The Full-level Boss, The Group Pet Lady a Has Exploded

Chapter 1087: A day of murder

Since the broadcast of this game variety show, the audience's response has been excellent, and there are many sponsors with deep pockets.

Therefore, although the waitress costumes prepared by the program team are not comparable to that of Ran Xiaodong, who is a popular singer, and that they are not as exquisite and luxurious as Miss Chen Yao's rich family, the material of the material is barely acceptable.

In a show similar to this, almost all the female stars participating in the same variety show want to be ostentatious. Ran Xiaodong has always regarded Xiaohua Chen Yao, a newcomer of the younger generation, as a competitor, but when Gu An changed clothes and walked out of the locker room, the whole person Immediately attracted by the suffocating beauty.

A waiter outfit, with a white shirt on top and a small burgundy waistcoat, and a skirt of the same color on the bottom, revealing a pair of straight and slender long legs, the lines of which are exquisite and perfect.

Rao is a mediocre outfit, but when she wears it on Gu An, it makes her bulge forward and backward, and her figure is exquisite, not to mention, that exquisite and beautiful face is enough to kill the entertainment industry in seconds. A group of female stars.

With such beauty, it's a pity not to debut!

In this face-seeing era, Gu An can totally "beautify and commit murder", but her mind is already smart enough to make her sit on a lot of wealth, and she doesn't need beauty bonuses to get these.

Some people are born to be the darlings of fate.

For example, Gu An.

Everyone present looked at her with envy, jealousy, hatred, envious of her beauty, envious of her being very rich, and hated her and a perfect boyfriend like Huo Tingxiao!

Why did God give her all the best of everything?

Is there any justice in this world?

"The Game of the Times" tells you that there is!

Among the many characters of Paramount, there are four souls who are sexually contaminated by wolves.

As long as you find those four people, vote them out, and win the game, you can get the chance to re-turn the gear of fate and rewrite everyone's fate.

Werewolf Kill is a multi-player, language-driven, strategy board game that competes eloquence and analytical judgment. The game's mechanics are similar to killing games, and it is divided into two camps: the werewolf camp and the good man camp. There are various victory conditions: all werewolves out, good guys win; all good guys out (slaughter), werewolves win; all civilians out or all priests out (slaughter), werewolves win.

When the recording of the show started, twelve people sat at the same round table and started the whole game.

In the 12-person werewolf killing round, there are a total of four werewolves (one person can be killed every night after dark);

4 villagers (exercise the right to vote during the day, try to find all werewolves and vote them out);

Four gods: Prophet (you can check whether a person is a good person or a werewolf every night), Witch (have a bottle of antidote and poison, the antidote can save people who were killed by a werewolf at night, and the poison can kill a person , two bottles of medicine cannot be used on the same night), after the hunter is out, you can shoot the gun to take away a person, when the idiot is exiled during the day, the flop can be exempted from exile, and the werewolf does not need to chase the knife.

In addition, the witch cannot save herself the whole time. After the idiot activates the skill flop, he can still speak normally, but he cannot participate in the voting, nor can he be the target of handing over the police badge, and the hunter cannot shoot because of the voodoo.

After the judges introduced the rules of the game, the staff distributed the ID card information.

Face-to-face killing is more of a test of the ability to hold one's identity than net-killing. When Gu An got the identity card, he did not rush to open his own identity card, but turned to observe other people's facial expressions.

After everyone had finished their cards, Gu An revealed his trump card, witch.

This is a very operational identity card, but if you accidentally stand on the wrong side and poison a divine card, it is likely to be sprayed as a fool by many spectators.

In short, people who play this card are either brilliant, or they are old dogs.