The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

v2 Chapter 983: Aftermath of Terrorist Attack (Part 1)

983、Aftermath of Terrorist Attack

Shiv Palpatine stood in his office, turned around and looked out the window, the fighter jets passing by, the spaceship of the Public Security Department with red and blue lights flashing, and the terrified crowd.

Rushclovis stood awkwardly behind Palpatine, not knowing what to say. The speaker in front of him was obviously completely different from before. This person was full of indescribable power, which made people feel frightened.

"Ainl Timm was rescued." Shiv Palpatine said slowly, "At the same time, someone sneaked into your residence and encountered the Jedi Knight I arranged. Now you are just a Poor **** everyone has given up on, Clovis."

"Coruscant Coruscant was attacked? It's impossible." Rush Clovis raised his head abruptly, "By the way, Padmé! Padmé is also in the Capitol! There was an attack here, she may have Danger"

Palpatine looked at him with those poor eyes, "Poor guy, don't you realize that Padmé's heart has been taken away by a Jedi knight?"

"Jedi Knight? How is this possible! Isn't the Jedi Knight unable to have secular fetters?"

"So I said, you have been abandoned by everyone. The Interstellar Banking Association, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, the Galactic Republic, and even your former lover" Palpatine said with a sneer, "However, I still think that you are still Still worth it."

"What do you want?" Clovis felt a little bad.

"The Galactic Republic under the rule of the Jedi Order has come to an end, or should have come to an end. Just like the Interstellar Banking Association under the leadership of the Muuns, isn't it?" Shiv Palpatine's smile gradually became ferocious , "During such a change, this is your only chance! When you reach the peak, when you sweep the Jedi Order into the dustbin of history, and make Padmé Amidala suffer from the wrong choice, isn't it Isn't that what you should be doing now?"


"Think about it." Palpatine patted him on the shoulder. "Now, I'm going to issue an amnesty to those desperate bounty hunters, and then put an end to this farce on Coruscant."

"Could it be that you are leading all of this behind the scenes?" Clovis's cold sweat immediately dripped from his forehead.

Palpatine smiled and put his index finger on his mouth. "Promise me that after you leave the office, everything will be between the two of us."

The kidnapping case that shocked everyone in the Capitol of the Galactic Republic finally ended with Speaker Shiv Palpatine signing an amnesty decree, letting Cadbain and his group leave.

Palpatine claimed that he made this decision to protect the safety of the kidnapped congressmen, and other than that, he did not have any agreement with this group of vicious kidnappers.

However, during this kidnapping, more than a dozen members of parliament still died unexpectedly. This result caused the security of the Congress of the Republic to be criticized.

What is even more deadly is that some surviving congressmen later stated in interviews that when the kidnapping happened, a Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker was also on the scene, but obviously he failed to stop the incident. Kidnapping happened.

Under the exaggeration of some intentional media, the kidnapping of the Parliament was linked to the incompetence of the Jedi Order, and Anakin Skywalker suffered tremendous pressure because of this.

At the same time, three other major events occurred in Coruscant that day.

The energy center on the 10th floor underground of Coruscant was destroyed. The prison of the Ministry of Justice was attacked, and Congressman Ainletim was missing. In addition, the mansion of Rush Clovis, representative of the Interstellar Banking Association, was also attacked.

This series of events can't help but be linked to a series of recent parliamentary resolutions, and countless speculations and discussions are almost everywhere.

The result is also frustrating

This series of attacks exposed Coruscant's flawed security. Seven days later, Councilor Ainletim appeared on the planet Marathal and officially announced his joining the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.

In order to hunt down the assassin, the Jedi Master Ross Delmasona, who was in the mansion of Rush Clovis at the time, was killed by the murderous assassin, which shocked the Jedi Order.

Master Yoda, the leader of the Jedi Order, personally led an investigation team to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Finally, under strong pressure, Shiv Palpatine announced that the instigator of this series of terrorist attacks was the separatists, and the Galactic Republic would fight to the end against such cruel terrorist acts.

After that, under the auspices of Palpatine, the Galactic Council passed a resolution to add a war loan to the Interstellar Banking Association, and the interest on this war loan reached as much as 25! At the same time, it will also serve as a policy mortgage by relaxing the supervision of the Interstellar Banking Association.

It is worth mentioning that Rush Clovis, a representative of the Interstellar Banking Association, personally took charge of this loan, embarrassing the Muun representatives who were traveling with him. And under the auspices of Rush Clovis, the Interplanetary Banking Association severed all ties with the Trade Federation's representative in the Galactic Council, Lott Dude. Bayi Chinese Network

In secret, Rush Clovis also started to act. He refused to accept all instructions from the co-chairman Thornhill in the name of different positions, and repeatedly stated within the interstellar banking industry that Thornhill was involved in separatism. It is a stupid act that will bring the entire Interplanetary Banking Association to its end.

At the same time, investigations into this series of terrorist attacks were also launched immediately. All relevant departments and personnel who have made mistakes and omissions, and may even collude with the separatists, have all been dealt with.

With this incident, many hostile forces, including the Fourth Civilization, have dealt a severe blow to their informants and intelligence networks in Coruscant.

However, at this moment, a very dramatic scene happened.

At the same time as the terrorist attack, the parliament of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies had just passed a resolution, agreeing to contact the Galactic Republic, and trying to reach a peaceful ceasefire agreement with the Galactic Republic.

The formation of the special envoy has just started, and the big news of multiple terrorist attacks on Coruscant broke out there.

Afterwards, Speaker Shiv Palpatine made a public speech, condemning the Confederation of Independent Galaxies for saying one thing and doing another, and on the surface they said they wanted peace, but in fact they were launching terrorist attacks and destroying peace.

But at this time, Earl Dooku rarely directly stood up and confronted Palpatine, directly saying that these terrorist attacks were all directed and staged by the Galactic Republic, and that the one who really wanted the war was the Galactic Republic.


They have proof!

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met someone he knew well, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to about this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the **** Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the **** smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.