The Full-level Boss, The Group Pet Lady a Has Exploded

Chapter 784: Can you show me that dubbing?

Whether it is a TV series or a film crew, under normal circumstances, a professional dubbing team will be specially prepared.

On the one hand, it was because the radio at the filming site was full of noise, and on the other hand, it was because no one actor's line skills could reach an excellent level.

The setting of the dubbing group is precisely to facilitate the audience to appreciate the thoughts and emotions of the characters more immersively.

In this case, choosing the best dubbing for the actors can undoubtedly greatly improve the quality of the entire play.

Although Ji Lingfeng's acting skills are good, after all, he has transformed from an idol star to an actor, and his skills in lines still need to be improved, which cannot be compared with professional dubbing actors who have been in the industry for decades.

To this end, Mr. Huang, the voice actor specially invited by Director Chen, has become an important factor in making the role of King Lanling more full and three-dimensional.

This time, although the film directed by Director Chen has not been officially completed, after hearing the sudden news, everyone's faces showed embarrassment.

The reason is that the promotional video for the movie "King of Lanling" will be released on major platforms today. Mr. Huang, who died in an accidental car accident, is the main voice actor of the entire promotional video.

Before today, he has completed most of the dubbing, only the dubbing of the last paragraph.

It was originally planned to release the completed film promotional video on major platforms after the final dubbing is completed today.

But now, if I find another voice actor to replace Mr. Huang, and re-duplicate the voice he has dubbed, it will be too late in time.

However, at this time and a half, other people couldn't imitate Mr. Huang's voice and dub the last paragraph in his place.

Without him, this promotional video would have caught a cold!

The staff of the crew asked anxiously: "Director, what should we do with today's movie promotion?"

Director Chen thought for a moment, then ordered, "Let the other voice actors in the dubbing team try one by one and see who can match the last paragraph."

"Director Chen, that's Mr. Huang's voice!"

Who doesn't know that Mr. Huang can be called a "ghost-level dubbing actor" in the dubbing industry. His unique voice and dubbing skills are a level that other dubbing actors cannot reach in their entire lives.

Ordinary audiences may look at the dubbing of movies and TV shows and think that it is easy for anyone to change.

But in fact, after a deep understanding of the industry, you will find that dubbing is far less simple than imagined.

This time, Director Chen deliberately paid a lot of money to ask Mr. Huang to come out and dub the role of King Lanling played by Ji Lingfeng, in order to improve the style of the whole movie to the most perfect state.

But now, just as the movie is about to release a promotional video, the most important voice actor has a car accident!

In the face of the staff's doubts, Director Chen irritably grabbed a handful of his own hair that was barely left: "Don't I know it's his dubbing? Let others try it first, it really doesn't work... It really doesn't work. …”

The rest, Director Chen did not continue to say.

As a film director who strives for perfection, he does not allow any flaws in his films.

Mr. Huang is the best dubbing actor he has ever seen, and the best dubbing for the role of King Lanling. Without him, would the whole movie still meet the perfect requirements in his mind?

For a while, Director Chen was in a state of confusion.

At this moment, Gu An, who was about to leave, stopped and asked, "Can you show me the dubbing of that movie's promotional video?"