The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 768: Jabim's Endgame (Part 2)

In Camp Cobalt, the base camp of the Galactic Republic army on the planet Jabim, an extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle is unfolding.

The Jabim National Army gathered its last strength, gathered more than 25,000 fighters, and cooperated with more than 10,000 remaining robots and the remaining 6,000 jackals to launch a general attack on the Cobalt Camp.

Both sides have no way out, and the heavy equipment of both sides has been exhausted in the previous battle, so this offensive and defensive battle is completely a hand-to-hand battle!

The Jabim National Army charged bravely. When there were robots in front, they followed the robots. When the robots in front were destroyed, they puffed up their chests and used their bodies to block the deadly blows for the comrades who followed. Blaster beam.

The 227 Fire Hail Combat Machines had been completely destroyed by the counterattack of Master Cyrus before his death in the previous battles. Now only 4 9-Nest Spider Combat Machines can provide limited fire support. Therefore, these Jabim National Army The soldiers held the cluster bombs and charged towards the crazy-firing Republic 9 anti-infantry turret!

The Army of the Republic is also almost in a desperate situation. In the case of poor supplies, in order to ensure the strength of the previous offensives, they handed over most of the equipment and ammunition to the frontline troops. Now most of the people staying in the Cobalt camp are wounded And the soldiers who were rotated out in the previous battle, as well as some Jabim government soldiers with poor equipment and morale.

The most important reason why the supply of the Republic is not smooth is the sacrificial offensive launched by General Grievous. This series of great large-scale battles directly crippled the Galactic Republic, and the position of the planet Jabim has also passed. After your large-scale map coloring this time, the area of ​​contention between the two sides has become the rear of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies.

And the ensuing large-scale offensive of the Dawn Star against the planet Terminus also made the Republic very nervous. The Dawn Star, which had twice severely damaged the history of the Republic's Mobile Fleet before, would now receive serious concerns every time it took action. Coupled with the direct relationship between the governor of the 18th Army, Wilhelm Takina, and the speaker Palpatine, many resources of the Republic are now tilted to the 18th Army, so there is no time to pay attention to the planet Jabim.

Facing the desperate attack of the Jabim National Army, the Republic Army also fought back desperately.

The fighters of the Jabim government army could not retreat, so naturally they gritted their teeth and fought.

As long as the wounded in the field hospital were still able to move, they got up and picked up their weapons to join the battle. If they didn't have enough blaster rifles, they took pistols and climbed up when they didn't have enough pistols.

The Jedi apprentices who hadn't participated in the previous battles but were in charge of logistics and medical work in the rear also stepped onto the battlefield one after another. Many of them couldn't even use lightsabers to bounce the blaster beams, so they also participated with blaster rifles in their hands. fighting.

Many Jedi apprentices are not over 14 years old, perhaps in the inner ring or inner circle planets, such children are still in school and enjoying a carefree childhood, but for Jedi apprentices, they have the talent of the force, which is also took responsibility.

This battle is bound to be bloody.

When Anakin Skywalker and the remnants he led back to Camp Cobalt, all that remained was the devastated and dilapidated battlefield, the destroyed 9 anti-infantry turrets, billowing smoke, and the trenches being filled in repeated bombings. Ping chatted about the wreckage of several assault transport boats falling to the ground, and the flames had not been extinguished.

Anakin didn't approach him rashly, but hid behind a hill and checked the camp with binoculars.

There was no doubt that the camp had been destroyed, the flames and smoke not even the rain could extinguish. The outcome of the battle was evident as some 1 battle droids remained on the battlefield, sorting out the spoils under the command of a squad of Salarian soldiers.

Most of these 1 battle robots lack arms and legs, but at least they can carry out some handling work.

And on this battlefield, more corpses

dead bodies everywhere

filled up


The countless corpses of the clone soldiers, the Jabim government army, the Jabim national army, and the jackals almost covered the entire battlefield.

