his helmet and said: "Listen to the soldiers of the 1st company! Drive those sloppy Republic troops back to my hometown!"

Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: A corner of the bustling business district of Yuncheng.

Attachment 2 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Structural diagram of Yuncheng.