The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 861: The Givens go to war

861. Ji Wenren Participated in the War 25, Asking for a Monthly Ticket

The temporary calm on the battlefield does not mean that nothing really happened between the warring parties. On the contrary, a bigger storm is constantly brewing.

On January 35th, after a long period of quarreling, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic Council, Shiv Palpatine, finally announced that he would vote on whether to send an investigation team to the planet Yagdur, the home planet of the Givins, in 3 days. .

Members of the Givens have repeatedly objected to this, but this time Palpatine made up his mind, and the vote was finally officially held on February 3.

In the end, the parliament passed the resolution with 67 votes in favour, 22 against, 9 abstentions and 2 nullified.

Palpatine announced that he would send a special envoy headed by Beil Organa, a member of the Alderaan planet, to go to the planet Yagdur to investigate the illegal construction of warships by the Jiwen people.

The Jiwen people need to cooperate with the investigation and explain clearly the purpose of their warship construction, as well as the type, quantity and source of funding of the warships that have been built.

At the same time, the Customs and Commerce Department of the Galactic Republic also launched an investigation into the previous logistics records of Planet Yagdur.

However, the results of the investigation were unexpected. All the logistics records of Planet Yagdur in the past 10 years had been deleted, and no data could be found at all.

This intensified the Galactic Republic Council's suspicion of the Jivin.

On February 5, the investigation team set off. But the Jiwen people set up a hyperspace blocker again, blocked the traffic, and refused the investigation team to enter.

In the afternoon of that day, Bel Organa issued a strong ultimatum to the Jivan people, demanding that the Jiwen people must open the border within a standard day to welcome the investigation team to enter.

The Jiwen people have not responded, but the nearby Republic outpost detected that the hyperspace traffic signal in the direction of the Golden Rock planet south of the Yagdur planet and close to the Gran people has become busy, which is more than five times the normal situation.

On February 6, Bail Organa returned to Coruscant and publicly announced the breakdown of negotiations in the council. Ji Wenren MPs were immediately expelled from the Galactic Parliament Building.

On February 7th, the speaker of the Galactic Council, Shiv Palpatine, authorized the Governor of the 20th Army of the Republic, Octavian Grant, to lead the fleet to forcibly enter the planet Yagdur.

That afternoon, Octavian Grant's fleet arrived in front of the hyperspace blocker array on the planet Yagdur, and began to fire to forcibly break the hyperspace blocker.

An hour later, the Jiwen people issued a statement, saying that the Galactic Republic ignored the declaration of neutrality and forced neutral planets to participate in the war, which violated the Constitution of the Galactic Republic and trampled on the sovereignty of the Jiwen people. In retaliation, the Jivin announced their withdrawal from the Galactic Republic, openly joined the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and issued a war mobilization order.

That night, after destroying the hyperspace blocker, a total of 10 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and 1 Cheer-class assault landing ship of the 20th Army Fleet of the Republic jumped into hyperspace again and broke into the range of the Yagdur galaxy.

However, this hyperspace jump was affected by the gravitational force of the three stars inside the Yagdur galaxy, and the jumping point deviated. Two of the hunter-class battlecruisers deviated from the course and lost contact after 30 minutes.

According to the video images sent back by the two Jaeger-class ships before they lost contact, although the interference on the battlefield was very serious, it can still be recognized that they encountered an extremely large mushroom-shaped space station.

After comparison by the intelligence department, it is believed that the mushroom-shaped space station in the image has a similarity of more than 70%, and it is the Argonev-class interstellar base that appeared in the Battle of Bespin before! However, the size of this interstellar base in the image is far larger than the one on Planet Bespin!

Out of cautious consideration, Octavian Grant immediately led his army to retreat.

On February 8, the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic formally submitted its operational plan to the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic, preparing to launch a full-scale attack on the planet Yagdur.

On February 9, with the personal signature of Speaker Palpatine, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic approved the plan.

At the same time, the fleet of the 20th Army of the Republic began to assemble on the planet Jizhou, with Jedi Master Shakon SN and her apprentice Belis Alkan BSRN sitting in command of the fleet.

Master Shakon is a Kordo, the niece of Jedi Master Procon, who possesses strong telepathic abilities and is powerful.

At the same time, the Jiwen people are also actively deploying defenses. According to the monitoring of the border post of the Galactic Republic, at least 10 large warships set off from the Dawn planet and entered the Yagdur galaxy via the Golden Rock planet.

The war is about to break out in the Jagdur galaxy, which has been quiet for tens of thousands of years, but because of the complex environment of the Trisolaran galaxy, the 20th Governor Octavian Grant did not rush to attack, but gathered a large number of mathematicians and astronomers , constantly calculating and observing the recent trajectories of the three stars in this galaxy, looking for the most suitable time to attack.

The official intervention of the 20th Army also means that for the Fourth Civilization, they will have to open up a new front in the Yagdur galaxy, and at the same time face the two major armies of the Republic 18 and 20 in the north and south directions.

And what's worse is that Wilhelm Tarkin's abilities needless to say, Octavian Grant will also be one of the famous Marshals of the Galactic Empire on the list in the future, and he is also a very difficult opponent.

Because Admiral Trench received the call from General Grievous, and was going to continue to command the fleet of the Enterprise Alliance to start the next phase of the raid on the Central Star District, Tang Xiao had to adjust his deployment again, recruiting General Ling who had just awakened. Liang went to the Yagdur galaxy to serve as a military advisor At the same time, Lin Nanyi was transferred from Severance Tann's b fleet as Ling Liang's adjutant.

Lin Nanyi had previously led the fleet alone and had combat experience on Planet Seria and other places. Letting him serve as Ling Liang's adjutant would help make up for Ling Liang's lack of experience in space combat.

At the same time, Tang Xiao also wanted to see what Ling Liang's ability was.

And at this time, the communication that Tang Xiao had been waiting for for a long time finally rang again.

He looked at the message attached to the communicator and understood the identity of this person. He also put on his formal suit very solemnly, straightened his clothes to ensure a meticulous image, and then connected to the communication.

The communication was connected, but the image of the other party was not projected at the first time. Instead, a few extremely beautiful maids came, paved a road with flowers, and then covered it with a layer of silky and soft cloth. Then an old man came over.

He has some wrinkles on his face and looks about 60 years old, although considering his net worth, he must be much older than he looks. Wearing a white and soft robe that is as light as nothing, with very gorgeous shoulder ornaments, the snow-white hair is neatly combed behind the head and falls down like a waterfall, reaching the waist.

With such an appearance, even Tang Xiao had to admit that it really looked like a fairy.

"Mr. Tang Xiao." The old man said slowly, "I am Bangila Ulan, the patriarch of the Ulan family, and the chief director of Lundili Interstellar Power Company. I heard that your memory is not very good, but it's okay, you know this The weight of the name will do."

Attachment 1 of Easter Egg Chapter: Jedi Master Shakong. In the original plot, she escaped Order 66, but in the ensuing Jedi purge, she tried to assassinate Darth Vader, but failed and died.