Almost every inch of land on this front with a width of more than 10 kilometers is the object of contention. You can even see the corpses of soldiers from both sides entangled. See, but in fact, when both sides have lost their heavy weapons and the battlefield is covered in pouring rain, sometimes hand-to-hand combat is the easiest and most direct way.

and jedi knights

Seeing the corpses on the ground being picked up by the robot and then thrown naked into the pile of corpses, Anakin Skywalker could only feel a nameless fire spreading in his heart.

The body of a Surust girl was picked up by the battle robot with one hand and shook a few times, and a shiny card fell out of her clothes.

Anakin knew her, her name was Elora, she had a powerful telepathic ability, she could even directly sense the thoughts of others from a hundred meters away, and the most important thing was that she had just turned 17 years old. That card was a gift from her best friend in the Jedi Order.

On the other side, two Salarians were squatting in front of the corpse of a female Jedi knight and studying it carefully. From time to time, they were still discussing seriously, as if they were very interested in the victim in front of them, purely academic.

Anakin's pupils constricted instantly, it was Master Leska! One of the three Jedi masters in charge of the overall command in this military operation against the planet Jabim! She was also the supreme commander of the army after the sacrifices of Master Nokuna and Master Cyrus, and her sacrifice shows that

All I saw were the two Salarians tearing off Master Leska's clothes, revealing the graceful curves under the robe.

Perhaps for the Salarians, they were just curious about this powerful person, but for Anakin, this meant the greatest offense!

A tendon in his brain seemed to be broken, and he rushed forward with a roar! At this moment, there is nothing else in his mind except the idea of ​​killing!

kill! kill! kill! kill!

kill them!

Kill them all! !

When Anakin recovered from his anger, the battlefield had returned to silence, and the ground was still full of corpses and wreckage, so that he didn't even know what he had chopped up just now.

"Well done, General."

"This is the fate of these separatist bastards." Every clone trooper who walked past him said with respect or enthusiasm.

they're talking about a kill

In such a relaxed tone.

Anakin Skywalker lowered his head, only to see that what he was stepping on were corpses scattered all over the ground. Lavender skin with fine scales

Salari people.

A race that is said to have come out of an unknown star field to ally with the Dawn Star.

Himself just chopped them up, along with every Separatist soldier and droid on this field who were cleaning up their loot.

But it's still killing!

"It was a beautiful battle." A clone soldier passed by him and said.

Yes, they are just clones, with a life cycle of only 2030. They are killing machines that have been indoctrinated with the means of killing since they were young. They are also killing machines that this republic is now using to fight against separatists.

They don't have any sympathy, just like now, they only pay attention to how their generals kill simply and efficiently on the battlefield, and they don't care about the meaning behind the killing.

What these separatists want is nothing more than a full meal, a shelter, and a piece of warm clothing

After learning the story behind the Jabim planetary battle, it was hard for Anakin not to sympathize with such an opponent.


Anakin looked at his hands, then clenched his fists tightly, and said lightly: "Let's go! Follow the traces and chase! Maybe we still have troops retreating!"

Anakin thought well. Indeed, there was still a Republic army that survived tenaciously. They were retreating southward, waiting for reinforcements from their only hope, the Republic.

There are not many troops of the Jabim National Army chasing them, and most of them are robots that have survived the battle, most of which are serial combat robots.

However, under Anakin Skywalker's angry attack, these pursuers were quickly killed and scattered. The escaped Republic troops sensed the arrival of reinforcements, and immediately mustered their last strength to turn around and fight back, annihilating all the pursuers.

After reuniting with the remnants, Anakin found that they only had more than 400 clone soldiers and more than 1,000 fighters of the Jabim government army. They were commanded by the clone commander Alpha 17 and the Jabim government army. Commander Olyss Gilman.

