The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 792: Dawn's glory

792. Glory of Dawn

The Glory of Dawn-class mothership, the Shining has arrived, please provide an anchor in outer space. In the control room of the Terminus planet spaceport, there was a communication.

The dispatch officer quickly replied: "We haven't received the notification from the headquarters yet, please go to the No. 3 satellite orbit temporarily. What is the mass of this spaceship?"

The empty cabin has a mass of 3 million tons and is currently fully loaded with a total mass of 48 million tons. The mothership Shining sent data.

The dispatch officer entered the data into the computer, and then said: "Please enter the satellite's gravitational circle at a distance of 15,000 kilometers from the No. 3 satellite, and fly around the satellite synchronously. Please keep the momentum and don't be captured by the satellite's gravity."

Okay, please notify Admiral Matt Horner to come and hand over as soon as possible. The Shining mothership said.

"Okay." The dispatch officer didn't dare to neglect, and quickly informed Admiral Matt Horner of the news, "Our fighter squadron will take off to guide your actions. Please forgive me, this is a necessary procedure."


The 12 Wraith fighters immediately took off from a nearby Rookie Hook-class battleship, came to the front of the mothership, and followed the mothership half-guiding and half-monitoring.

At the same time, Admiral Matt Horner also received news that a mothership was coming for reinforcements. He immediately put down his work and went to the command center.

After showing his identification code and authority, Admiral Matt Horner boarded the bridge of the Shining mothership, and began to formally handle the handover work with the captain.

"I salute you, General Matt Horner. I am the captain of the USS Shining, Colonel He Ru." A soldier in his 50s came over and gave a military salute.

He is very short, only about 1.63 meters, but his skin is dark and rough, his figure is stocky, and he looks extremely calm.

Matt Horner bowed back and asked, "I haven't received any news from Dawn Planet that such a mothership will arrive."

"This is what the governor meant. The Shining Mothership is the prototype of the Glory of Dawn class carrier. Currently, this ship is still being tested. However, the Governor thinks that the situation on Planet Terminus urgently requires a Glory of Dawn class mothership." Therefore, let me come here immediately filled with supplies, while assisting you to complete the construction of the defense line, and at the same time complete the flight test." He Ru said.

"This mothership is almost the same as the Glory mothership." Matt Horner looked around.

"That's right, the mothership of this class was originally named the Glory of Higlar class, but under the order of the governor, the name was changed to the Glory of Dawn, which also heralds our honor." He Ru said.

"What can this ship do?" Matt Horner asked.

"Like the Glory mothership, construction, scientific research, colonization, production, everything can be done." He Ru said, "The Shining mothership is equipped with a 300-meter-class cruiser dock, two 150-meter-class destroyer docks, and Seven 20-meter-level fighter factories. In addition, there are ammunition and missile factories, various industrial product processing factories, and a group of large-scale molecular-level industrial aircraft.”

He clicked on the data on the screen, and then said: "However, unlike the Glory mothership, the Dawn Glory-class mothership was designed and built entirely as a front-line spacecraft. This new type of mothership is more flexible in size. And it has comprehensive armor protection. Not only that, the Glory of Dawn has very powerful anti-aircraft firepower. In order to improve the coverage of anti-aircraft firepower, more than 200 guide rails are set on the surface of the spacecraft, allowing the near-anti-aircraft guns to slide freely outside the spacecraft. Change deployment location."

Matt Horner nodded and said, "In other words, the Glory of Dawn class mothership can even build warships and fight at the same time on the battlefield?"

"Now the Supreme Command is indeed discussing the feasibility of this combat method, but in view of the construction cycle of a warship, I don't think it is feasible." It's a good fit so I think the captains commanding the Martha-class missile cruisers will welcome us."

"I understand the meaning of the headquarters." Matt Horner nodded solemnly, even a little unable to restrain his inner excitement.

As far as the current situation of the planet Terminus is concerned, the arrival of the Shining, the Glory of Dawn class mothership, is completely a timely help!

The planet Terminus had been severely damaged in previous battles.

Because the battle fell into a stalemate for a while, the core of the two sides' contention was the mines and factories on the planet, as well as the resource collection points set up on the satellites. Therefore, in the repeated competition, the damage was very serious.

Now everything on the planet Terminus needs to be transported from the direction of the headquarters of the Fourth Civilization, but the problem of the hyperspace channel has not disappeared because of the victory of the Fourth Civilization. The materials transported from Planet Manfa are still affected by the shipping lanes and are very limited.

Under such circumstances, if the Galactic Republic continues to increase its troops, the situation in the Battle of Terminus will once again appear that the Fourth Civilization cannot match the Galactic Republic's reinforcement speed, and thus fall into a bitter battle.

Of course Matt Horner knows that Tang Xiao has been busy outside now, just to mobilize other forces to contain the Galactic Republic, but at the same time, the planet Terminus also needs to constantly improve its defense level.

The most ideal state is that the planet Terminus can be self-sufficient.

The arrival of the Glory of Dawn-class mothership, the Shining, is the key to solving this problem!

Even if the Shining is not expected to be able to build a fleet immediately, the production line carried by the Shining can immediately start producing Brown Bear-class heavy destroyers and guard-class air defense destroyers that play a great role in It can also mass-produce vulture droid fighters and ghost fighters.

The most important thing is that the production of the Huoyun series missiles used by the Martha-class heavy cruisers can also start!

Once there are enough logistical supplies, the firepower that the Martha class can burst out can be said to be insane!

Not to mention that the Shining can also provide support for the planet's industry. The molecular-level industrial master machine can produce a large number of high-precision processing equipment, which greatly improves the production process of the planet's factory.

With the addition of the Shining, Matt Horner can finally relax.

Because the defense of Terminus planet will be as solid as a rock!

Standing on the western border and looking at the Milky Way in the distance, this is the strategy of the Fourth Civilization!

Tragic losses and sacrifices cannot stop the progress of the Fourth Civilization! A temporary stop is for the next step, to go further and faster!

Attachment 1 of Easter Egg Chapter: Glory of Dawn, Glory of Higra.

: In the official setting of the Glory of Higra, the size is not specified. The only one in which the size is specified is the Kushen mothership, which is 41.37 kilometers. However, in the game database, a size was once defined for the Kushen mothership, which was 2138.1 meters, but later this data was proved to be an error.

On this basis, further judgments are made. In the plot, the construction time of the Kushen mothership is 60 years and there is only one. The Glory of Higra is a mass-produced mothership, and the construction period is one month. This aspect is the hope of resurgence. The embodiment of Gera's strong industrial strength is also the embodiment of the scale of Higra's Glory. Therefore, the size of Higra's Glory is defined here as 2138.1 meters.

As for the 2470 meters of Higra's Glory mentioned in the website video, I didn't find the source of this data, so I won't use it.