The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 726: Nassada's Disaster (Part 1)

726 , Nashada (Part 1)

"This..." Francis Underwood was a little embarrassed, "We have investigated and found that Puller Barron embezzled funds in the project and enriched his own pockets. In order to cover up the negative impact caused by insufficient funds , she demolished the east wall to repair the west wall, and hired a group of prisoners to do **** work, because the price of these prisoners was much lower than that of a regular **** group..."

"So, the news came from these prisoners?" Darth Marthael's voice became colder.

"Indeed." Francis Underwood lowered his head.

"I think, as punishment for leaking information, the place where the prisoners are located should have been bloodied?" Darth Marthael's voice is now as terrifying as the devil under the Nine Netherworld.

It is unimaginable that just 10 minutes ago, he was still laughing and laughing with Mun Te on the Astro-class frigate. Of course, Mun Te may be the only one who can joke like this now.

"This..." Francis Underwood's forehead had begun to sweat, he picked up a hand towel and wiped his forehead, "I'm asking the Intelligence Department to investigate which group of prisoners leaked... uh... "

Darth Marthael raised his hand and shook it, the terrifying dark side force traveled through time and space, instantly grabbed Francis Underwood's neck on the other side of the galaxy, and then lifted him directly!

Francis danced and struggled violently, but he couldn't even touch or see what was pinching his neck, so he could only move in despair, his face almost purple.

At this time, Darth Marthael waved his hand, and Francis was thrown to the ground with a plop. He rubbed his bruised neck and took a deep breath.

"Listen, my dear Prime Minister. I don't care if I killed the wrong people or if they had any other reason. All I know is that they leaked my information and that's enough! I Failure can be tolerated, but I will never tolerate stupidity! I can't tolerate pity! I can't tolerate betrayal!" Darth Marthael said coldly, "Tell me the creed of the Fourth Civilization."

"I... I am the natural disaster..."

"Very well, where are those prisoners?"

"Prisoners of the planet Kosher, they rioted and killed Republic officials, and are now in a state of autonomy. They do everything for money."

"Then, sign the order, in your name," said Darth Marthael.

"Yes... as ordered."

"Then, I'll tell you how the fourth natural disaster works." After Das-Mashayir finished speaking, he cut off the communication directly, turned around and went to the elevator of the tower, and came to the center of the tower——

The headquarters office of Titan Security.

Here, Mila-Han, Wang Bin, bigboss and Ni Yongxiao are all here, obviously they have already received the order and are ready.

"How are things going between Gadura and Jabba now?" Das Marthael asked.

"From the current situation, the two of them are combined, and the alliance between the Besadi family and the Desiligic family is almost inevitable. From the Hutt's point of view, they also believe that this is the most beneficial. The ending." Wang Bin said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Maybe the Hutts feel that they have been too comfortable recently!" Darth Marthael grinned, "Did they think that their chance is coming when the Galactic Republic splits and a civil war breaks out? Tatooine, It'll still be mine! Christopher Heath, they don't even want to get in a hair! Did Alok Bessadi think an alliance with Jabba would break his promise to me? Hehehe..."

"I've made a plan, and I'm waiting for your order." Bigboss said with a cigar in his mouth, "In ten years, we have taken root in Narsada, and it is no longer the time when we have just arrived here and have no firm footing. Now, just See how you plan to fight."

Several people present were photographed by Darth Marthael's terrifying power, only he was still smoking a cigar as usual.

"Alok Bessadi Ora." Darth Marthael said the name coldly, "He did see that I was gradually infiltrating the Hutt, and he wanted to stop this, Therefore, he did not hesitate to form an alliance with the Desiligic family, his long-time enemy. Jabba, who also understands this, will naturally not refuse... As for Gadura, she is just a useless person, and she cannot make any decisions."

"But... the Besadi family under Gadura's rule is a good family." Ni Yongxiao said lightly.

"The Bessadi family is still very stable at the moment. Alok does have two brushes. It's just... the Desiligic family, but not necessarily." Das-Masaiel said, "A year ago in the Kip, Jabba's father, Zorba Desiligic Thiul, was arrested there and sentenced to 45 years in prison. But among the Desilijic family, mainly Jabba's The uncles, both Giliak Desiljic and Jabba, were so happy to see the outcome that nothing was done to rescue him, although it was easy for the wealth and power of the Hutts. Mira-Han, it's up to you, save Zorba."

Mira-Han said excitedly: "Kip planet? It is under the jurisdiction of the Republic. If I want to go there to save people, I will definitely need the cover of the fleet!"

"Ah, Matt Horner's A-Fleet hasn't had any combat missions recently, and I heard that he just took over 10 new capital ships. Now there are enough troops, you can coordinate with him yourself." Das Massa Il smiled, "Then..."

"Ziro the I will find her. And you, bigboss, before the action, I have some things to go to the planet of Keschel, bring all the Kali people, and then follow I'll go," Das Marthael said.

"Your murderous aura can almost be seen with the naked eye." bigboss said lightly.

"That's right, now... I'm hungry..." A golden light appeared in Darth Marthael's eyes again.


Francis Underwood stumbled back to his mansion. He came to the bar, poured himself a full glass of wine, took a sip, and stood there contemplating.

A hand stretched out and took the wine glass.

Francis didn't look back, Perfume had told him that it was his wife, Claire Underwood.

Claire also took a sip of wine, looked at the bruise on Francis' neck, and asked, "What? I thought only the parliament of the Confederation of Independent Systems would fight. It seems that there is a lot of noise here on Planet Dawn. sharp?"