"Although it's inappropriate to say this now, I'm glad you saved our lives, Master Anakin." Gilman didn't know the difference between a Jedi knight and a Jedi master, so he stepped forward and said, "And, You are the last of our Jedi here."

Alpha 17 said: "We failed to hold our position, General Anakin. The Separatist attack was insane. All Jedi, including apprentices, went into battle. While our position was being torn apart, Master Kalais Leading the last few Jedi Knights to launch a desperate assault, trying to kill the Jabim separatist leader who went to the battlefield, Altostratus. Before she left, let us retreat immediately, for the Republic on the planet Jabim Keep a spark."

"Did she succeed?" Anakin was surprised by his cold tone at the moment.

Alpha 17 shook his head, took out a portable holographic projector and turned it on. In the holographic image, Altostaratus was still wearing military uniform, and the blood on his body had not been washed, but he was already giving an impassioned speech, announcing with his own victory.

The planet Jabim will become independent from the Galactic Republic. They did not let their devastated planet join the Federation of Independent Galaxy and join the war, but they still signed a series of mining and other cooperation agreements with the Federation.

The voice of Alpha 17 sounded from the side, "General Calais was very close to Alto Stratus at one time, and Artor was also very tired at that time. But that traitor, Ulu Ulex, never left Alto, he Fighting with General Carles, blocked her offensive, and then the Yunyu Commando arrived in time to completely surround General Carles and the others."

"This is not over yet! Master Carles and their sacrifices will not be in vain! After receiving reinforcements from the Republic, we will launch a counterattack! Completely defeat the separatist forces of Altostratus!" Anakin Skywalker firmly He said, "I have already sent an emergency message to Coruscant, and I believe they have already taken action."

"I only hope that the assistance of the Republic is strong enough. After Aalto won this victory, his power will continue to expand every day." Olis Gilman said.

Sensing the arrival of reinforcements, he mustered his last strength and turned around to fight back, wiping out all the pursuers.

After reuniting with the remnants, Anakin found that they only had more than 400 clone soldiers and more than 1,000 fighters of the Jabim government army. They were commanded by the clone commander Alpha 17 and the Jabim government army. Commander Olyss Gilman.

"Although it's inappropriate to say this now, I'm glad you saved our lives, Master Anakin." Gilman didn't know the difference between a Jedi knight and a Jedi master, so he stepped forward and said, "And, You are the last of our Jedi here."

Alpha 17 said: "We failed to hold our position, General Anakin. The Separatist attack was insane. All Jedi including apprentices went into battle. Torn apart in our position At that time, Master Calais led the last few Jedi Knights to launch a desperate assault, trying to kill the Jabim separatist leader, Altostratus, who was on the battlefield. Before she left, we retreated immediately, for The Republic keeps a spark on Jabim."

"Did she succeed?" Anakin was surprised by his cold tone at the moment.

Alpha 17 shook his head, took out a portable holographic projector and turned it on. In the holographic image, Altostaratus was still wearing military uniform, and the blood on his body had not been washed, but he was already giving an impassioned speech, announcing with his own victory.

The planet Jabim will become independent from the Galactic Republic. They did not let their devastated planet join the Federation of Independent Galaxy and join the war, but they still signed a series of mining and other cooperation agreements with the Federation.

The voice of Alpha 17 sounded from the side, "General Calais was very close to Alto Stratus at one time, and Artor was also very tired at that time. But that traitor, Ulu Ulex, never left Alto, he Fighting with General Carles, blocked her offensive, and then the Yunyu Commando arrived in time to completely surround General Carles and the others."

"This is not over yet! Master Carles and their sacrifices will not be in vain! After receiving reinforcements from the Republic, we will launch a counterattack! Completely defeat the separatist forces of Altostratus!" Anakin Skywalker firmly He said, "I have already sent an emergency message to Coruscant, and I believe they have already taken action."

"I only hope that the assistance of the Republic is strong enough. After Aalto won this victory, his power will continue to expand every day." Olis Gilman said.