The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 670: Triumph and Trial

670 Victory and Judgment

22. On the night of August 14th, Galactic Standard Time, in a luxurious auditorium on the Lasax subplanet.

The news of the victory has already come from the front lines, and the news of the three battlefields of Christopher Sis, Bespin, and Fallin has excited those corporate giants who were once confused about the prospect of the war.

After all, the power of the Galactic Republic for tens of thousands of years has made it difficult for any one of them to really want to resist it. Even in the previous millennium, because of the results of Lusan's reforms, the Republic had almost broken its fangs and claws, but the huge size still made people shudder.

Before that, although the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy was victorious in many battlefields, it still lacked decisive results. Now, more than 150 hunter-class battlecruisers have been annihilated on the three battlefields. It can be said that now The mobile fleet available to the Galactic Republic is basically gone.

It can be said that after these few battles, they really saw the possibility of defeating the Galactic Republic.

Tang Xiao walked into the auditorium under the leadership of several waiters. Along the way, he could feel countless eyes falling on him, accompanied by whispers.

Words like the Dawn Star Bespin Republic fleet was completely destroyed, etc. came from those people.

In the two battles on Planet Bespin, more than 100 Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the Republic were destroyed, and the 19th Army was completely empty. Such a record also made Tang Xiao famous.

Thornhill, chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, also came to the venue early. He nodded slightly to Tang Xiao, and did not communicate too much, but this time their plan on the planet Christopher Sis can be said to have been a great success, muffled Thousands are fine, and there is no need to expose their private relationship on such an occasion.

Count Dooku was standing on the high platform of the auditorium at the moment, holding a glass of expensive wine in his hand, but looked at the situation below with a serious expression, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the lights in the auditorium suddenly dimmed, and countless stars fell from the sky. It seemed that at this moment, everyone had entered the universe from the gorgeous auditorium

"Although tomorrow is still far away, I will never hesitate"

"Yeah, I will be able to overcome all obstacles"

"Watch every moment, brilliance in the storm

"Use those injured hands to create a better future"

"with infinite radiance,"

"Don't give up on your dreams that shine in the storm!"

Alicia Isabelle descended from the sky, and her crisp and melodious singing voice matched with this impassioned music seemed magically inspiring. Even though the participants were all high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, these people were still like ordinary fans, looking up at the starry sky and at this goddess-like singer.

At the end of the singing, Alia Isabel disappeared into a ray of light, and then it was Count Dooku who appeared in the starry sky.

He raised the wine glass in his hand high, and said in a majestic and deep voice: "Let's raise a glass to victory! Let's raise a glass to the end of the Republic! Raise a glass to our war heroes!"

Then, several rays of light shone down on Tang Xiao and the Governor of the Enterprise Alliance, Passel Argent. Earl Dooku continued: "Governor Tang Xiao wiped out the main force of the Republic's 19th Army in World War I on the planet Bespin. The fleet, and the Enterprise Alliance, successfully occupied the planet Christophersis, and General Grievous, who was not present today, under his command, we also wiped out the entire fleet of the Republic on the planet Falin in one fell swoop! "

Those people in the audience toasted and cheered one after another, and those who looked at Tang Xiao were even more awed.

Under such lights, Parcel Argent's ashen complexion, which is unique to the Curiva people, became even darker. At this moment, he couldn't feel better at all, and he was extremely embarrassed by the flattery of those around him. cope with it.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Governor." The person who came was Dryden Voss, the leader of Scarlet Dawn. Tang Xiao was also one of the people he knew a long time ago, but after that, apart from some cooperation, they themselves did not have more Contacted.

"I didn't expect that since the battle of the Marathal star, the strength of the Dawn star has become so strong." Drydenworth said.

"After all, it's the teacher's cultivation." Tang Xiao turned around and said the word meaningfully.

Teacher, Heigodamask II.

Indeed, speaking of it, Drydenworth and the leader of the White Worm, Mrs. Vixi, are also one of the forces that Darth Plagueis once fostered. Up to now, it is just like the relationship between Tang Xiao and Thornhill. , which became a bond between them secretly.

Right now, Tang Xiao happened to have some things that he wanted to find him, but before that, he still made a superficial probe.

Drydenworth leaned close to Tang Xiao's ear, and the smell of alcohol in his mouth almost sprayed on Tang Xiao's face, and said softly: "That's right, we were able to get to where we are today because of the teacher's cultivation. And I also understand your other face."

"Help me with something." Tang Xiao said without comment, "I can give you what you want."

"If you don't even want to know why I'm looking for you, then please do so, the war hero Governor of the Confederacy." Drydenworth grinned, and the scar on his face changed with the smile. It twisted, which made his smile look a bit hideous.

"It has something to do with the Hutts, please?" Tang Xiao squinted at him.

"Sounds very interesting." Drydenworth's expression became grim.

"There are still many things we can do, let's go find her." Tang Xiao pointed to an extremely graceful and beautiful woman in a black evening dress on the other side, Gross Shelby, director of the Fourth Group Ya.

While the Lasax subplanet and even the entire confederation of independent galaxies are singing and dancing, immersed in the pain of the war is gradually being torn apart on the huge body of the Galactic Republic

In just one month, in three large-scale battles, the Galactic Republic destroyed most of the mobile fleet it could use. Even with the manufacturing capabilities of super industrial giants such as Quart Power Shipyard, it will take longer to replenish these warships. time.

The governor of the 19th Army, Suramar, returned to Coruscant. In fact, he also understood that the 19th Army was over.

After reporting to Speaker Shiv Palpatine and the Supreme Strategic Command successively, Suramar offered to resign on his own initiative, resigned as the governor of the 19th Army, and accepted the trial of the Supreme Military Court.

At the same time, the Fourth Civilization Fleet commanded by Lin Nanyi approached the planet Glenson from the south side of the plane star map, and the fleet led by Matt Horner had reappeared in the main line of defense of the 19th Army, outside the planet Karl.

Without the cover of the mobile force, the remaining 10 or so Jaeger-class battlecruisers are no longer able to provide cover for the four heavily armed space stations on the planet Karl's line of defense.

The 19th Army of the Galactic Republic is already facing a crisis of life and death, but the Republic has no more fleets to send reinforcements.

"To sum up, the reason why I took the initiative to attack the planet Bespin is entirely because of the wrong information from the planet Christopher Sis." Suramar, who was standing on the bench of the Supreme Military Court, seemed to be much older. He looked like an old man in his sixties.

He raised his head and looked at the other side of the trial seat with resentful eyes.

Admiral Woolf Ularen, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

"The commander of the front line of Christopher Sis must be responsible for this!" Suramar said loudly.