The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 834: lingering nightmare

834、The lingering nightmare

"Shen-Jon! What are you doing?!" Seeing the movements of the battleships, Ith-Kos shouted angrily in the communication.

"Destroy the Plague." Shen-Jon said indifferently.

"The combat order I gave was to attack the separatist transport ship!" Ith-Cos said while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"The opponent is Severance Tann, you have no chance to attack the transport ship. If you do, it can only mean that she made you do it. Only by killing her first can you defeat her fleet!" Shen- Jon said.

Ith-Kos was already very upset because he was forced to come into contact with Shen-Jon's dark side force when he was navigating the force. Now Shen-Jon's words are looking down on him inside and out. , which made him even more angry.

Although he didn't say anything, Yisi Kos was somewhat affected by the contact with Shen Jon's dark side force just now.

"I'm the commander-in-chief here! It's not your turn to point fingers!" Ith-Kos snapped, "Send orders to cut off the navigation connection with the Shen-Joen battleship, and rearrange the formation! Attack the separatist transport ship! "

The tattered Chaser-class battleships that had followed Shen-Jon immediately began to turn and returned to the array when they heard the order.

Shen-Jon looked at the Separatist fleet that was waiting on the sensor screen, fell silent for a while, and the commanding battleship also returned to the array.

He's definitely dying, but in this situation, he wants to rely on a Chaser-class battlecruiser to take on the titan HMS Plague? This is something only a fool can do.

But now Shen-Jiao En's face is very ugly, but the messy stubble on his face hides his expression, and he stares at the star map without saying a word.


In fact, at the same time that Shen-Jon locked Severance Tann with his own force, Severance Tann also locked him.

She looked at the void of the universe, her eyes cold, "Is it you again? The ghost that has been following me. Who are you?"

Since the raid on the planet Sarabine, Severance-Tann has always felt a pair of eyes watching her, no matter where she is or what she is doing, this feeling of being spied on has never disappeared.

At first, she thought it was the psychological trauma she had left in the war. After all, although the raid on Salabin had a good start, her ending was not at all good. She was defeated by a Jedi master who had her arm chopped off, and it was Darth Lilim who later saved her.

Although the arm was connected by Tang Xiao's life force, it was intact, but the fear of dying was always lingering in her heart.

That is, from then on, she felt a gaze always following her.

But in the following actions, whether it was the attack on the planet Christopher Sis or the raid on the planet Cato-Neimoidia, she traveled more than half of the galaxy. Although she followed her, she never showed up.

But as time went by, Severance Tann gradually guessed who the gaze belonged to...


It was the Jedi Knight who fell from the sky and chopped off one of her arms (Chapter 590)!

She didn't know the Jedi Knight's name, but it was getting clearer. That's right, it's him! !

The revenge of the cutting arm must be paid in blood!

At this time, some spaceships of the Fourth Civilization have arrived here one after another. Most of them are **** fleets from various places, so they are mainly gray horse-class **** aircraft carriers and home-class **** aircraft carriers.

Because the Harm galaxy near the Blade Fleet is the jurisdiction of the Galactic Republic, it is not difficult to knock it down, but this galaxy has no strategic value, so the Fourth Civilization did not take action here. Now, it's a problem here, because it's very difficult for them to unknowingly drive the ship before the Republic notices, and they can only do it stealthily.

The Gray Horse-class **** carrier is 210 meters long and carries only 48 aircraft. Although the 800-meter-long home-class **** carrier has a large amount of aircraft, in order to carry out this mission, it is equipped with shuttles and rescue boats to **** the spacecraft.

So now the fighters she can use are only 300 Ghost fighters.

But even so, it didn't extinguish the flame in Severance Tann's heart, "Are you finally ready to show up? Hehehe... It's fine if you don't show up, now that you show up, you're just showing me weakness. what!"

Severance Tann's eyes carried a hint of sarcasm, "This shows that before this, you didn't want to show up, but you didn't dare! Hahahaha! At that time, I held the fleet and sat on the plague Titan. Battleship, you dare not come to me! Hehehe..."

Immediately, her eyes turned gloomy, "Then now, it's time for us to make a break!"

The Republic's spaceship arrived unsurprisingly. The feeling of being spied on is getting stronger and stronger, and now it is like a sharp knife, wanting to pierce her heart all the time!

But that's what makes it exciting enough.

Kill this nightmare that has followed him for half a year!

Severance-Tann understood this, since that person could keep staring at her, he would be able to find her. However, this is a barren area that is not directly connected by a hyperspace channel. It is very difficult to come here. She has three more days than the Galactic Republic!

And these three days are her chance to win!

Seeing the Republic battleship as she had flew directly towards her transport ship and opened fire, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Severance Tann's mouth, "So, you follow I've been at this level for so long? Hehehe... Then, I'm welcome. Retreat as planned."

The last sentence was her order to the combat staff.

Following her order, 6 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, 10 Gray Horse-class **** aircraft carriers, 5 Homeland-class **** aircraft carriers, and 5 Cobalt-alloy-class heavy frigates on the side of the Fourth Civilization Fleet began to fight and retreat, shrinking the formation, Then hid in the array of Blade Fleet.

The Titan battleship Plague where she was in also began to retreat, but did not enter the formation of the Blade Fleet, but prepared to go around from the side of the fleet formation.

Seeing the opponent retreat and comparing the strength of the two sides, Jedi Master Ith-Kos said loudly: "Their fleet is too small now, and it is not our opponent at all!! Rush over, as long as they destroy their transport ships, they will be forever. I can't get my hands on the Blade Fleet! Be careful not to hurt those Dreadnoughts. The Blade Fleet, the Republic's fleet, is the sharp knife that is about to pierce the heart of Separatism!"

At this moment, Shen-Jon suddenly opened his eyes, opened the communication and shouted loudly: "Can't chase!! Back!! This is a trap!!"