The Full-level Boss Took the Sick and Weak Script

Chapter 348: A girl with a dream of a rich woman in h

   Chapter 348 The girl with the dream of a rich woman in her heart

   He came over to Su Nanzhi during recess and said a few words in a low voice, almost bending over to her ear and saying it to her alone.

   "Su Nanzhi, why are you staring at An Yunhuai today?"

  Su Nanzhi: "What's your business?"

   This sentence is asked with sincerity.

   She stares at whoever she likes to stare at, and her eyes have the power to see all the beauty in this world.

   Zhao Qingheng frowned: "I don't mean what you think."

   "Then what do you mean?" Su Nanzhi confronted him.

   Zhao Qingheng paused, "Do you know that staring at a boy so often is easy to misunderstand?"

  Su Nanzhi: "?"

   Good guy, does the squad leader manage to be so wide?

  Su Nanzhi raised her eyes and stared at Zhao Qingheng's face that could be called a little white face in the entertainment industry for a while, until he looked embarrassed.

   "What are you staring at me for?"

  Su Nanzhi supported his chin with his hand, looked at him meaningfully and said, "I've been staring at you for a long time now, why, am I interested in you too?"

   Zhao Qingheng: "..."

   He glared at Su Nanzhi a little angrily, then ignored her, leaving behind "I can't communicate with you at all" and left.

  Su Nanzhi: "..."

   What's the matter? You get angry so easily, are you a primary school student?

Because the monitor's voice was so low that other people couldn't hear him clearly, as soon as he left, Du Zijin turned his head to gossip quietly, "Zhizhi, what did the monitor just say? How could I see his face? not too good?"

  Su Nanzhi: "Who knows?"

  Du Zijin: "Zhizhi, your words are a bit ruthless."

   She approached a little and whispered: "According to my observation, since you entered the school, the monitor's attention to you has never declined."

   "You know, he used to care about two things, one is grades, and the other is class discipline."

  Su Nanzhi was silent for a while after listening to Du Zijin's words, and then said, "You mean, he specifically targeted me?"

  Du Zijin: "..."

   This answer is really an unexpected series.

   The straight daughter is undoubtedly hopeless.

If it wasn't because of Zhao Qingheng that they were not far away, Du Zijin wanted to stand up and shook each other's shoulders and said to her: "Wake up, sister, this is obviously love, you tell me this is called targeting ?"

  It's a pity that Du Zijin can't be so presumptuous.

   The big CPs in her heart are still Teacher Jiang and Doctor Jiang.

  Su Nanzhi and Zhao Qingheng have a weak sense of CP, and they can't get up for the time being.

   "No, Zhizhi, the monitor is just more concerned about you. Think about it, he usually cares about whether you have completed your homework." Du Zijin expressed his views very implicitly.

  Look, he cares about you!

  Su Nanzhi didn't respond, and even just stared at Du Zijin blankly, "Are you sure this isn't catching the hindrances in the class?"

   It is clear that she basically doesn't do much homework.

  Du Zijin: "..."

   A deep sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

  The straight daughter is not enlightened, the pair can’t fight, so let’s say goodbye.

  Su Nanzhi really doesn't understand Du Zijin's brain hole.

   In the same way, Du Zijin didn't understand, how could the little girl not decorate the campus Mary Sue in her heart?

   Zhao Qingheng is the school grass!

  Su Nanzhi actually has Mary Sue in her heart, but the routine of "overbearing school grass falling in love with me" has been eliminated thousands of times for her.

   Her current routine is "When a beautiful boy meets a rich woman".

  Su Nanzhi: A girl with a dream of a rich woman in her heart.

   (end of this chapter)