The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 936: Battle of the West: Battle for Tiblin

936. Battle in the Western Territory: Fierce Battle at Tibring

The Salarian fleet broke into the planet Aiatu 6, and took off more than 10 vulture robot fighters from the doomsday battlefield-class battlecruisers.

These fighter jets rushed into the planet's atmosphere and bombed several major cities on the planet Aiyatu 6.

Planet Aiyatu 6 took off some self-made fighter jets to intercept them, but they couldn't even touch the tail of the vulture robot fighter jets, and the poor anti-aircraft firepower on the planet was useless.

More than a dozen vulture robot fighter planes were wreaking havoc on the planet, even passing over the capital of the planet repeatedly, and then randomly fired and bombed some ground targets.

However, the firepower of this fighter is just that. Two laser cannons and four light concussion missiles blew up several gaps in some buildings, causing more than a hundred casualties. After that, they were finally attacked by dozens of times the amount of anti-aircraft firepower. And fighter jets shot down.

However, although the loss was not large, looking at the burning buildings and the wreckage of the vulture robot fighters that fell to the ground and still billowing in smoke, King Antbianprol III of planet Aiyatu 6 connected to Ron Shilien. The communicator fell to his knees with a plop, begging the Republic fleet to return to the division for rescue as soon as possible.

Ron Schlien couldn't help it either. Although the fleet of the Salari has run away now, and the planet Tibrin has no fleet cover at all, they still can't do it, because almost every civilian on the planet Tibrin died because of the killing of the dictator Suli Blantu. Very supportive of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Now that the matter of Planet Tibulin was causing a lot of trouble in the media, it was impossible for him to order orbital bombing, so he had to lead the fleet back to Planet Aiatu 6, and once again had a lingering relationship with the Salari fleet.

but still no result

The battleships of the Amarr Empire technology tree used by the Salarians are really too hard, and as soon as the battle starts, the three doomsday battlefield-class battlecruisers will definitely lock on to the three hunter-class battlecruisers immediately and start absorbing energy. The three Jaeger-class ships were abolished, further weakening the firepower of the Republic fleet.

And this time Ron Schlien also understood the reason why this fleet is so difficult to crack armor! Still **** armor!

In the previous interstellar wars in this galaxy, everyone's warships used deflector shields as the main means of defense, but there is a characteristic that no matter how you fight, the energy loss caused by the deflector shields is real.

But now these armors that have energy reactions on the surface are more powerful than imagined. The proton torpedoes fired by ordinary fighter jets are okay, but those laser cannons and blaster machine guns like small water pipes can’t be moved, causing a little damage to the armor. There is no loss!

The effect of the fighter group was weakened, which made the hunter-class battlecruiser, which was essentially an aviation battleship, immediately lose half of its power.

The fleets of both sides entangled each other again on planet Aiyatu 6 without causing too much loss. For the Republic, three more Jaeger-class ships were absorbed by the Doomsday Battlecruiser-class battlecruisers of the Salari, and the energy reserves were bottomed out, so they had to resupply on the planet Aiyatu 6.

Then the Salarian fleet turned around and ran to the planet Tibrin after clearing the hyperspace blocker again.

Next, Ron Shilien had no choice but to follow quickly. He didn't dare not follow, because although he couldn't carry out an orbital strike on Planet Tibulin, the Salari troops could. After all, the Republic fleet still had two Cheer-class assault landing ships supporting the battle there.

He didn't even dare to divide his troops, because the fleet in his hand had an advantage, but if he divided his troops, he would undoubtedly be unable to defeat the Salari's fleet.

The two sides are here, you come and go in circles, until Anakin Skywalker led the 501st Legion to arrive, and then there were three cutting-edge Jaeger-class battlecruisers and one Cheer-class assault landing ship. , let the troops relax a bit.

At this time, the 41st Storm Legion of the Republic that landed on the planet Tibrin has been fighting hard for many days. On this planet, they have no sympathy at all, and there is no assistance. Struggling under the impact of the robot army.

Two days before the battle, the 41st Storm Legion once hit the core of the capital of the planet Tibrin with the fire support of two Cheer-class ships, but the acting governor, the dark believer Sorabalk, had already sensed the danger and led the government members Went to another secret command center.

Afterwards, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies commissioned the Technology Union to transport several 1 heavy-duty proton cannons 1prnnnns, and deployed them in hidden places inside the city.

When the Republic's Cheer-class assault landing ship launched another attack, 1 heavy proton cannon suddenly fired!

This cannon is carried on an autonomous heavy robot chassis, 400 caliber, and is specially used for planetary orbital defense. And it can fire unique proton shells, even the armor of the cheerer class, which uses neutron star matter collapsed into atoms, can't hold it!

One of the cheerers was severely damaged and had to land on the outskirts of the city, and the other cheerer had to leave the capital to take shelter.

In the ensuing battle, the 41st Storm Legion had to surround this forced-landed Cheer-class assault landing ship, lingering in front of the tide-like Ishtibu army and robot legion.

Fortunately, Ron Shilien, who was reinforced at this time, led the fleet to kill The Salarian fleet, which had consumed a lot during this period, did not dare to directly attack them and could only retreat temporarily.

Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano led the 501st Legion of the Republic to land on the planet Tiburin, threatening the flank of the Separatist army on Tiburin from the other direction, causing the opponent to temporarily retreat.

After the rendezvous of the 501st Legion and the 41st Storm Legion, the situation was a little better, and then Anakin Skywalker began to deploy a plan to destroy the opponent's 1 heavy-duty proton cannons.

While the battle was raging on the planet Tibrin, so was the battle in the Eliadu system.

Severance Tann finally launched a general attack after the trial was over and he learned about the defensive firepower deployed on the five satellites of the gas giant planet Tarastra, the fifth planet in the Eliadu galaxy.

She mobilized 20 ogre-class torpedo cruisers and bombarded 5 satellites indiscriminately! Flames and flashes of explosions are constantly set off on these moons.

Severance Tann fully studied the revolution laws of several satellites on the planet Tarastra, and seized every intermittent attack that these satellites could not cover each other.

At the same time, her sharp blade fleet is also constantly fighting with the fleet of the 18th Army of the Republic!

The 60 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers and 10 Cole-class battlecruisers were fully fired, and the blaster beams of death and supermatter electromagnetic guns were fired crazily, and powerful firepower poured on the Republic fleet.

The fighter jets of both sides are also strangling in the air, and the elite of the Fourth Civilization is out. Although the fighter group composed of Ghost fighters, Viking fighters and Reckless-class and Spear-class light frigates is insufficient in number, it is still a huge threat!

Attached picture 1 of the Easter egg chapter: 1 heavy proton cannon, this picture is not very clear, but the size of this cannon can still be seen by comparing the 1 combat robot that carries the shells below.