The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 760: Transportation


Newt Gunley looked horrified, "Did you miss it?"

Darth Masail said lightly: "For a long time, you have not figured out one thing. The Confederation of Independent Galaxies relies on the Trade Federation, the Interstellar Banking Association, the Fourth Group and so on. Only super corporations can exist. Without them, relying on the industrial capabilities of the outer ring star region alone, it is impossible to have a chance to fight the Republic."

Newt Gunray was silent.

"Correspondingly, Earl Dooku also relies on you to gain his current power. It is true that his powerful personal charm has united countless planets in the outer ring star region, but this is just the result of making the best use of the situation, isn't it? Even without him, Don't those outer ring planets dare to rebel against the Republic? No, not so," said Darth Marthael.

"You want me to replace him?" Newt Gunley finally said the outrageous words.

"Why?" Darth Marthael asked back, "Let Count Dooku get off this target? Hehehehe"

He sneered for a while, and dropped the last sentence, "We will meet again, Newt Gunley. At least for now, your life is saved."

After turning off the communication, Darth Marthael opened the cockpit and jumped down. Xiao Guanghua and the group of soldiers had been waiting for a long time.

But they didn't show any impatience, they just stood up straight immediately, puffed out their chests and gave a standard military salute, "Lord Dead Angel!"

Only the highest level of the fourth civilization knows about Tang Xiao's dead angel. On normal occasions, when he appears like this, he is a dead angel. And Tang Xiao's substitute will also be arranged at the same time.

For example, right now, the 850, which looks exactly like Tang Xiao, is enjoying Alicia Isabella's singing and dancing at the Dawn Star Theater.

Of course, as one of the veterans, Xiao Guanghua knew about it.

Xiao Guanghua now is completely different from when he was captured because of his impulsiveness in the Battle of Naboo 10 years ago. He has a beard and many vicissitudes on his weather-beaten face.

However, his gaze was as piercing as ever, just like it was ten years ago.

"How is the battle plan prepared?" Darth Marthael asked.

"Admiral Matt Horner has led the fleet to the predetermined location to hide. Once something happens in the target area that we planned, our fleet can arrive at the first time and launch an attack." Xiao Guanghua led Darth Masay Er said as he went to the command center.

"Since the fleet is ready, why is the army still delaying here?!" Darth Marthael asked gloomily, pointing to the tanks, armored vehicles and mechs still parked in the garage.

Xiao Guanghua quickly explained: "Because the Rookiehook-class battleship used to load troops was monitored by the Republic's outpost when passing through the hyperspace channel, they are making detours and camouflage to prevent the Republic from judging our real attack direction. .”

"There is no need to delay! The Republic cannot stay in the panic of General Grievous's ritual offensive! Terminus must be taken!" Darth Marthael snapped.


Darth Marthael nodded, and walked slowly along the base, checking the mountains of weapons and supplies inside the base, as well as groups of heavily armed soldiers.

Going all the way to the deepest point, there is a huge iron gate blocking a large warehouse. On the iron gate, there is an umbrella-shaped logo of Umbrella Biopharmaceutical Group.

The Fourth Civilization is a new group headed by Annette Birkin.

And this name, what this mark means, not many people know it at present.

22, October 3, planet Terminus.

As the intersection of two large hyperspace waterways, the Hydia Waterway and the Corellian Trade Waterway, the planet Terminus is still prosperous despite its remote location, and commercial trade has become the main source of income for the planet.

And because it is located near the Western Territory and the unknown star field, you can still see many races and spaceships that are very different from the Galactic Republic.

The planetary government joins the Galactic Republic in name, but retains most of the autonomy. In fact, the Galactic Republic does not want to pay too much attention to such a remote place. So what if this is a traffic artery? It is still remote.

Like most trading planets in the Outer Rim, this place is full of smugglers, bounty hunters, gangsters, and fish and dragons.

And of course, the forces of the Hutts also infiltrated the Gorensla tribe rns on this planet. This is a powerful tribe under the Hutts Oruba Gorensla, and it is enough for Oruba to be in the Hutts. A powerful force occupying a seat in a parliament with only 5 seats.

Oruba wants to build this place into a smuggling and crime center similar to Jabba's planet But his plan has just begun, and the Hutts are far from controlling the entire planet. the point.

After the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, the planet Terminus declared neutrality and refused to allow the fleets of both warring parties to pass through the hyperspace channel near its own planet.

22, October 3, planet Terminus.

As the intersection of two large hyperspace waterways, the Hydia Waterway and the Corellian Trade Waterway, the planet Terminus is still prosperous despite its remote location, and commercial trade has become the main source of income for the planet.

And because it is located near the Western Territory and the unknown star field, you can still see many races and spaceships that are very different from the Galactic Republic.

The planetary government joins the Galactic Republic in name, but retains most of the autonomy. In fact, the Galactic Republic does not want to pay too much attention to such a remote place. So what if this is a traffic artery? It is still remote.

Like most trading planets in the Outer Rim, this place is full of smugglers, bounty hunters, gangsters, and fish and dragons.

And of course, the forces of the Hutts also infiltrated the Gorensla tribe rns on this planet. This is a powerful tribe under the Hutts Oruba Gorensla, and it is enough for Oruba to be in the Hutts. A powerful force occupying a seat in a parliament with only 5 seats.

Oruba wants to build this place into a smuggling and crime center similar to Jabba's planet Tatooine, but his plan has just begun, and the Hutts are far from controlling the entire planet.

After the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, the planet Terminus declared neutrality and refused to allow the fleets of both warring parties to pass through the hyperspace channel near its own planet.

Attachment 1 of Easter Egg Chapter: The busy space port of Terminus planet.