The Full-level Boss, The Group Pet Lady a Has Exploded

Chapter 882: Who will attack her?

The direction the man pointed was exactly the exit of the nightclub.

Gu An pursued him all the way, and immediately called Huo Tingxiao.

After introducing the situation here in the most succinct words, Gu An recalled the killer's appearance: "Height 180, weight 120-130, single eyelid, high nose bridge, dark green pupils..."

When he said this, Gu An suddenly remembered that the nightclub top brand also had eyes with dark green pupils.

Is it a coincidence?


"An An?" Huo Tingxiao's voice rang across the phone, pulling back Gu An's wandering thoughts.

At that time, Gu An had already chased to the door of the nightclub. In front of him was a bustling street full of traffic, and Annie had long since disappeared.

The nightclub guests behind him rushed out of it in fright and fled in all directions.

The surrounding hustle and bustle merged with the glitz of the city in front of us, stimulating people's nerves and brains again and again.

Amid the hustle and bustle, Gu An continued to speak: "The killer has the same pupil color as the disappearing nightclub's top brand. It is not ruled out that they are a group."

Now, Annie has long since disappeared, and Gu An can only inform Huo Tingxiao to do it.

Although Nandou's base is located in the Middle East, its sphere of influence spreads all over the world. If Huo Tingxiao made a move, the probability of finding Annie would be much higher.

At the same time when Huo Tingxiao dispatched people to search for it, Gu An began to investigate the background of this nightclub.

This nightclub has not been established for a long time. The owner behind it is a Middle Eastern businessman who is responsible for recruiting handsome men from all over the world.

As for the top card, it appeared here a year ago.

With his handsome face and dark green eyes, he won everyone's attention as soon as he appeared, and he rose to the top of the nightclub.

It's just that there is absolutely no background information about this top brand on the Internet.

He is like a person who appeared in this nightclub out of thin air, without knowing any identity background, after suddenly appearing, he mysteriously disappeared again this time.

But up to now, Gu An is still unable to determine whether this person was kidnapped by the killer along with Annie, or whether he was subordinate to the killer and complicit.

Half an hour after Anne disappeared, Noel received the news.

After he found Gu An, he immediately said to her, "Senior sister, I hope you can keep the matter of Annie's disappearance a secret."

In this regard, Nuoer had his own concerns and said, "As a royal princess, Anne's whereabouts not only represent her personally, but also the image of the entire country of M."

Gu An nodded and agreed to his request: "Okay, I will try my best to suppress this news. But the current priority is that we must find Annie as soon as possible."

After all, in terms of kinship, Annie and Noel are far better than themselves.

In particular, the two were born together in the M royal family. In this regard, Gu An fully respected her decision.

Although there is no blood in the box on the second floor of the nightclub, the testimony of the two male models can also prove that Annie was forcibly taken away by the other party.

But being alive at the time doesn't mean the killer will always be kind to her.

The longer Annie goes missing, the more detrimental it is to her safety.

Moreover, Gu An has always been puzzled by one thing—

Although Anne is a princess of the royal family, her status is far less noble than that of Noel as the crown prince.

If they came for the M royal family, the person who should be kidnapped most should be Noel, not Annie.

But if it wasn't because of her status as a royal princess, who would attack Annie?